I know, I know another Bravo thread, but this actually went down last night.
My coworker, his student, and I got hungry for BBQ last night and decided to fly to Memphis. Which we later regretted with last nights winds!
Upon reaching the Bravo airspace we were told to turn left to 060* which thus began a 20 min ordeal of very annoyed controllers.
Every few miles the controller would ask for our heading, which we kept giving as 060. After three or four "check your heading" calls, the controller told us that we tracking 090 and we were suppose to be tracking 060. The rest of the conversation went like this:
MEM APP "N123AB, TURN left 030 and check your DG!!"
US: "030 and the DG agrees with our compass"
*few mins*
MEM APP: "N123AB, TURN 20* left NOW"
US: "20 Left and the winds are pretty wicked up here"
MEM APP: "Yeah......Thanks"
Winds were reporting around 45 knots which had us doing a 50* crab angle. Leaving KMEM we had a ground speed of 30-45KTS on climb-out.
To make them even more happy our transponder decided intermittently to report our altitude as roughly 800'-600' off.
My coworker, his student, and I got hungry for BBQ last night and decided to fly to Memphis. Which we later regretted with last nights winds!
Upon reaching the Bravo airspace we were told to turn left to 060* which thus began a 20 min ordeal of very annoyed controllers.
Every few miles the controller would ask for our heading, which we kept giving as 060. After three or four "check your heading" calls, the controller told us that we tracking 090 and we were suppose to be tracking 060. The rest of the conversation went like this:
MEM APP "N123AB, TURN left 030 and check your DG!!"
US: "030 and the DG agrees with our compass"
*few mins*
MEM APP: "N123AB, TURN 20* left NOW"
US: "20 Left and the winds are pretty wicked up here"
MEM APP: "Yeah......Thanks"
Winds were reporting around 45 knots which had us doing a 50* crab angle. Leaving KMEM we had a ground speed of 30-45KTS on climb-out.
To make them even more happy our transponder decided intermittently to report our altitude as roughly 800'-600' off.