I got reported to the FAA (not a ******* Satire)

Sorry. I got crazy busy at work....The details are way too much to type but I will have a documentary shortly.

So First, probably 80% of what I have heard about these guys might be somewhat embellished internet lore.

I will get to that. Here's what happened.
A very robotic young man greeted me and refused to shake my hand. I was like "WTF Bro???"
He said "I have a cold and I would hate to be the cause of you falling ill"
He had a trainee with him as well so that guy sat in.
They are both pilots by the way

Dude goes: "So what is your rebuttal to the claim that you have been receiving compensation in exchange for flight lessons?"
I reply: "I have not been receiving compensation in exchange for flight lessons"
He says: "May I see your log book?"
I hand him my logbook. *gasp*

He spends 10 minutes reading every single memo which I am a little embarrassed by because my logbook is more like a comic book.
It was painstaking. He didn't skip one spec of ink.
He tested me: "So who is this Mark King?"
I said: "A friend. He and I flew together once."

I put people's names in my logbook. If we've flown together you are in there (probably under "mile high club". Mom's is the most awkward)
He gave me my logbook back.

He goes: "Well, we have nothing so substantiate that you are in fact receiving compensation for flying. However there will be a note in your file that there was an investigation that could not be substantiated. This is not negative in anyway but the investigation would be able to be reopened in the event that at later time there is cause to believe you are in fact accepting money w/o the proper ratings."

Me: Great! Mind if I interview you guys?
They said "sure"

I spend a good 45 minutes learning all about the FSDO and every thing then can do, don't do, and they dispelled so many things. More later on that.
They said I could use the FOI to attempt to get the identity of the person that submitted the claim which I am going to do.

I also told them to expect to see me again and we will probably become good friends over time.

Honestly aside from the fact that someone decided I needed this lesson, the event today was good. I learned a lot and I (and you) should have zero fear if these guys reach out to you. Even if you've done something wrong. They are not out to get us. Like I said, they (in this case) are pilots and stated their goal is to get pilots back into compliance in the event that they screw up.
At any rate, more silver linings than dark clouds on this event
All pretty much to be expected.

I was speaking with an ASI last week. Mentioned the situation (without names, of course). He burst out laughing.
Look forward to the announcement that he will join the forces of evil in the role of project manager in the automated enforcement division. 'Operation JudgeDredd(FSDO)' *

Glad to hear that it went as expected. Senior ASI has another manila folder stamped with 'closed, no action' and the trainee now knows how to handle a BS investigation.

* You know, for that fat fed pension.
Must have gotten an early release for good behavior. Bryan’s gonna be ****ed when he finds out that Eren is the one who turned him in!

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had either of them seen your instructional I mean satirical video series?

No idea.
They were robots. I tried very hard but could not get them to break character.

I told him I was going to ask to reschedule the meeting because I have a student.
He just goes "That wouldn't be a good idea but given what your attitude tells us about you we would have gotten the joke"
No idea.
They were robots. I tried very hard but could not get them to break character.

I told him I was going to ask to reschedule the meeting because I have a student.
He just goes "That wouldn't be a good idea but given what your attitude tells us about you we would have gotten the joke"

Tough room.
Sorry. I got crazy busy at work....The details are way too much to type but I will have a documentary shortly.

So First, probably 80% of what I have heard about these guys might be somewhat embellished internet lore.

I will get to that. Here's what happened.
A very robotic young man greeted me and refused to shake my hand. I was like "WTF Bro???"
He said "I have a cold and I would hate to be the cause of you falling ill"
He had a trainee with him as well so that guy sat in.
They are both pilots by the way

Dude goes: "So what is your rebuttal to the claim that you have been receiving compensation in exchange for flight lessons?"
I reply: "I have not been receiving compensation in exchange for flight lessons"
He says: "May I see your log book?"
I hand him my logbook. *gasp*

He spends 10 minutes reading every single memo which I am a little embarrassed by because my logbook is more like a comic book.
It was painstaking. He didn't skip one spec of ink.
He tested me: "So who is this Mark King?"
I said: "A friend. He and I flew together once."

I put people's names in my logbook. If we've flown together you are in there (probably under "mile high club". Mom's is the most awkward)
He gave me my logbook back.

He goes: "Well, we have nothing so substantiate that you are in fact receiving compensation for flying. However there will be a note in your file that there was an investigation that could not be substantiated. This is not negative in anyway but the investigation would be able to be reopened in the event that at later time there is cause to believe you are in fact accepting money w/o the proper ratings."

Me: Great! Mind if I interview you guys?
They said "sure"

I spend a good 45 minutes learning all about the FSDO and every thing then can do, don't do, and they dispelled so many things. More later on that.
They said I could use the FOI to attempt to get the identity of the person that submitted the claim which I am going to do.

I also told them to expect to see me again and we will probably become good friends over time.

Honestly aside from the fact that someone decided I needed this lesson, the event today was good. I learned a lot and I (and you) should have zero fear if these guys reach out to you. Even if you've done something wrong. They are not out to get us. Like I said, they (in this case) are pilots and stated their goal is to get pilots back into compliance in the event that they screw up.
At any rate, more silver linings than dark clouds on this event

Where is 6PC, you imposter, and what have you done with him?!
So does this mean we are back on for our Thursday lesson?

Disclaimer: This post is a joke. The comments expressed herein may be screenshotted and shared with the FAA only if the original author is first compensated in cash at a rate of $100 per character. This post may not be considered as flight instruction. I assume no liability if you read this in flight and take it as instruction.
So all I read was I dont get a great deal on a grumman, is that right?


Time to look thru more of Brian's internet posts to send...wait...I've said to much.
I guess someone is getting nervous about the FAA revealing his / her name... :D

Glad that it turned out ok. Maybe a late birthday gift...?
No idea.
They were robots. I tried very hard but could not get them to break character.
I don't think I could do that job if being that much of a robot is a requirement.

I told him I was going to ask to reschedule the meeting because I have a student.
He just goes "That wouldn't be a good idea but given what your attitude tells us about you we would have gotten the joke"
You said that to them? You're going to have back trouble later in life from weight of those enormous cajones.
No idea.
They were robots. I tried very hard but could not get them to break character.

I told him I was going to ask to reschedule the meeting because I have a student.
He just goes "That wouldn't be a good idea but given what your attitude tells us about you we would have gotten the joke"

I doubt it. Doesn't sound like they have any sense of humor. Glad it wasn't any worse. I'm not sure I would have maintained the good attitude you did.
Weird, I just got this PM:

Dearest of the Stevies,

I am actually in jail, and they won't give me any of the internet, so I can't post on POA. How am I sending you this? A pigeon that I sent is typing this at a public library.

I keep banging my cup against the bars of my cell. I tried to play "We're not going to take it", but it didn't turn out like I thought it would. Also, the guards don't understand it when I yell "Attica!" Maybe they do. Huh.

Anyway, Eryn is posting for me under my name so we can keep the ruse until I get out, likely in 6-10 years. Holy carp, the feds are kinda serious about that "pro rata share" thing.

Convincingly yours,
Honestly aside from the fact that someone decided I needed this lesson, the event today was good. I learned a lot and I (and you) should have zero fear if these guys reach out to you. Even if you've done something wrong. They are not out to get us. Like I said, they (in this case) are pilots and stated their goal is to get pilots back into compliance in the event that they screw up.

OMG, it's worse than we thought! BrYan's been brainwashed! :eek:

Glad to hear it turned out well. Hope you get the name of the scoundrel.
Or there was no complaint...and you have some fed upset over your videos (matter of time, hate to say I’ve been expecting it, but I have). Your post is a good place to start their investigation..and even if that post was meaingless that doesn’t mean the investigation will be meaningless. This **** happens..welcome to painting a target on your back.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be discussing this on the internet, nor would I blindly go to a FAA meeting that is investigating me (that is what they are doing). Their goal is to violate you and they suspect there may be cause to do so. If it wasn’t, they’d invest their time in a different direction.

So..time to turn the jokes off and speak with a relevant aviation attorney to determine how much You must coorperate and what your next course of action is. I recommend you don’t make a habit out of helping someone investigate you.

Do not go speak to the FAA without speaking to a lawyer that knows this area of law. Do not show them anything more than you legally have to show them. Do take this seriously, even if the post wasn’t. They will go over anything you show them with a fine tooth comb, and their intent isn’t to be friends.

Cases like this are why you don’t find me making a fool out of myself on uncontrolled airspace. That group will cost pilots their jobs and/or certificates given due time.

So it appears that Jesse's worst-case-scenario didn't come to pass. But how can you know if it's just a friendly chat, or a witch hunt? We might as well all stop making jokes online. Bryan's original comment, clearly sarcastic, resulted in some hassle and stress for him. What a ridiculous world we live in.
And I was baking you cookies and a cake with a file in it so you could bust out of the Big House, and everything. sigh...............
Oh well, the cookies are tasty.
So it appears that Jesse's worst-case-scenario didn't come to pass. But how can you know if it's just a friendly chat, or a witch hunt? We might as well all stop making jokes online. Bryan's original comment, clearly sarcastic, resulted in some hassle and stress for him. What a ridiculous world we live in.

Maybe so, but his reaction was still over the top imo.I got counseled at work last week over "attitude" too. My kindergartener may be getting picked on by the teacher because I disagreed with her at the PTA conference. My wife left the military in disgust over supervisor maltreatment, again the ol' complaint about "attitude". Never performance, never content, "attitude".We hear dogwhistle well in this house, we ain't new. Look, if we had to seek grievance for every time a petty human takes exception to our utterances, mannerisms or opinion, Jesus Christ might as well shut it all down and have a Snickers, cuz we ain't going anywhere for a while.

Fact remains, the world is riddled with cowards and thin-skinned people, and I'm too old to become ice cream for a living and be everything to everyone. You can't spend your entire life strategically walking on eggshells for fears of upsetting someone. Not every disagreement you have you someone leads to your financial destitution; that's just spineless fears. Humans are petty, noted. I consider that a sunk cost.
It's a violation of the RoC to publicly post the contents of a PM.
I obfuscated the senders name to protect the wicked.

Seriously, I think I hear the POAFAA outside my door now!

Maybe we need an open letter to the FAA, like ICP did with the FBI:
Notice that they never said that they believe you or that they believe you didn't break the regs. They said its "ubstantiated" and that it will go in the permanent file (dossier). That is a far cry from "you didn't do it".