The hemispheric rules matter because ATC follows the rules. As
@luvflyin put it:
In addition to filing for something you're likely to be assigned just to make it easier and not gum up the works, hemispheric rules still matter because the PIC is still responsible and the final authority for the safe conduct of the flight and the pilot of an aircraft on an Instrument Flight Plan is still technically responsible for "see and avoid" when not in IMC.
AIM 5-5-8 - See and Avoid, Pilot Responsibilities - When meteorological conditions permit, regardless of type of flight plan or whether or not under control of a radar facility, the pilot is responsible to see and avoid other traffic, terrain, or obstacles.
Though less relevant to the "hemispheric altitudes" question as you start reaching lower altitudes where a hemispheric altitude isnt flown and would normally be climbing/descending from the airport, Class C, D and TRSA airports provide differing levels of separation services, particularly in separating IFR/VFR traffic.