How to determine who wins an argument?

Poll the community as the argument winds down?
Count ‘Likes’ within the thread?
Come back in 2 years and see if current info proves one side or t’other?

PS -spousal arguments are a total different animal:
Pull pants out, look down.
Man junk present?
You lose all arguments.
Especially when all facts point to your position being correct: that’s when you really lose. In a different but overarching way.
My marital ‘argument’ experiences are different from most on here. We have both ended up agreeing with the other on many issues after discussing the issue. I would say that my opinion has won out more often than hers but I freely admit when her ideas or thoughts are better than mine. Neither of us is driven to be right all of the time but rather to find the right answer together.
If neither of you are forced to sleep on the couch....
Everybody wins!

If you are forced to sleep on the couch...
Turn in your Man card,,,, you will always be the looser, and maybe deserve it!!!!