How to Land a Cirrus SR22. A Documentary by 6PC


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Ted, Captain Kirk???

I did this for you guys today. The video below is a super serious film showing how one turns a Cirrus into a multi-use airplane.


It's rare that I laugh out loud to the Internet. But this was awesome!
I don't want to give you a big head or anything like that, but you're pretty funny. We all want to see more of you, and the fact that your wife is pretty and engaging has nothing to do with it, honest.
Lol I got a good laugh out of we aren't on the lines anymore so we're probably gonna die
Continue the series or eman will be forced to make the monkey live with you permanently.
I'm sorta skeerd to ask what was the flesh colored hairy thing to the left as he started explaining the steam powered gauges.
I'm sorta skeerd to ask what was the flesh colored hairy thing to the left as he started explaining the steam powered gauges.

Fear not, young fellow; it was Jabba.
When you say you can see your shadow is that some indication of how many weeks we have left of winter?
When you say you can see your shadow is that some indication of how many weeks we have left of winter?

You need to check it and also confirm it is moving forward.
Most of the time when you see your shadow in a Cirrus, you are coming down vertically and that is the touchdown spot :yes:
what are you, a stunt pilot or something? landing a cirrus with fuel remaining is just crazy.
what are you, a stunt pilot or something? landing a cirrus with fuel remaining is just crazy.

I don't mean to brag (And don't tell the NTSB) but I have landed it a few times actually.
HAHAHAH I just had the thought: I am more surprised they don't make the news when they come down w/o the chute LOL
I checked your uploads and couldn't find one on how to pull the red handle. When are you going to give us a tutorial on the proper way to do that>
I checked your uploads and couldn't find one on how to pull the red handle. When are you going to give us a tutorial on the proper way to do that>

If I ever make that video, I will be POADeleted23. I can't handle the comments :lol:
CAPS deployment (CAPSD) should be another stat to keep.....

TTAF 1204
SMOH 32*
CAPSD 17**

*plane sat for 30 days so obviously we overhauled it
**3 CAPSD since OH
That was hilarious. I loved the Cirrus "lady" offering up CAPS at every opportunity!

"That's the stick, I don't touch that." - :lol:
loved it, Bryan. You missed discussing the part where Cirrus has reverse thrust on final, where you can make the prop run backwards.
LOL, "The side stick is here, I don't know how to use that, I'm not going to touch it. It does something...."

Comedy gold, I think you left a lot of unburned fuel in the plane on that landing.
Having flown in this exact plane and with this pilot, I can vouch for the authenticity of Bryan's helpfull documentary. Kinda like exposing Bro Code is taboo, he is exposing the harsh reality of SRxx pilots.

I think it's funny that you guys think it's funny that you think he is trying to be funny. But what you fail to realize is........ He is being!
I laughed.....I cried....It left me weak, and weepy...It was much better than Cats, I would see it again and again....:rofl:

It was I want that for the Bonanza.:goofy: :D
Last edited: I guess with the Autopilot-thing you don't have even need your metal landing calculator...Cirrus has certainly advanced the science of flight!
Wish I could afford one...especially now that I know they can be re-used.
Not going to believe this but I just got a cease and desist letter from Cirrus.
They don't want it getting out that you don't have to by a new plane for each leg.
I laughed.....I cried.....It was I want that for the Bonanza.:goofy: :D

Bo drivers would never belittle themselves to believe they are anything less than executive grade aviators in the only aircraft name capable of rolling off their tounges.

Besides, if they did have a vid, all we would see is the cam pointed at the pilot. Probably narrating that they are in hard IMC on a zero/zero approach or something else that sounds uber hard though....
Not going to believe this but I just got a cease and desist letter from Cirrus.
They don't want it getting out that you don't have to by a new plane for each leg.

Post it up.... I'll send them a letter back telling them to STFU.
Post it up.... I'll send them a letter back telling them to STFU.

oh I was kidding. Aint nobody gonna send me a letter.

Aint nobody gonna breaka my stride either.
Cuz nobody gunna slow you down. Oh no. We got to keep on mooovin!
Just posted the vid to COPA.

Hopefully, there's a sense of (twisted) humor over there.

We'll find out shortly.

I still haven't paid for a membership over there. (I know I know)
You will have to let me know if it is a hit or if it starts a riot.