I forgot.....


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
....is it the superbowl that's supposed to have good, funny commercials or is that something entirely different than what I'm watching?
Halftime show was better than usual, commercials have been crap.
Halftime show was better than usual, commercials have been crap.

I couldn't wait for that halftime show to end. but I don't listen to that kind of music. my buddy said "please usher in the 2nd half".
....is it the superbowl that's supposed to have good, funny commercials or is that something entirely different than what I'm watching?e e
Are you from the Bay or what?

Hehe I like saying’you’
I remember now why I never watch this. ***yawn***
Stretch DeLorean. :confused:Sacrilegous.
Oh wow, that was Sac Religious, think it wasn’t.
I hadn't watched a pro game in years. Watched about 5 minutes before halftime, because GF wanted to see the halftime show. Commentators talking non-stop. Paired up so they can take turns breathing I guess. Like listening to grandma's knitting channel at 2x speed. The producers seem to be fine with cutting off parts of the actual plays, and you don't see setup, so these clowns can show you replays of something that happened 1.8 seconds go. Is the world on meth now?

When I was a kid, maybe 10 or something, I asked some random old fellow who he thought was going to win some big game. He said "why the f&*&k would I care who wins a game that I don't have money on?" I don't gamble, but many decades later I now know what he meant.
Sooo... who won, so I can pretend to be "normal" when somebody asks me about it tomorrow?
The Dunkin’ Donuts and Reese’s were the only funny ones IMO. The rest were just meh.
SB commercials haven't been funny in years. You pretty much can't be funny without offending someone these days.
Not only that, the bar has been raised. TV commercials were once your only source of short-form 30 second video entertainment. Now, there's all sorts of user-generated content competing for your attention and ad agencies are outnumbered. Even watching broadcast television is pretty much on its way out with the Super Bowl one of its last bastions.
Thanks for the pireps. Now I know I don't have to bother looking for them.