I never thought I'd be asking this.......

Mar 18, 2012
Central Oregon/Hawaii
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......but. Jerk or not?

Here's the scenario: In a row of typical T hangars a person who shall remain nameless shelters his baby. It seems that more often than not when he arrives there is a neighboring hangar whose doors are open, and the resident plane gone. Of course the individual in question has to close the neighboring door in order to get their plane out.

Gentle hints, pointed observations, and point blank requests have proved ineffective in modifying this behavior. So let's say that yesterday this dashing, goodlooking and extremely modest aviator arrives to find that yet again the situation is as described. Again the kind and forbearing gentleman aviator closes the neighboring door and goes off to make holes in the sky.

When he returns, the airport manager is waiting at his hangar. SOMEHOW a perfectly shaped rock had miraculously wedged itself under the heel of the offending door. It even appeared that it had been hammered into place by some odd mechanism of nature.

Apparently when the neighbor returned from his flight the door would not open, requiring a call to the city maintenance on call guy who does not work for free in Sundays.

So the question is, is the mysterious stranger a jerk? :dunno:
I worked in the Cleveland area for almost two years and rented hangars at three different airports up there. All had this type of sliding door. At one of the locations I had a neighbor who would regularly do the same thing. The only reason (s)he didn't find a rock hammered under the door track was because I didn't think of it!!!

No he wasn't a jerk...he was a genius.
So the question is, is the mysterious stranger a jerk?

He couldn't be, because that would only apply if some unnatural material had been placed there to block the hangar door. Whereas this is a rock, appearing routinely in the natural world, just happens.

Rocks happen.
It would have been a real shame if, after draining the oil from your plane as you were walking out with the pail to take it to a approved recycling center, you slipped and spilled the oil at the open door. That would have been a tragic accident that could have been prevented by closing the hanger door. Just saying.
He's only a jerk if this escalates. If the neighbor doesn't get the hint, then it's time for a face-to-face with the airport manager and the neighbor, to wit: Dude, when you pull your airplane out of the hangar, close the f-ing door!
He's only a jerk if this escalates. If the neighbor doesn't get the hint, then it's time for a face-to-face with the airport manager and the neighbor, to wit: Dude, when you pull your airplane out of the hangar, close the f-ing door!

Just as background. I have been told the manager is aware of the situation, and in fact letters have been sent to the co-owners. One seems to not be afflicted with the same inability to close the doors. The pilot in question is no doubt too busy to do so, as he is trying to "break 800 hours" this summer, and has wowed his neighbors with his exploits. WOW 800 hours. :dunno:
I'm voting for not jerk. The offending party needs to learn some manners. Sounds like he's got a complex of feeling pretty important about himself.
Mysterious said gentleman didn't start with a full power run-up accidentally angled into the open hangar first? :)
I have to honestly say I don't know hangar etiquette.
I have to honestly say I don't know hangar etiquette.

Oh you'd get it... these guys are talking about the types of hangars that when the door is open, it blocks the use of the door on the hangar next to yours. It's pretty freakin' obvious, you close your door after you get your airplane out. Only the biggest moron around would fly off and leave the door open.

(Our t-hangar has the side sliders that fold in half, and one big overhead that opens on springs vertically, so we don't have this problem... but I get what they're talking about, and have seen the other types.)
There are jerks and rude folks everywhere, seems be less at airports. How hard is it to close half a door? The neighbor has to open his anyway. Why escalate things?
Hangar etiquette is you don't leave your doors impeding others, simple as that. I was thinking about replacing the barn door with a top pivot counterbalanced door that would swing up and out making a 16' deep shade to work under.
Oh you'd get it... these guys are talking about the types of hangars that when the door is open, it blocks the use of the door on the hangar next to yours. It's pretty freakin' obvious, you close your door after you get your airplane out. Only the biggest moron around would fly off and leave the door open.

(Our t-hangar has the side sliders that fold in half, and one big overhead that opens on springs vertically, so we don't have this problem... but I get what they're talking about, and have seen the other types.)

I get it, just jealous. If I have to pay for the equivalent of an apartment, I want my girlfriend to be waiting in it for me!
I get it, just jealous. If I have to pay for the equivalent of an apartment, I want my girlfriend to be waiting in it for me!

Even with what we pay for a t-hangar around here, and it's spendy compared to some of the local aerodromes... it will only get you 1/3 of an apartment... and then we split that into 3rds...

Pretty sure at that price, all we can have is a pin-up poster waiting for us in the hangar, and our wives would probably make us take it down. :)
Alternatively, help yourself to borrowing his tools.

Wouldn't want to be accused of stealing. We've had fun rearranging the furniture at a friends house when they were out of town before and left the door unlocked. One thing we used to do in high school is sneak out early and the coach drove a little gremlin type car. We all had to parallel park on either side of a narrow a one way street, we'd take 6-8 guys and pick the car up and turn it around, he would have to wait until EVERYONE left before he could leave.
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A guy in hangar row just across from me graduated from renter to owner. He routinely sits in front of the hangar with the prop throwing all sorts of stuff into my hangar. I sweep them up (after lowering the door to protect my wing boots) and pile them in front of his pass-through door. He still doesn't get it.

One day, he will.
I switched hangars a few years ago because of bad hangar neighbors. There was a light sport training CFI two doors down. His students would park cars, motorcycles, and airplanes willy-nilly on the ramp, blocking taxiway access to the last three hangars on the row. They were usually dumbfounded when it was pointed out that their actions were a real inconvenience to others.

The times when they would leave vehicles blocking the ramp and leave the field to go to lunch or fly with a buddy were my favories. :mad2:
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A guy in hangar row just across from me graduated from renter to owner. He routinely sits in front of the hangar with the prop throwing all sorts of stuff into my hangar. I sweep them up (after lowering the door to protect my wing boots) and pile them in front of his pass-through door. He still doesn't get it.

One day, he will.
You're leaving the stuff in the wrong place. Next time, dump it in the front left seat of his car. Or, even better, his airplane. :devil:
This guy who leaves the hangar door open? If he was my neighbor, he'd probably return to find said door missing. Maybe it would later be found on the hangar roof. :devil:
I'd need help with that, but if this jerk is like every other airport jerk, I'm sure there would be plenty of volunteers to help. Every airport with T-hangars seems to have at least one resident who is despised by many.
My previous hangar neighbor left a piece of wood in the track to make easier for him to roll his plane in (behind his locked door). It kept my door from being able to open all the way by about three feet and made much more difficult to put my plane away. I asked him several times not to leave it there. I was about ready to talk to the airport management, but he moved and it stopped being a problem.
Plant some kiddie porn and call the cops. Or some narcotics. Either way, he won't leave it open again.
Next time drop a duece in the middle of the hangar floor.
Where's that raccoon when you need one? In ya go, little fella.... Now I'll just close the door for you so you'll be nice and safe....
A guy in hangar row just across from me graduated from renter to owner. He routinely sits in front of the hangar with the prop throwing all sorts of stuff into my hangar. I sweep them up (after lowering the door to protect my wing boots) and pile them in front of his pass-through door. He still doesn't get it.

One day, he will.

I had an issue with a neighbor dumping yard waste in my yard. I live on 2.5 acres and the house is in the back of the lot. Its the largest lot in the 'hood and the rest are smaller - sub 1 acre. The front part of the lot is not visible from the house. Occasionally i'd find some yard waste there which ****ed me off but I never found out who did it and I just dealt with it. My uncle, the owner said people have been dumping yard waste there for years and he could never figure out who did it.

One day, after coming home from a weekend out of town, a HUGE pile of freshly trimmed small tree branches was in my front yard. WTF. So, I follow the trail of tree leaves down the street (he obviously dragged them), around the corner, and they lead directly into someone's front yard. Inspecting the yard, I find 6-7 trees, the bottom row of branches freshly trimmed, and the type of tree being the same type of branches that are now sitting in my front yard.

That night, at 2am, I got a few friends together. We loaded up my trailer with the branches, drove to the offender's house, and quickly and as silently as possible, unloaded them all into a huge pile on his driveway, completely blocking it. That was over a year ago, and I have not had a problem since.
I had an issue with a neighbor dumping yard waste in my yard. I live on 2.5 acres and the house is in the back of the lot. Its the largest lot in the 'hood and the rest are smaller - sub 1 acre. The front part of the lot is not visible from the house. Occasionally i'd find some yard waste there which ****ed me off but I never found out who did it and I just dealt with it. My uncle, the owner said people have been dumping yard waste there for years and he could never figure out who did it.

One day, after coming home from a weekend out of town, a HUGE pile of freshly trimmed small tree branches was in my front yard. WTF. So, I follow the trail of tree leaves down the street (he obviously dragged them), around the corner, and they lead directly into someone's front yard. Inspecting the yard, I find 6-7 trees, the bottom row of branches freshly trimmed, and the type of tree being the same type of branches that are now sitting in my front yard.

That night, at 2am, I got a few friends together. We loaded up my trailer with the branches, drove to the offender's house, and quickly and as silently as possible, unloaded them all into a huge pile on his driveway, completely blocking it. That was over a year ago, and I have not had a problem since.

A more considerate person would have burned them there in the driveway to save the guy some cleanup..... :D
Leaving the door open is impolite.

Choosing hostility in response would make you a jerk. It happens far too often these days and it shouldn't.
Leaving the door open is impolite.

Choosing hostility in response would make you a jerk. It happens far too often these days and it shouldn't.

Agreed. Maybe you (OP) should talk to the guy and politely ask him to not do that anymore. Vandalism or verbal/physical confrontation is unacceptable to me.

If I am just going for a short flight around the patch or a close flight, and I know I'l be back soon, I sometimes leave my hangar doors open becuase in ten years of being there I've NEVER seen my hangar neighbor fly, and I'm up there a lot. Just recently, like last week, he may have bought a new plane as I have seen someone flying out of that hangar, so I won't leave my doors open anymore. It was the first time I saw that hangar open in ten years.
Agreed. Maybe you (OP) should talk to the guy and politely ask him to not do that anymore. Vandalism or verbal/physical confrontation is unacceptable to me.

From my original post: Gentle hints, pointed observations, and point blank requests have proved ineffective in modifying this behavior.

I would not consider "my friend's" actions vandalism as nothing was damaged or rendered inoperable. The lease from the airport clearly states that doors are to remain closed at all times except when moving aircraft or when actually in the hangar.

Physical confrontation is not even on the table. The door is nothing but a symptom of boorish manners and sloppy personal discipline.
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Open door blocking his hangar, allow to become wedged open.

Go on vacacation.
What I don't understand is why the airport manger was waiting for the OP...er..neighbore of the hanger next to the jammed door. Did he want to share the news, or warn him about the possibility of rocks getting under his door as well, what?

If hanger lease regulations require that one close their door upon removing their plane from their hanger, then what exactly did the airport manger want with the rule abiding neighbor? The owner of the leased hanger that had the broken door obviously closed it too violently jamming the rock under it, what is so unusual about that happening?

So, what did the manager want?

What I don't understand is why the airport manger was waiting for the OP...er..neighbore of the hanger next to the jammed door. Did he want to share the news, or warn him about the possibility of rocks getting under his door as well, what?

If hanger lease regulations require that one close their door upon removing their plane from their hanger, then what exactly did the airport manger want with the rule abiding neighbor? The owner of the leased hanger that had the broken door obviously closed it too violently jamming the rock under it, what is so unusual about that happening?

So, what did the manager want?


Oh, yeah. Left that part out. The manager was trying to settle the dust. He told me, er my friend, about the letters which were sent warning the partners about the doors being left open. The next step apparently is eviction, fingers crossed. The rock was only mentioned in passing, and with a slight smirk.
From my original post: Gentle hints, pointed observations, and point blank requests have proved ineffective in modifying this behavior.

I would not consider "my friend's" actions vandalism as nothing was damaged or rendered inoperable. The lease from the airport clearly states that doors are to remain closed at all times except when moving aircraft or when actually in the hangar.

OK. I would make sure the city follows through with the remedies under the lease agreement, as I am sure you are doing. However, not trying to be judgmental, the rock thing just isn't my style. I would just continue to close his doors when I wanted to fly, but that's just me.
OK. I would make sure the city follows through with the remedies under the lease agreement, as I am sure you are doing. However, not trying to be judgmental, the rock thing just isn't my style. I would just continue to close his doors when I wanted to fly, but that's just me.

Yeah maybe it was a little over the top in retrospect. But I'm not known for my subtlety. I guess years of being with a very tightly self-disciplined group of ladies and gentlemen left me unprepared for the general public, and I can no longer wave my sliver oak leaves to get compliance. :sad:
No worries Jack. Totally understand, and its easy for me to remain totally calm when its not happening to me. (Not saying you're being not calm, rational, etc)

If the shoe was on the other foot.......
From my original post: Gentle hints, pointed observations, and point blank requests have proved ineffective in modifying this behavior.

I would not consider "my friend's" actions vandalism as nothing was damaged or rendered inoperable. The lease from the airport clearly states that doors are to remain closed at all times except when moving aircraft or when actually in the hangar.

Physical confrontation is not even on the table. The door is nothing but a symptom of boorish manners and sloppy personal discipline.

Three things I'll add to this, Oxy-Acetilene balloon (get a nice lean cutting flame going then shut the tanks off and let the tip cool. Turn the tanks back on and fill the balloon), model rocket starter and thin wire, starter solenoid on his vehicle. I'll leave it to you how and where to assemble the three together.;) I had an idiot in high school who threatened me for dating his ex girlfriend who dumped him for being an azzhole. I drove past and waved at him after he tried to start his pick up. He was standing next to it with a big wet spot in the front of his pants looking at me as I smiled and waved at him. Never heard another word.