I have plans


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
May 23, 2006
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Do you have plans?

Two years ago I told my boss that I will be retiring this next spring. I gave him two and a half years to plan for my retirement. Last week he began. His first question, "Do you think you could put off your retirement a little longer? Talk to your husband," he suggested.

"Does he know how old you are?" my husband asked incredulously when I told him.

Next day, when I assured my boss that I actually intended to retire next spring, he inquired, "Why? Do you have plans?"

Yes, I have plans.

I plan to have a bold wonderful celebration party in June. I will celebrate working for more than fifty years and finally retiring. I will celebrate my wedding anniversary with the most amazing man and helpmate. I will celebrate our new home that is 1000 miles closer to family than we have lived for twenty-five years. I will celebrate my 70th birthday.

I plan to sell my house and move back home and spend time with my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I plan to take them to the zoo and feed acorns to ostriches and remember times when my son fed ostriches, too. I plan to make them knitted sweaters, embroidered pillow covers, and quilts. And then, I plan to teach them to knit and embroider and quilt.

I plan to teach my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to eat and cook healthy food. I'll watch them run and jump and tumble and laugh and swim.

I plan to teach my grandchildren old dances like the Twist, jive and even the Charleston. I plan to have them teach me the latest dances and songs and singers. I plan to tell them stories about cross-country car trips before the Interstate system and before television and let them tell me about the latest marvels in transportation and communication. I will reach into the past to find my ancestors and theirs.

I plan to teach my grandchildren to love and respect and admire others who are different from themselves. I will call it wisdom. I will tell them how strong and beautiful and smart and kind they are. We will reach for their dreams together.

I plan to grow fruits and vegetables and flowers in my yard. I plan to take the time to get trim, fit, and healthy. I plan to find a way to live within my means in a planet-healthy way.

I plan to build a porch swing for reading Chaucer and watching the sunrise and sunset and drifting clouds whenever I want. I plan to stay in bed every morning as long as I like and not worry about getting to the job on time. I will gossip with my neighbors; I will visit museums and take in plays and concerts. I will wear red and purple.

I plan to go to the local high school and find the teacher who needs the most help and spend the day helping maintain control and teach the next generation the skills they will need to be successful.

I plan to attend Town meetings and have my voice heard. I plan to vote and get others to vote. I plan to make sure that the elderly, the infirm, the poor all have voices in their government.

I plan to visit Yellowstone and Rome and India and Alaska and the tip of South America. I plan to learn Japanese and as many new things as I can.

And I plan to die. Let it not be said that I forgot that every life ends. I plan to leave this world a better place than it would be if I had not been here. I plan to have people mourn my passing.
Plan on sticking around a goofy web board and share opinions as well??

Love your list but I wanted to put something other then "Cool"

Happy Retirement to you!
Sounds like you have some great plans, AP. :)
yep - you have some sweet plans

You do a tenth of that, you're a hero. You are surely wise for making such plans, and for executing on them.

Just stick around and tell us all about it. Maybe some of us can help from time to time.
Wow .. all I did was turn into a bum and start building another airplane.

That is a nobel and courageous plan for life.

So you are gonna work another year? ;). :eek: :rofl:

All the best AP.
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I'd love to be the fly on the wall when you tell your boss all that just to watch his face.

Wonderful post, Aunt Peggy! Now just go out and do it!

I'm now 67 and just un-retired. I now have the biggest job of my lifetime, and it will be a wonderful challenge to set this particular ship on course for the next decade or so, as the prior strategic plan has done so thoughtfully over the past decade or so.

One of the reasons I am glad to be back in the saddle, is that my wife, a decade junior to me, owns her own company and it will be five years or so before it matures enough to be sold. So as long as she is working.... and as long as the health holds out... and as long as the job is fun and challenging... I'll give it a go.

Yes, I was hoping for an 80% job this time around, and I wound up with a 120% job. OK, I am up for the challenge!

...but I have to admit your list of wants seems very well thought out, pleasant, and tempting. I hope it all brings you the satisfaction you deserve!

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Peggy, it all sounds great!!! I missed the part that included flying.

You do a tenth of that, you're a hero. You are surely wise for making such plans, and for executing on them.

Just stick around and tell us all about it. Maybe some of us can help from time to time.

My money is on AP. She'll get r dun. :yes:
I rise in objection. The gentle Lady from New York has misused the term retirement. I argue that her own statements prove my case that "reload" is more proper in her case.

Seriously, I hope the gentle Lady from New York will print two copies of her original post, delivering the first to the unfortunate boss who misunderstood her two and a half years ago and securing the second to her personal mirror in her new home for her own daily viewing. "Retirement" is hard for self directed and hard working folks and there will be times that this reminder will be helpful.

My hat is off and I bow to the gentle Lady from New York in all she has said with the exception of the term "retirement".


Maybe add becoming a published Author to your plans?
You'll also have given them a good example of planning, which isn't popular much nowadays. ;)

Good stuff.
Having been in Tulsa a couple weeks ago when the temp was 112F, I would add planning to find a way to stay cool to the list of objectives. Good luck, AP.
I rise in objection. The gentle Lady from New York has misused the term retirement. I argue that her own statements prove my case that "reload" is more proper in her case.

Seriously, I hope the gentle Lady from New York will print two copies of her original post, delivering the first to the unfortunate boss who misunderstood her two and a half years ago and securing the second to her personal mirror in her new home for her own daily viewing. "Retirement" is hard for self directed and hard working folks and there will be times that this reminder will be helpful.

My hat is off and I bow to the gentle Lady from New York in all she has said with the exception of the term "retirement".



Maybe add becoming a published Author to your plans?
:yeahthat: You've written a GREAT epistle. Now, your challenge is to live by it!
Peggy, it all sounds great!!! I missed the part that included flying.
I plan to buy a LSA and build a hangar just off the taxiway of the airport home we will move to. I plan to participate in the Wichita Pilot's Group flyins as often as possible. I plan to fly up to Ponca for the monthly breakfasts and to spend time with that branch of the family. I plan to get my AGI and help Hubby teach the next generation of aviators. We will be the the John and Martha of Tulsa.
"But, but, but, it's only ONE more year...."
Picture the pleading look and the beseeching tone of a man who cruised along on autopilot for the 2.5 years after you warned him...

In my case I had said for at least 5 years, 'maybe next year'... So there I am at 71 still working 12-14 hours a day and 7 days a week... Finally the big guy got tired of my procrastinating, leaned over , and gave me a swift kick... I went down in mid stride into a heap on the floor and when I tried to get up found I had a paralyzed left leg - and they carried me out feet first (yes, kicking and screaming at cruel fate - well, kicking with one foot that is)
After the surgery and during the 4 months of hospital rehab I kept chaffing 'boy, I can't wait to get back to work'...
Then, back at home, a funny thing happened on the way to the forum - well, actually on the way to the vets office with our pooch (name is Pasta) - first time EVER I had time to take him for his checkup... On the way I drive past the office, my office, the place where we had worked for 33 years, looked at the jammed parking lot and thought 'boy, he is really behind.. It will be 7 oclock tonight before he gets done and then he probably has to go back to the hospital' and realized that I did not miss one damned bit of that 14 hour grind any more. In the jammed waiting room at the vet (boy, was he behind) I called corporate headquarters and simply said, "Hi, this is me, I quit. Bye." and hung up... Pasta smiled from ear to ear all the way home...

Well, we did not move to the sunny South (still here in grim Michigan) I did not make any major plans for a year after quitting... We spent part of the first winter at our place in Florida and found that a week is about the limit of our tolerance for sitting on the front porch... So we came back home and I bought another farm and more machinery and now I'm working - ooooh, about 12 hours a day... The difference now is that I can park the tractor and take Pasta to the vet when he needs to go...

Go ahead and reload Peggy... I suspect you will love every minute of your retirement - whether you stay retired or not...
I plan to buy a LSA and build a hangar just off the taxiway of the airport home we will move to. I plan to participate in the Wichita Pilot's Group flyins as often as possible. I plan to fly up to Ponca for the monthly breakfasts and to spend time with that branch of the family. I plan to get my AGI and help Hubby teach the next generation of aviators. We will be the the John and Martha of Tulsa.

Build a RV-12! Great hubby - wifey project. 8 months you are flying a plane you built! :yesnod:
I sincerely hope you enjoy your retirement and get to do everything you listed and more!
I plan to buy a LSA and build a hangar just off the taxiway of the airport home we will move to. I plan to participate in the Wichita Pilot's Group flyins as often as possible. I plan to fly up to Ponca for the monthly breakfasts and to spend time with that branch of the family. I plan to get my AGI and help Hubby teach the next generation of aviators. We will be the the John and Martha of Tulsa.

Pulled the rip cord 15 years ago and have never regretted it. Even if you only accomplish 10% of you plane, you will be a Happy Camper.

Awesome. Lucky Grandkids(and kids.) Enjoy.
Whats this have to do with aviation?

I only ask because that post makes me feel really ashamed for bringing it up before. One question about the 'plan'...Red AND Purple??
I'd love to be the fly on the wall when you tell your boss all that just to watch his face.

He said:
Nice plans. I won't ask you to put them into a project schedule ;)

> I plan to learn Japanese

Then perhaps you can teach me,
Nice to hear a happy story. Keep us posted. Damn, I thought I held the record with a 1 year advance notice. Betcha can't top this, tho: my boss was so good that I'm leaving him my plane when I croak.

I sent in my resignation letter today. April 1 is my last day.
Since none of your plans are set in stone, can you work a little longer to help out your procrastinating boss ? :p
Since none of your plans are set in stone, can you work a little longer to help out your procrastinating boss ? :p

You know, you could always float a ridiculous pay rate that would keep you working.

What is the worst that happens, you get a no?

Or a yes?:rofl:
Those are great letters to write congrats. Did it read like this one?

I sent in my resignation letter today. April 1 is my last day.

It would be really fun to go in on your last day and tell your boss that you've had a change of heart and will work another year. At the end of the day you could say "April fools!!" :lol: