Taxi to Parking
I just completed my first flight on Tuesday. Woke up this morning with the news saying 257 died in one plane crash and 6 died in another.
Of course, I know there will always be accidents; electrical failures, fuel shortage, and human error.
But, how safe is flying generally?
Statistically, it's about the same as riding a motorcycle.
The difference is that on the motorcycle it's probably going to be someone else's carelessness that kills you. In the airplane, it will nearly always be your own damn fault if you die. 85% of accidents are pilot error.
The biggest three that seem to keep making up a significant portion of accidents are these:
1) Fuel starvation, IE, running out of gas.
2) Going into weather that the pilot or airplane is not equipped for and losing control
3) "Maneuvering flight," ie buzzing your buddy's house.
These are very easy to avoid: Always plan on at least an hour of reserve fuel and don't be shy about diverting to refuel at an unplanned stop if anything changes from your original plan. If weather begins to go bad, land (or don't take off in the first place). And don't buzz anyone's house, boat, car, etc.
Do that, and flying is probably as safe or safer than driving.