if my purchase is 2 years away


Filing Flight Plan
Nov 16, 2021
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is there a point to getting my 3rd class medical this soon?
looking for my part 61 and purchasing an LSA-ish 2 seater, with IFR capability
- also, if I want to buy low wing, should I be looking to mostly train on low wing? ala Bristell/Diamond?
Yes. Get it now, then go basicmed. If you have any hiccups, you have time to work then out before starting any training.
It really makes no difference whether you train with a high wing or low wing. Most of us trained in 172's, and transitioning to a low wing plane like a PA28 is NBFD.
The only differences in high wing and low wing are when making a left turn, you can't see well to the left in a high wing, and you can't see well to the right in a low wing, and vice-versa. That and most low wings have a boost pump and tank selector that may or not exist on the high wing.
Clear the medical,so there’s no surprises,train on the type of plane you plan to fly or buy. I prefer the wing location of the plane I’m flying at the time.