Alright, first and foremost I’ve already seen my AME, med got deferred to Oklahoma City(Yay). I was deferred due to the use of an SSRI(Zoloft), I was on the medication for roughly ten months before discontinuing on my own accord with my doctors approval. I was on the medication due to some situational anxiety related to the loss of both grandparents, as well as my father being in a traumatic work accident, and the loss of my uncle all within fourteen months. I’ve turned in all treatment records as well as a favorable letter from my treating physician who’s not a psychiatrist. Anyhow, my medical was submitted To the FAA about three weeks ago. This leads me to some questions, does this put me on SSRI decision path one or two? How long can I expect to wait to hear back from the FAA(I know a very subjective question)? And lastly should I expect any further testing to be necessary due to the very situational nature of my case? Thanks!