Tied Down
The first iPad was simply not ready for primetime when I bought it. That's what makes the N7 so great -- it's Google's first effort, and it's a grand slam. Everything works as designed, the way you expect it, right out of the box.
Well of course, they just waited long enough to copycat and avoid a learning curve. Whoop dee doo. Anyone can do that. That's (long before the patent infringement case) been Samsung's MO for a couple of decades. Cheaper parts, copy everything, make enough money to fight the court battles. This one has the possibility of really hurting them for that bad behavior this time. We shall see.
So you're saying there weren't ANY previous versions of Android on PHONES prior to their tablet that were utter messes either, right?
No Google phone that was god-awful or anything?

One is a $632B company selling stuff at a high margin, the other is a $222B company giving away hardware in hopes of building a business out of their small cut on media delivered to the device. The market is big enough for both.
If GOOG had the ability and forethought to build a tablet back in the iPad 1 days, it would have sucked. They had to go buy a company already failed that needed a (literal) bag full of cash ($10,000 to be precise) to continue operating until GOOG came courting. Wasn't a market for what they were doing prior to AAPL creating the market for them. They were focused on location-aware phones to track the user and sell them stuff, not a workable phone OS that mimicked a desktop computer with a touch screen. They only got serious about making Android do real stuff after AAPL proved that was what people wanted their smartphone to do and built a way to distribute software to the end-users devices.
It's nice to see them finally get it right, but the tablet is just like Apple's was... A continuation of the phone code base.
Nexus 7 isn't revolutionary, it's evolutionary just like iPad 1, 2 and 3.