How Does YOUR Airport Rate??

Oh I don't exclude any categories. It's just that some have a greater probability of success than others, that's all. If one's goal is to obtain a friend or two on any given evening, it ain't happening at study hall or a 99's meeting.
Oh I don't exclude any categories. It's just that some have a greater probability of success than others, that's all. If one's goal is to obtain a friend or two on any given evening, it ain't happening at study hall or a 99's meeting.

If by "success" you mean "getting laid" you're probably right.

Oh I don't exclude any categories. It's just that some have a greater probability of success than others, that's all. If one's goal is to obtain a friend or two on any given evening, it ain't happening at study hall or a 99's meeting.

And if by "friend" you mean "one night stand" again, sorry.

You seem to know all of this stuff already, you are wise beyond your years.
"Down" means "lower rating". So female pilots and female engineers rate lowest? Who is highest on the list of potential targets? Super models, ballerinas, and . . . um, strippers?


Quite a few men are intimidated by a woman who is smarter than them or can fly better than them.