Instructor time for 100 mile cross country night flight?

"Knock the CFI you don't know anything about" is a long-time online aviation sporting event. Nothing to be concerned about. I originally joined the Red Board after a student told me someone called me an idiot. That was 1999.

Wow, they had you pegged way back then, huh?

I kid! :D

But I agree, people love to bash the pros in the industry whether they be a CFI, DPE, A&P, AME, FAA, ATC, or anyone else who has dedicated their life to aviation in some fashion or another. Heck, they will even bash a world class manufacturer. It seems though that the bashers tend to trend towards the inexperienced and uneducated or those with an axe to grind.
Thanks for all the input!
I went ahead and booked a lesson with my CFI for the 100+ mile cross county night flight tomorrow. So, will know after tomorrow if his fee is fair. As someone said, perhaps he will get into doing the required number of landings and takeoffs, which of course will eat up a bit of time. Or maybe an emergency diversion. Or, whatever. Bottom line is that I do like this CFI, and as some have also stated, if he is truly a professional, I should be able to ask him about his fees, and get a good answer.
It will be interesting to see how it goes tomorrow.
I texted a potential new instructor at a new club here, but he never bothered to get back to me. Strange, as you’d think if you were a CFI, you’d be jumping on the opportunity to have a new student. But here I am two days later, after texting and emailing him, and no response. Oh well, guess he really doesn’t want my business.
I texted a potential new instructor at a new club here, but he never bothered to get back to me. Strange, as you’d think if you were a CFI, you’d be jumping on the opportunity to have a new student. But here I am two days later, after texting and emailing him, and no response. Oh well, guess he really doesn’t want my business.

He may not need the money, or may be too busy to take on more students. I fit both those situations at the moment, and I know I’m not alone.

Give it time, or give the guy a call. I’d be less likely to respond to someone who just texts me than I would if I got a call.
Maybe your CFI is thinking of the CPL requirements: "One 2-hour cross country flight in a single engine airplane in nighttime conditions that consists of a total straight-line distance of more than 100 nautical miles from the original point of departure". Might just be a brain-fart on his part. Sounds like two hours of CFI time should cover the flight and briefing(s) for PPL.
He may not need the money, or may be too busy to take on more students. I fit both those situations at the moment, and I know I’m not alone.

Give it time, or give the guy a call. I’d be less likely to respond to someone who just texts me than I would if I got a call.

Or he may not want to poach from the other CFI, they do talk to each other.
Thanks for all the input!
I went ahead and booked a lesson with my CFI for the 100+ mile cross county night flight tomorrow. So, will know after tomorrow if his fee is fair. As someone said, perhaps he will get into doing the required number of landings and takeoffs, which of course will eat up a bit of time

It's your first night flight ever? I think that's a bit different, so I might be inclined to agree with Clip.
This is not my first night time flight. We did one cross-country night flight a while ago that was about 60 miles, and it involved following the VFR Navigation log I filled out, VOR navigation, and pilotage.
I asked my current CFI about much plane time we are looking at, and he said about 2 hours. So, basically, it will be 2 hours of flying and 3 hours for his time.
Finally heard back from the other CFI from the new flying club here, and he said that the night cross-country would involve 1.5 hours for the plane, and 2 hours for the instructor. This is certainly in line for the numbers I had come up with. I'm going to meet with him tomorrow and chat about this stuff.
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$30/hr for a CFI around here... That's insane

Yes, but where is "around here"? I'm in Northern California, where you're lucky to get an apartment in a decent neighborhood for under $2000/month! The lowest cost instructor at the airport I'm at is $56/hour, with the highest being my current one at $80/hour. The instructor I'm going to now use at a brand new flying club is $70/hour.
Sure wish I could find a great, efficient, and personable flight instructor for $30/hr! I'd have every rating possible, or at least a great panel GPS with the money saved. Never found anything even close to that in our area.
Sure wish I could find a great, efficient, and personable flight instructor for $30/hr! I'd have every rating possible, or at least a great panel GPS with the money saved. Never found anything even close to that in our area.
Sounds like you need to move