I love Barron Thomas


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me
I really do. It makes my day to come here and review threads, finding a bunch of necroposted threads because someone made a reference to him.

It exciting and it brings a new life to this forum.

Who's with me?

*btw, I still maintain, that if Barron Thomas had the right airplane for me for sale at the right price, I'd still buy it. Even if he is doing a Ponzi thing (I dunno if he really is, don't care), that doesn't affect the sales of airplanes, just the investing in his organization.

So Barron - you find a PA28-180 for around $30k, pm me. You'll have a sale very shortly.
*btw, I still maintain, that if Barron Thomas had the right airplane for me for sale at the right price, I'd still buy it. Even if he is doing a Ponzi thing (I dunno if he really is, don't care), that doesn't affect the sales of airplanes, just the investing in his organization.

So Barron - you find a PA28-180 for around $30k, pm me. You'll have a sale very shortly.

I will sell you this one for *only* 25k.

I really do. It makes my day to come here and review threads, finding a bunch of necroposted threads because someone made a reference to him.

It exciting and it brings a new life to this forum.

Who's with me?

*btw, I still maintain, that if Barron Thomas had the right airplane for me for sale at the right price, I'd still buy it..

So Barron - you find a PA28-180 for around $30k, pm me. You'll have a sale very shortly.

Thanks for the good words!

$30K will buy a very good Cherokee 180C right now, mid-time, decent paint/interior and deent radios.

I don't have one but will email you as soon as I do.


Let's Help Sky Hog Get a $30,000 plane( From Barron)

Okay, now we're making his site useful ( vs. all the entertainment value aside)

Let's Do a "virtual" reality show here featuring Sky Hog and the PROPER steps to take to get a good airplane!

1. Sky Hog has decided on a prudent airplane for his mission and location ( note: I dod not want to get into the debate of which airplane is best, that has the same number of opinions as there are members on this site)

2. You can buy my Aero Commander 680E for the price SkyHog wants to spend, but that would be a BAD idea. Operating and maintenance costs make the purchase price look cheap, so it's an example of buying the airplane for the mission, not buying the airplane for price.

3. Sky Hog has settled on a $30,000 Cherokee 180.

4. Next step, and most important, especially these days, is: Do yo hve the money "ready"? I'm not being personal, but rather practical. Its not fun to find a gret plane, at a great price, and THEN figure out how to get the money. If its a good one, while you're trying to figure out the money, somebody else is writing a check ( trust me, a source of real frustration for buyers and often leads to nasty postings)

5. Financing is super-difficult, especially on anything under $100K. Try your lcoal Bank or credit union or someone you know to act as a private lender, but get the money lined up FIRST.

6. Okay, let's assume you've got that covered. The next most critical step on your checklist and adventures-in-plane-buying is PATIENCE and REALITY.

7. What do I mean by that? I mean, that while you've got $30K burning a hole in your pocket, patience is a virtue. No rushing just because its cheap or has a good paint job.

8. Next, the word REALITY sets in. Don't think, as many do ( and some reading this message board that you alone are the only one in the universe with $30K to spend and therefore, you can drive a TOUGH DEAL. This is probaby the biggest mistake buyers make right now in this economy - they try and drive TOO HARD a bargain and miss the deal entirely ( ..oops, and more nasty postings).

The reality is that there are many buyers in this price range, and while the airplane market is in the tank, there are still buyers, so be READY and ACT when the RIGHT airplane comes along.

9. The next step, before any shping or reading of the papers and websites, is line up a mechanic that can ispect the airplane for you and that is REALISTIC. Remember, the airplane you're looking at is 40+ years old, so its not perfect, but you want it to be SAFE.

A good mechanic should look at an airplane and break it down into 3 categories:
a. Things that MUST be done RIGHT NOWbefore any further flight
b. Things that will come up on the next few annuals and you need to budget for
c. Things you can do if you win the lottery

That's a pragmatic approach to a 40 year old airplane.

10. Next, hae this mechanic lined up to look at whatever you bring in, or, if he can, travel to where the airplane is. If he can't travel, then he should be able to know someone at the local airport that can be his eyes by remote contol, i.e. inspect the airplane per your mechanic's instructions and report the findings to him via telephone.

A Cherokee 180 is fairly simple, if you hve some mechanical apptitude, YOU can follow your mechanic's instuctions if the airplane is not on your field.

NOW your are ready to SHOP ( and hopefully buy)

Check the lcoal bulletin boards, read the appers, check Barnstormers and Find Aircraft.com etc. These are the newest websites and tend to get the best deals first.

11. Sort out the airplanes that are too far away, or too over-priced, or runnout, or have other maladies. In any category, from Gulfstreams to 150's, about 80% of the group can be ruled out for either bad features or over-priced. that narrows your search considerably to a more manageable search.

Then, which one looks like the best value and the closest? Go see it!

I recommend looking at 3 airplanes before yo buy one, unless you are sure of what you're doing. By looking at several, the slight nuances of eah one will start to become apparent and then you'll "know" which one is the best for you.


that's enough for today.

Anybody else can weigh-in. Remember, in viatin, if there's 100 people i the room, there's 100 opinions.

If you want to discuss further, let me know here or private email. I think this is a good start and these steps apply to ANY airplane buying process.

Good luck, hope this helps in some way

And one more thing:

If you have 30k, don't make a 5k deposit to anyone but an escrow company based on a clear purchase agreement that specifies when and how the escrow service will return it to you. Otherwise you will be looking for a 25k airplane pretty soon ;).
Great post, Barron. Thanks!

Nick, do you have a reserve set up for maintenance? Is Brianna on board with this?

Go for it! :)
Before we get tooo far ahead of ourselves, yes, I have the money ready to go, no, I can't spend it until after the wedding, June, July, August, etc...
do you have a reserve set up for maintenance?
That was one of the key things I did when I bought my plane that came in handy. All the best laid plans, but I got hit with that crappy ECI cylinder AD and had to pay for a top overhaul. I could have bought more plane, but I bought the warrior and set a bunch of money to the side. When I had to do that top, I had the cash on hand.
Thanks for the post Barron. I'll be looking for one eventually - but right now am realistic in knowing that I need to build more cash up. The day will come.
Those of you that are waiting to buy are the smart ones, because I don't believe this market has bottomed out yet.
Picking the bottom of any market is impossible. The transportation-value airplanes seem to have leveled off, to the point that buying one probably makes sense now if you need it. The spam-can prices continue to fall.

Those of you that are waiting to buy are the smart ones, because I don't believe this market has bottomed out yet.
Picking the bottom of any market is impossible. The transportation-value airplanes seem to have leveled off, to the point that buying one probably makes sense now if you need it. The spam-can prices continue to fall.
What do you mean by transportation-value airplanes?
Tahnks for the good words.

I think we have covered some good ground here.

We have established the Sky Hog has the funding in place, knows what he wants, has a mechanic lined up ( or knows the protocol of how to do his pre-buy off-site), and he has a time-line for later this summer.

If Sky Hog, or anyone else, wants to go through the next steps, just let me know, but I think Sky Hog is fine for right now.

Since his timing is 90-120 days away, it will let Sky Hog do some comparison shopping and maybe even further refine the search.

I'd recommend, in the Cherokee 180 line, staying 1965 and newer.

There were several product improvements made with the 1965's ( the 180C's) that are nice and it looks more modern.

At this point, maybe start sriosuly comparing engine times and radios.

For $30K, you wanted see a Garmin stack, but should probably avoid a really antique panel also. $30K should get you at least one good NavCom, a so-so back up, a good transponder ( not an off-grand version), and somekind of a relaible GPS, and mid-time engine and decent paint and interior.

As the time get closer, and Sky Hog ventues out to see some airplanes, we can pick this up and go to the next step.

Those considered as such by people who want to go somewhere rather than fly in circles or to breakfast on Saturday. Most retracs, Cirri, etc.

that people who want
What do you mean by transportation-value airplanes?
I have known BT for many years and have purchased more the $4,000,000 in aircraft from him. All have been as advertised, and can't find any issues with his sales methods.. He will not waste time with tire kickers, and time wasters..He always returns my calls (I'm a buyer, not a talker), and in regards to investors losing money , well check out front pages of newpapers, conc. Mortgage industry , banks, stock market, Fed Gov. etc.. Never had any issue with Lack of "N" numbers being advertised. Seller's don't want direct contact, that's why a broker, just like selling the family home, don't want to be brothered..A pre-buy will resolve "N" number issues, etc..Long live Barron Thomas..he's a good man
Before we get tooo far ahead of ourselves, yes, I have the money ready to go, no, I can't spend it until after the wedding, June, July, August, etc...

You're getting married in June, July & August...and you still need an etc???:hairraise:
*btw, I still maintain, that if Barron Thomas had the right airplane for me for sale at the right price, I'd still buy it. Even if he is doing a Ponzi thing (I dunno if he really is, don't care), that doesn't affect the sales of airplanes, just the investing in his organization.

Hypothetical moral question for you Nick.

At what point would the conduct of a person become so reprehensible that you wouldn't do business with them?? Let's say, for sake of argument, that Baron Thomas was the best airplane broker on earth, but he kidnaped children, molested them, tortured them to death, then ate their corpses in Satanic rituals. Would you still buy an airplane from him??

I'm just curious how much you are willing to put up with, from a fellow human being, before you would quit associating with them, even if you weren't the victim. Especially if you weren't the victim.
Hypothetical moral question for you Nick.

At what point would the conduct of a person become so reprehensible that you wouldn't do business with them?? Let's say, for sake of argument, that Baron Thomas was the best airplane broker on earth, but he kidnaped children, molested them, tortured them to death, then ate their corpses in Satanic rituals. Would you still buy an airplane from him??

I'm just curious how much you are willing to put up with, from a fellow human being, before you would quit associating with them, even if you weren't the victim. Especially if you weren't the victim.

How good of a deal would we be getting? :D
Hey Jess, how are the mental giants in HQ doing on the thread ignore project?
Hypothetical moral question for you Nick.

At what point would the conduct of a person become so reprehensible that you wouldn't do business with them?? Let's say, for sake of argument, that Baron Thomas was the best airplane broker on earth, but he kidnaped children, molested them, tortured them to death, then ate their corpses in Satanic rituals. Would you still buy an airplane from him??

I'm just curious how much you are willing to put up with, from a fellow human being, before you would quit associating with them, even if you weren't the victim. Especially if you weren't the victim.

Nobody who intends on eating the corpse will torture the meat to death, ruins the texture and flavor.

Now if he gives me a good deal and tosses in a tenderloin....
I don't think so.
Just this morning I happened to cross paths with a guy selling his 1977 Warrior II. IFR certified and G-387 thrown in, in annual, nice paint and interior. 5,800 TT, 1585 SMOH. Asking $24.5 Located CA. Original owner.

He said he would consider $22.
Hypothetical moral question for you Nick.

At what point would the conduct of a person become so reprehensible that you wouldn't do business with them?? Let's say, for sake of argument, that Baron Thomas was the best airplane broker on earth, but he kidnaped children, molested them, tortured them to death, then ate their corpses in Satanic rituals. Would you still buy an airplane from him??

I'm just curious how much you are willing to put up with, from a fellow human being, before you would quit associating with them, even if you weren't the victim. Especially if you weren't the victim.

At the point that he no longer has the ability to sell me the right airplane at the right price.

In business, personal feelings should never come into play.
Just this morning I happened to cross paths with a guy selling his 1977 Warrior II. IFR certified and G-387 thrown in, in annual, nice paint and interior. 5,800 TT, 1585 SMOH. Asking $24.5 Located CA. Original owner.

He said he would consider $22.

What is a G-387?
If that's true, why do all the sales and management books emphasize the relationship factor as a critical part of every element of business?

At the point that he no longer has the ability to sell me the right airplane at the right price.

In business, personal feelings should never come into play.
Just this morning I happened to cross paths with a guy selling his 1977 Warrior II. IFR certified and G-387 thrown in, in annual, nice paint and interior. 5,800 TT, 1585 SMOH. Asking $24.5 Located CA. Original owner.

He said he would consider $22.

Two things. First a warrior is not a 180. Second, I think you
meant $22,000 not $22.
If that's true, why do all the sales and management books emphasize the relationship factor as a critical part of every element of business?
My answer is because those books are from a sales point of view. And since most purchases are emotion-based, it would only make sense to drive down to emphasize the relationship in order to exploit it as a means to make the sale.

However, through the experiences of a former boss who dealt heavily with the Japanese I learned it was not uncommon for B2B to be based on relationships formed centuries ago. Those family-based relationships were jealously protected.
Two things. First a warrior is not a 180. Second, I think you
meant $22,000 not $22.
I thought Nick was looking for a Warrior. Being this confused takes hard work.
Yes, $22 = $22K.

You still think I couldn't find a Cherokee 180 for $22? Is that the point you wish to emphasize?