iPad map ap???

Looks like the "Lite" version allows just one stored map to be on you ipad at a time. The "0.99" (apparently currently on sale) version allows as many as you want :yesnod:
It needs a "Download All" button badly at the State level. Downloading individual Counties or Cities is a pain if say, you wanted to do a driving cross-country.

Also curious, but don't have time to test... wonder if they fixed the problem ForeFlight ran into where iOS 5 will delete downloaded data to make room for other downloaded data unless you utilize the new API to lock things...

Download another giant file, say a movie... lose your maps...

FF fixed it, wonder if these guys did for $1...
I thought that an OS update helped that out too after FF did it internally....

Looks like this also has input you can get from Wiki regarding popular destinations or things. Zooming in on a historic church or popular landmark, some have things you can press on and it shows a picture.

Adding them to the bookmarks then allows you to have a group of places you want to see allready loaded. Open the bookmark, and it shows you the distance to each from your current position.

Wouild be neat if it could connect the blue dot to the pin with a route, but still a decent deal for a buck.

I agree about the download all if you wanted a section of maps.
I'm not an iOS developer but my reading of it was that iOS 5 added the deleted files problem for large files stored in an unprotected area the OS provided that was protected in previous iOS versions.

The iOS update was to allow developers to flag large items their application would break without, as protected again.