

Filing Flight Plan
Jan 20, 2024
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How are insurance rates for aircraft owners trending? Still seeing increases?
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Subject: News from AssuredPartners Aerospace
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 14:31:03 -0400

AssuredPartners Aerospace News

Q3 2024

What a difference a quarter makes. Abundant aviation reinsurance capacity has fueled aviation underwriting capacity resulting in the supply-demand balance tipping mostly in favor of the aerospace insurance buyer. Rate stability has been most favorable for light aircraft, corporate flight departments, and airline risks. Renewed appetite from London underwriters has even led to some favorable results for more complex risks that had been especially hard hit by the recent hard market.

The cautionary tale in all of this, however, is to remain alert. Unlike previous aviation insurance market cycles, volatility of worldwide events and their potential to directly impact aerospace claims could make this more consumer-friendly cycle shorter than before. Because the global aviation market is so small, the entry or exit of even a small number of carriers can quickly impact rates. Now, as carriers have become more data-driven, they nor their reinsurers will likely stomach even a short run of negative performance.
As of this afternoon, my rate through AP for a 2000 182-S ($325,000 valuation), 61 year old 302hrs ASEL IR dropped from near $5,500 to just over $3,300 and they are still shopping a couple of additional underwriters to make sure there are not better quotes. Last year was quoted while still a student/ same airplane. Certainly improved because of having the PP/IR cert.. How much better is it because of market competition? :dunno:
Very modest increase this year. I upped my hull coverage 50% to keep up with prices and the change in premium was maybe 15%. It helps if you stay with your current underwriter.
Mine went up, but I increased the value based on a major avionics upgrade, plus I was able to a smooth liability policy with the same insurer.
I got two quotes this year compared to just the one in years past. Will be interested to see next year's quote after I get out of the 5 year penalty box for having a claim.
Renewed in July at same rate as previous year:
Piper Arrow @165k hull
Me: 53, 700hrs in type + IFR