People have learned via the first incident that if they pitch a fit, instead of the adults of the world saying, "Dumbass got what they deserved", the SJWs will make sure they get a paycheck big enough for a year's salary or more. Probably more.
Should have never settled with the poker playing, selling drugs for sex, "Doctor".
They aren't crazy, they're behaving exactly how the first incident result motivated them to.
Get some cops to beat you up and drag you off? Cha-Ching! Cash money.
Hard to be sane and go against all the morons in the mob these days.
Too many adults who didn't have parents who'd say, "Sit down and shut up, or I WILL knock your block off, right here in the airplane."
The mob of screamers and criers and wailers that started up as soon as the cops legally dragged the Doc's butt off the aircraft, shows the idiocy.
Airlines have now lost control of the cabin. Better invest in some nice cattle prods.