Pre-takeoff checklist
I bought a Travel Air about 3 months ago and have close to 65 hours in it already between training and x-country trips. Like the Cougar, it has no bad habits to speak of and OEI is a piece of cake to get under control. The hardest part is finding decent examples that have been taken care of, especially if you plan to put family into it for trips. I upgraded from my Bonanza and haven't found anything that jumps out as more expensive maintenance wise other than two props and two additional cylinders to feed. The total, all in overhaul cost between an IO520 and 2x O360's is very close.
About the only part I'm worried about finding if it fails is the electric cowl flap motor. Those things are hard to find and looking for anyone that is capable of servicing it is just as bad. All of the other parts are pretty common across like year Bonanza's and the 95-55, A55 Barons. That is a big plus. Plenty of boneyards out there with old Bo's....
I've been very happy with my choice and wouldn't do anything different looking back on the transition. Find the best maintained example you can and run with it.
About the only part I'm worried about finding if it fails is the electric cowl flap motor. Those things are hard to find and looking for anyone that is capable of servicing it is just as bad. All of the other parts are pretty common across like year Bonanza's and the 95-55, A55 Barons. That is a big plus. Plenty of boneyards out there with old Bo's....
I've been very happy with my choice and wouldn't do anything different looking back on the transition. Find the best maintained example you can and run with it.