I'm stuck.

I am guessing at where you are, where you are going and how fast you can go!

The one nagging problem with his route of flight is the throat in SC. To the East, there are RA/-TSRA over the Atlantic that have a 30% probability of going convective in the next 120 min. There is +RA at FL270 over W/W-C SC, and +RA/TSRA with convective building over Savannah. With onboard, uplinked, and sferics you still have a tight, and closing, throat to weave to make it up to NC.


If the flight is LAL to GRR or thereabouts, I still don't see an insurmountable problem. Launch and see what happens when you get close. I see nothing red or convective anywhere near a direct route and plenty of places to retreat to if necessary.
One cannot fly in the SE in the spring/summer, if you're not willing to go take a look.

No worries! Does you Comanche have an ADF? If so, just tune in a station and listen for static in the headset. Watch the little needle point when you hear the static and don't go in that direction. Makes picking your way through T-storms easy. If it takes you a little off your GPS Direct track, just fudge a little and keep the CDI as centered as possible. All is good! Oh yeah, look for the bright flashes and just don't go there. Plus, you don't have to endure those pesky courtesy cars that are soooo dangerous. Flying is easy, you just have to have the proper technology.


Just kidding! Stay the hell on the ground until is passes!
I'd run up the east coast and monitor the situation enroute. At some point I'd make a run for a gap to the west--if it wasn't there--I'd land. You can fly faster than the storm. If you're within 50nm of the nasty--remain VFR--remain VFR--remain VFR. If you can't do that then it's time to hang up your hat. Don't fall for a gap that closes up behind you. Always have an airport as an out.

I'm instrument rated but I've never flown anything with radar. I generally feel pretty comfortable around storms provided I can remain VMC and it isn't closing up behind me. If you're shooting a gap that has the potential to close up behind you make sure you're flying airport to airport through that gap.

I tend to view something like this as being "one step at a time" and focus on it that way. As long as I focus on each stage with the option of giving up I'm comfortable.

But..I'm young and stupid..and it seems to me like you're getting a Florida vacation out of this..so why stress yourself? Enjoy Florida.
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Ed and Diz, lest you all think that we here are trying to get Ed Killed. Were not Its really just a mental exercise for us, kind of like those puzzles.
The issue seems to be that on northern GA I can't stay VFR. At least that is what the METARs seem to indicate. I don't have an issue going IFR/IMC, but I don't trust ATC to keep me away from the embeds should they arise. I think an AM departure tomorrow should do the trick.
The issue seems to be that on northern GA I can't stay VFR. At least that is what the METARs seem to indicate. I don't have an issue going IFR/IMC, but I don't trust ATC to keep me away from the embeds should they arise. I think an AM departure tomorrow should do the trick.

I wouldn't fly IMC in areas with embedded without StormScope or similar and XM.
The issue seems to be that on northern GA I can't stay VFR. At least that is what the METARs seem to indicate. I don't have an issue going IFR/IMC, but I don't trust ATC to keep me away from the embeds should they arise. I think an AM departure tomorrow should do the trick.

Makes sense, I didn't look that close, if you can't stay in VMC around that crap I would stay put too.
I think an AM departure tomorrow should do the trick.

I think that is a very wise choice. Plus flying hard IMC in an aircraft you are new to just gives me the willies.
Screw it, I'm leaving!
At this point I'd head north-west..You can most likely get through that alive. If you don't...Who gets your Corvette?

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That hook no look too good. Skirt the Gulf coast, head WEST young man. Keep your flight guide handy. You may be looking for a diversionary landing.
That hook no look too good. Skirt the Gulf coast, head WEST young man. Keep your flight guide handy. You may be looking for a diversionary landing.
Skirting the golf coast is going to run him into one hell of a mess. I'm not sure that I'd want to run into that. Perhaps if you're comfortable venturing over the gulf but that is a game I personally wouldn't play in a "new to me" single.:

Personally, I'd either run for the northwest or I'd head north.
I was just leaving the hotel to get some chinese food. :D