I just ate at Arbys....


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 31, 2006
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and BOY does my stomach ache.

I'm not sure I've ever been to an Arbys before. I used to like Roy Rogers - those were good roast beef sandwiches. I think Roys was bought by Arbys (or maybe it was Hardee's?) At any rate, I was out and about at lunchtime, passed the Arbys and decided a nice juicy fast food roast beef would hit the spot.

Yeah it hit. Again and again and again. That was bad. Really bad. Worse than school cafeteria food. Worse than leftover C rations from the Korean War. Worse than Alpo left in the sun for a day. Worse than, well, I think you get the picture. Suffice it to say, Arbys roast beef is bad.

If I'm going to blow the calorie budget for a week on one meal, at least let it be enjoyable. NEVER AGAIN!!!!!
Long ago, one of my clients was a meat provisioner who supplied Arby's. At least in those days they roasted real beef briskets. I saw them roasting.

It does look like the stuff they put on the bun came out of a gloppita-gloppita machine but it starts as a real beef roast.
I love Arbys. With Curly Fries. And a Jamocha shake.
I even eat it after this incident:

My friend and I had been playing basketball during up gym at college. We had our 5-on-5 team, and while most open gyms have a "2 wins and take a break" 'rule' this one did not. We probably played a solid 3-1/2 hour of basketball nonstop because we just kept winning and winning. When we got done we were starving, so we headed over to Arbys because they were doing a 5 for $5 on their roast beefs. So we split em between the two of us. About 30 minutes later my body was saying why did you do that.

I didn't realize that I could regurgitate a clump of roast beef the size of my fist without it coming apart. Nor did I realize the esophagus could expand to accomodate that.
disgusting Ed.

I also love arbys but i go for the strawberry milkshake with my curly fries.
hardees switched over to a thicker cut of roast beef. no thanks.

when i was working on my commercial i had about a 45 minute drive to the airport and my car was soon littered with 5 for 5 roast beefs. made an excellent lunch
Ed, if you keep making post like that one I'm gonna have to block you! :vomit:
thanks for the visual Ed... that's just wrong....

Either I'm getting old and my tastes are changing, but it seems like the quality at Arby's and BK has gone downhill... maybe it's just me...
I really, really love Arbys. But, like you, flyersfan, it does not agree with me later.

There are few things that taste better than an Arby Melt with Arby Sauce on it and some curly fries. *DROOLS*

But, about 30 minutes later, it leaves me, one way or the other, and makes me feel horrible for quite a while.
I really, really love Arbys. But, like you, flyersfan, it does not agree with me later.
I feel the same way about White Castles. Last December, I had just two while still in St.. They came back to bite me at 2AM... just north of Nashville... at 9,000 feet! :(
Mmmm... White Castle's... Sadly, none of those here in Houston unless you go to the grocery store freezer section and pick up some Nuke-A-Whitey's.

I also love Arby's, and typically don't have any problems with them later. I hope my metabolism allows that to continue as I get older.
Mmmm... White Castle's... Sadly, none of those here in Houston unless you go to the grocery store freezer section and pick up some Nuke-A-Whitey's.

I also love Arby's, and typically don't have any problems with them later. I hope my metabolism allows that to continue as I get older.

Yeahbut, youse guys got Krystal, or White Castle without all of that Yankee rights stuff.

Didja know that all White Castles are company owned and they never borrow a dollar? That's why they're slow to expand.
Yeahbut, youse guys got Krystal, or White Castle without all of that Yankee rights stuff.

Didja know that all White Castles are company owned and they never borrow a dollar? That's why they're slow to expand.
Yes, we have Krystal. But, they don't have shakes!

Besides, White Castle will always a special place in my tummy. Er, my heart. When I was a kid, my sister worked there when she was in HS. They still had car hops at the time. I'd go with my mom to pick her up every Friday and Saturday night and she'd bring me a chocolate shake and apple turnover. :D
Nope... no Krystal in H-town either, that I've been able to find. No Steak-N-Shake either. But, we just got a couple of Jimmy Johns' in the area... one across the street from my office!
Never got into that White Castle Slider thing. I college the gut bomb of choice was the Gyro/Fries combo at the Parthenon (or Zorba's) gyro place on State Street. Extra onion Extra Sauce. Nothing quite like a hangover with gyro breath the next morning though.

Ingest some ginger. Either as tea, crystallized ginger root, or even sushi ginger. It will start working within fifteen minutes. That turbulence down below will downgrade from extreme to moderate to, hopefully, smooth as flying in North Dakota on a clear, cold winter day.

Don't bother with ginger ale unless it has real ginger in it.
Ingest some ginger. Either as tea, crystallized ginger root, or even sushi ginger. It will start working within fifteen minutes. That turbulence down below will downgrade from extreme to moderate to, hopefully, smooth as flying in North Dakota on a clear, cold winter day.

Don't bother with ginger ale unless it has real ginger in it.

THAT was actually proved CONFIRMED on The Mythbusters, at least as a cure for motion sickness.

I love eating the ginger shavings with Sushi. The Sushi joint in the food court in my office building downtown sells ginger separately. I never noticed what difference it makes in my tummy or otherwise.
I have never tried White Castle. I have always wanted to try White Castle. Sounds like a good reason for a plane trip - an airport near a White Castle. I'll make sure I bring the ginger.
I have never tried White Castle. I have always wanted to try White Castle. Sounds like a good reason for a plane trip - an airport near a White Castle. I'll make sure I bring the ginger.

Here ya go:

There is a new one with a drive-through just 5-6 miles away from da new house. Routine corn country distance. :D

The time line is hysterical BTW. They didn't have CHEESEburgers until the 1960s!
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THAT was actually proved CONFIRMED on The Mythbusters, at least as a cure for motion sickness.

I love eating the ginger shavings with Sushi. The Sushi joint in the food court in my office building downtown sells ginger separately. I never noticed what difference it makes in my tummy or otherwise.

I've been using ginger for disturbances "down under" for thirty years. No one has to prove it to me. I always carry some in some form on me, and hand it out freely to friends and coworkers, who at first scoff, then humor me, and then are convinced.

It works on everything from headaches to motion sickness to gas to plain old just ate the wrong stuff and feel sick. I am not talking a cure for salmonella, but it can sure help you feel better if you do have it.

I always carry ginger and peppermint essential oil (food grade) when I fly, too. I've been known to get a little "icky head" when having to practice steep turns or something on a hot day especially when combined with lingering eau de avgas, and after a few drops of peppermint under my nose, and a little drop of ginger for inside, I am right as rain again.
I used to love Little Tavern when I lived in the DC area. Similar to White Castle and Krystals, but much, much better. "Buy 'em by the bag!"
Ingest some ginger. Either as tea, crystallized ginger root, or even sushi ginger. It will start working within fifteen minutes. That turbulence down below will downgrade from extreme to moderate to, hopefully, smooth as flying in North Dakota on a clear, cold winter day.

Don't bother with ginger ale unless it has real ginger in it.
Reed's Jamaican Ginger Beer! Yeah!

We've got an Arby's on the far side of the expressway, and a White Castle on the near side! I love Jamocha shakes! :yes:
Nope... no Krystal in H-town either, that I've been able to find. No Steak-N-Shake either. But, we just got a couple of Jimmy Johns' in the area... one across the street from my office!

Mmm, Steak-N-Shake. I recently found my love for that place.
Mmm, Steak-N-Shake. I recently found my love for that place.

Ugh. Their fries are disgusting. More like strips of potato warmed in oil. Not fried. Warmed. Looked like a wet dripping ball of thick spaghetti. What part of frie(d)s don't they get.

Warm, wet, limp, dripping fries. Yuck.
You must have just gone to a bad store... my fries from there have always been crispy and fresh... and quite tasty when topped by their chili and cheese sauce :)
Oh, the Krystal! You southerners are so lucky! Whenever I am in Savannah for fuel or a brief stop, I always try to get the crew car and go to the Krystal.

I like White Castle too (when in NY), but not as much as Krystal--the only difference between them that I can discern is that White Castle has ketchup and Krystal has mustard on their burgers. If I eat more than two, though...

I like Arby's roast beef also but try not to eat it very often. The only time I've ever been seriously food poisoned, however, was Roy Rogers fried chicken. I haven't eaten fried chicken since--anywhere--and it's been 20 years!
Oh, the Krystal! You southerners are so lucky! Whenever I am in Savannah for fuel or a brief stop, I always try to get the crew car and go to the Krystal.

I like White Castle too (when in NY), but not as much as Krystal--the only difference between them that I can discern is that White Castle has ketchup and Krystal has mustard on their burgers. If I eat more than two, though...
I didn't know that.

I have to remember to ask for mustard on my burgers at White Castle. I usually forget. I use yellow mustard, more often brown mustard, at home.

I like Arby's roast beef also but try not to eat it very often. The only time I've ever been seriously food poisoned, however, was Roy Rogers fried chicken. I haven't eaten fried chicken since--anywhere--and it's been 20 years!

Funny how we humans are. For me it's sweet and sour soup I got from a take-out chop suey dive more than 20 years ago. I don't think I've ever been so sick for so long. I think I've managed to eat one bowl of that since.

From that human experience is borne food rules like the kosher laws.
This thread made me go to Arby's for lunch.

Roast Beef, curly fries and a jamocha shake.
i cant say ive ever really had food poisoning. so i just eat whatever looks and sounds good
Why do White Castle hamburgers have 5 holes?

It takes 5 bullets to kill a rat.
They used to put five holes in cat meat at Korean restaurants. It helped th meat cook faster. But, White Castle sued them for infringement.

Still better than "Eat & Barf" aka Eat and Park....
Funny I found this thread.

I went to Arby's today and enjoyed my meal....then ran home and had it "leave" me...and I am STILL paying for it.

Great tasting going in, not so good coming out. :(
Funny I found this thread.

I went to Arby's today and enjoyed my meal....then ran home and had it "leave" me...and I am STILL paying for it.

Great tasting going in, not so good coming out. :(
Gosh! I never stop at Arby's stores. But, I have done a lot of courier work for corporate HQ in Dunwoody, Juwjuh. I might have to print this thread and drop it off with their very cute receptionist.
I like White Castle too (when in NY), but not as much as Krystal--the only difference between them that I can discern is that White Castle has ketchup and Krystal has mustard on their burgers. If I eat more than two, though...

Umm... White Castle does NOT have ketchup (or mustard). White Castles are steamed over a bed of onions and stacked on a steamed, mushy bun with onions and pickle slices only.

(OK - maybe I should have said "Yum..." instead of "Umm..." Hmm... I'm pretty sure WC is still open - might be time for a short road trip........)
Umm... White Castle does NOT have ketchup (or mustard). White Castles are steamed over a bed of onions and stacked on a steamed, mushy bun with onions and pickle slices only.

(OK - maybe I should have said "Yum..." instead of "Umm..." Hmm... I'm pretty sure WC is still open - might be time for a short road trip........)

Oh, right. But you CAN get ketchup, or my case, mustard on your Slyders(TM) on request.
My 20 year bad fast food story: biting into a nail extension or Lee Press-on Nail or some such nastiness in my Chicken Soft Taco at Taco Bell. I still get the gag reflex when I think about that. Haven't eaten Taco Bell since.

And what's wrong with Eat n' Park, Bill? Other than the name - shouldn't you park, then eat? It was a not-bad meal option when I worked in Pittsburgh. I was just out of college then, so maybe my taste buds hadn't fully matured.
me and my wife took a short road trip today and grabbed some lunch on the way... she decided where to stop and guess what, she picked Arbys...

still having the visual provided by Ed in my head, I opted for the chicken :D
me and my wife took a short road trip today and grabbed some lunch on the way... she decided where to stop and guess what, she picked Arbys...

still having the visual provided by Ed in my head, I opted for the chicken :D
Come on... go for the gusto and get some real meat! Don't be what you eat! :)