I am very proud to announce that...

Hope you can make it Captain! March 16-19 @ KCXO. If you have any content ideas for panels, speakers, entertainment, food, etc....we'd love to hear it. #TakingRequests

Brian, Founder
Hey, Brian -- great idea, and I wish you all the luck and success in the world.

Just FYI: You do know that you scheduled this right in the middle of Spring Break for most Texas universities...right? IMHO you may have trouble competing with Port Aransas and South Padre as destinations for your young target audience because of this timing.
So what are the options to fly in to Modaero? They're not listed on the site as far as I can tell. Is parking included with the ticket? Where will GAP be? Can I just park at Galaxy like I normally do? lol

Like Willy says, "All my exes live in Texas" there for I'll wait to you do an event in SoFla...:rofl:

That would have been George Strait ;)
Hey, Brian -- great idea, and I wish you all the luck and success in the world.

Just FYI: You do know that you scheduled this right in the middle of Spring Break for most Texas universities...right? IMHO you may have trouble competing with Port Aransas and South Padre as destinations for your young target audience because of this timing.
Thanks Jay! Yes, we specifically targeted this week because of Spring Break. The strategy is that we're providing an alternative to those party-only destinations. The undertone is "come to party-go home with a career" (undertone-only). Career Fair is Day One and that leaves 3 more days to enjoy the Festival. We also think a good number of people will come for 1-2 days and then head off to other destinations. Our goal is to attract both out-of-state and TX natives. Lastly, Houston high schools also have this week off. We are offering their students Free admission and will have a good number of Universities/Flight Schools on-site to attract students into the Aviation Education/Career Pipeline. What makes us different, is that we are slating "Career Counseling" as the major programming component. Not just "get a job" but "discover the best career field/opportunity for each person". We want to educate young people that aviation careers are exciting, but you need to be prepared.

So what are the options to fly in to Modaero? They're not listed on the site as far as I can tell. Is parking included with the ticket? Where will GAP be? Can I just park at Galaxy like I normally do? lol

That would have been George Strait ;)
MKOSMO - We are working on the Fly-In NOTAM which should be posted 30-45 Days in advance. Parking will be on the west ramp/Taxiway/Grass. Galaxy, GAS and Wing Av will all remain open for business to serve existing traffic and MODAERO traffic. Parking is Free.

Stay tuned,
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MKOSMO - We are working on the Fly-In NOTAM which should be posted 30-45 Days in advance. Parking will be on the west ramp/Taxiway/Grass. Galaxy, GAS and Wing Av will all remain open for business to serve existing traffic and MODAERO traffic. Parking is Free.

Stay tuned,
Can we buy a day pass at the gate?
So what are the options to fly in to Modaero? They're not listed on the site as far as I can tell. Is parking included with the ticket? Where will GAP be? Can I just park at Galaxy like I normally do? lol

That would have been George Strait ;)

They all sound the same, bunch of whiners...lol:
I think this would be a ton fun to go to but unless they'll be playing good ol' Geroge the whole, you lost me at DJs...

The music the kids these days are listening to is just absurd.

I call it 'nursery rhyme' music.

Almost every song now has a rap break that sounds like 'mary had a little lamb'
Anybody from here go? Their facebook page has a lot of negative reviews. Something about it being cancelled on Friday with no advance notice?
I was hoping it would do good and maybe move around the country
Anybody from here go? Their facebook page has a lot of negative reviews. Something about it being cancelled on Friday with no advance notice?
What? Cancelled? I've been getting happy little Facebook updates all weekend, which just ticked me off since I was stuck working.
What??? Cool bands, good food and young girls didn't attract the masses? Maybe it takes old folks in order to organize an aviation utopia?;)
What??? Cool bands, good food and young girls didn't attract the masses? Maybe it takes old folks in order to organize an aviation utopia?;)

They found out they would actually have to interact with people face to face, and they changed their minds.

I would have liked to have gone. Lots of cute pilot ladies. Some young people gotta work for a living over spring break though.
I was there Friday and passed by on Saturday morning on my way to my hangar. Friday morning when I was there I didn't see big crowds but there were people there. There was some school buses with children who were obviously on a field trip. Good to see, maybe one will get the bug. Saturday I passed by the show location on my way to the hangar to meet with my mechanic and there seemed to be more people going in to the show. I expected that they would see more crowds on Saturday.

Good amount of manufacturers were there (Beech/Cessna, Quest Kodiak, Diamond, Pilatus, sport aircraft and a French Helicopter manufacturer). I was surprised that there was no Piper presence. There were also some other good exhibitors that I spoke with. CAF was there. The Army was there with a blackhawk. I talked with a helicopter school about getting a helicopter add on. I saw a few different regional airlines. I didn't speak with them as that wasn't something I was interested in, but if you were looking to get into the airline gig, that looked like the place to be. The EAA and AOPA both had a presence. There was an A&P school that I spoke with. There was a furniture maker that was designing and making aviation themed furniture. It wasn't rehabed old parts, he was actually making it all from scratch. He had a really cool exposed wing executive desk. Some day........

As I was leaving I met Steve from stevo1kinevo youtube channel. Really nice guy.

One thing that I believe may have had a negative impact on attendance was the weather. We had low ceilings last week and then a cool front came through Saturday and cleared it out but brought wind gusts with it. I saw 1 plane in the camping area on Friday and several tents and rv's (recreational vehicles, not the experimental aircraft variety).

I did not attend any of the evening activities so I can not comment on those.

I had a good time and I was glad that I went. I cant imagine the challenges to putting on an event like this, so I am appreciative to the organizers for putting this on in my own back yard.
I'd rather go to Airventure and hang out with the old folks.
I'd rather go to Airventure and hang out with the old folks.

While I like Modaero's under 18 get in free, $39 a day for adults is too steep for an event like this. I'd rather go to to Sun n Fun, spend $37 (less for EAA/vets) and have 4 times as much to see.

Like air shows, I think Modaero found out there's an enormous amount of coordination, volunteering, sponsorship and money that goes into putting on one of these.
I kinda get the feeling that some of us were hoping ModAero would fail.

Should we be ashamed of ourselves?
I kinda get the feeling that some of us were hoping ModAero would fail.

Should we be ashamed of ourselves?

On the contrary. All of us should know GA isn't going to survive without the next gen of pilots coming up.

I just don't agree with the marketing specifically towards younger pilots and using the shortfalls of OSH as an example of how to attract the younger crowd. OSH and Sun N Fun have many aviation activities centered around the younger crowd. I'd say if this next gen crowd is more concerned about the quality of food, the bands, and being around people primarily their age, they've got their aviation priorities screwed up.

Also, when it comes to this old crowd, I think they're doing a pretty darn good job at trying to get kids involved in aviation. Getting ready to head out to the airport now for an elementary school tour. Perhaps one of them will get the "spark" like I did when I was their age. Aviation should sell itself. It either grabs hold of you or it doesn't.
What? Cancelled? I've been getting happy little Facebook updates all weekend, which just ticked me off since I was stuck working.
What??? Cool bands, good food and young girls didn't attract the masses? Maybe it takes old folks in order to organize an aviation utopia?;)
They found out they would actually have to interact with people face to face, and they changed their minds.
I wonder why they can't run the whole MODAERO event virtually on them Tweeters or FecesBooks. It would sure solve the attendance problem. All the youngsters can hash and tweeter all they want from their spring break destinations. :)
In the meantime, I'll fly a real airplane to a real fly-in and have a burger and a beer with other pilots.
Now get off my lawn, darn kids!! :D

EDIT: Oh, and to show that I actually do care about the younger generations getting into aviation, I will be taking a co-worker and his 13-y/o son up for a quick sight-seeing ride one calm weekend. If he gets the bug, one more hooked!! :D
Twitter and Facebook is how they tried to get people to attend. Between a pretty bad week/weekend choice and weather, this wasn't going to turn out very well. From what I understand, everything from vendor attendance to attendee attendance was pretty underwhelming. I wanted to go on Saturday but got stuck at work instead :(
Seems like those old coots who do S-n-F and Airventure might actually know what they're doing. The geezers always show up.

Of course I'm biased, being 50.

I'm still blushing and laughing at mscards request for the princess to debrief. Does that line ever work?
I had a gut feeling that this event won't succeed from the beginning. What tipped me off was the unfortunate way it was advertised.
Using the word "eclectic" is not a good way to draw people. Unless you sell tie-dye T-shirts and weed. :D
I'm still blushing and laughing at mscards request for the princess to debrief. Does that line ever work?

Hey I just assumed Princess went being she started the thread...o_O:)
I had a gut feeling that this event won't succeed from the beginning. What tipped me off was the unfortunate way it was advertised.
Using the word "eclectic" is not a good way to draw people. Unless you sell tie-dye T-shirts and weed. :D

Yup. And putting on a weekend of drone racing and a job fair is kind of a stark contrast to their stated goal of getting the "ultra-hip" and "hypermobile" to attend.

It's like someone was playing buzzword bingo to assemble their marketing materials.
Hey I just assumed Princess went being she started the thread...o_O:)

It WOULD be the height of irony if the Princess didn't make it down there after the gushing endorsement.:D
Hey Princess, did ya go? Debrief if you did. ;)
Well, no I did not go. As much as I would love to meet you all and talk about airplanes all day, I did not like the fact that I was constantly bugged every single day to post things on their behalf. Trying to use the women in aviation as attention magnets is something I had a problem with. I have a life, and as much as I would love to be of help in furthering the advancement of aviation, I respect myself first.
What tipped me off was the unfortunate way it was advertised.
Using the word "eclectic" is not a good way to draw people. Unless you sell tie-dye T-shirts and weed. :D

Hey! I live in Eclectic! Whassa matta wi' tha name o'ma town?!?
I(26) didn't even know about it until just now. I probably still wouldn't have gone because first...kind of a distance to go to a somewhat new aviation conference that I don't really know about and second...Jason Schappert and Josh Flower were speaking, I'll pass on that. Good on them for doing music and beer though! I think I'd rather get a dozen of my pilot buddies and go to the NBAA expo when it is in Vegas.