I never thought I'd be asking this.......

Three things I'll add to this, Oxy-Acetilene balloon (get a nice lean cutting flame going then shut the tanks off and let the tip cool. Turn the tanks back on and fill the balloon), model rocket starter and thin wire, starter solenoid on his vehicle. I'll leave it to you how and where to assemble the three together.;) I had an idiot in high school who threatened me for dating his ex girlfriend who dumped him for being an azzhole. I drove past and waved at him after he tried to start his pick up. He was standing next to it with a big wet spot in the front of his pants looking at me as I smiled and waved at him. Never heard another word.

:hairraise: :rofl: Please evil genius sir, when you take over the world may I be your first minion??
Three things I'll add to this, Oxy-Acetilene balloon (get a nice lean cutting flame going then shut the tanks off and let the tip cool. Turn the tanks back on and fill the balloon), model rocket starter and thin wire, starter solenoid on his vehicle. I'll leave it to you how and where to assemble the three together.;) I had an idiot in high school who threatened me for dating his ex girlfriend who dumped him for being an azzhole. I drove past and waved at him after he tried to start his pick up. He was standing next to it with a big wet spot in the front of his pants looking at me as I smiled and waved at him. Never heard another word.

Heh heh.... when I was in high school the ag teacher decided to demonstrate how explosive oxy-acetylene mix is with a small balloon and a candle flame, was quite spectactular and the class got a big kick out of it. Couple weeks later 3 guys decided to do one better, they filled one of those big punching-bag balloons (you know the ones with the big rubber band to hold onto, and bounce back and forth) with gas mix and lit it off. They blew out every window in the ag shop, one door was blown out, and two of them had ruptured eardrums. All three got expelled. Try that today and you'll get a visit in the pen...
Dude, St Louis in the late 70s & early 80s saw some New Years Eve and Fourth of July explosions. :lol::lol::lol: I remember one down at Lake of the Ozarks that was 12 72" rubber balloons set off by a 50 cal sim charge...:rofl: That was a great explosion, it made your cheeks ripple.:D

We used to mass tie 21" He balloons to float 3-7 72" OxAc with a wick of green cannon fuse on them. Those were awesome....
We used to mass tie 21" He balloons to float 3-7 72" OxAc with a wick of green cannon fuse on them. Those were awesome....

Now THAT is a good idea, haven't tried that yet.... :D
he's got the same thing Sandusky has, thinks he too important syndrome or whatever they called it . . .
I recommend going a bit rich on the mixture ... You'll get some nice soot along with the boom.