how do you make time for exercise?

Between work, sleep, commuting, and kid obligations, I find it hard to make time for exercise during the week. Weekends seem just as bad; yardwork and housework often eat Saturday, and then when the weather is VFR, a quick flight for currency can burn a good part of Sunday.

How do yall make time for exercise?
When I was younger, I used to just make time for it. For a long time, I got home from work at eleven thirty, and went out running. It was nice and quiet, but it didn't help me get to sleep when I got back. It is hard. I agree, you just have to squeeze it in. Think of it like this, your health is important. If you aren't healthy, you can't work, and if you can't work, you can't make money, so staying healthy is a good investment. When you think of it like that, it puts working out a little higher on the priority list. Most of my career, I had to pass a fitness test every year, so it was a big priority to me.

But at this point in my life, I don't work, I don't commute, and the kids are all grown up and gone. I get up in the morning at some time, between eight and nine, go for a run, while my wife goes to yoga. On the off days, we have exercise equipment in the condo, so I hit it there. Two or three days a week, in the afternoon, I go down to the beach, and take a little swim in the ocean. A neighbor is on the San Juan police department, and occasionally he will take me to a big facility that has a track, a swimming pool, and a trail with exercise stations along the way, and we work out there. I also bicycle or walk almost everywhere I go, unless it is to the mall or something. So there you go. If you keep yourself healthy, and work hard, that's what you have to look forward to. :yes:
It's funny how we engineer margins into the things we build, but then operate our lives with so little margin. A change in attitude was required to deal myself in first.

For some reason, it has been easier to "pay yourself first" when it comes to money, but less so for body and spirit. I used to aspire to hit the gym 3x a week but never made time for it. Now I'm shooting for 5x a week, and if life throws me curveballs and I only get 3-4x, that's ok.
I use a bicycle for almost all my surface transportation and bought a push mower instead of a power one.
I started working out four times a week in 1980. If you're tempted to skip a workout or several, keep the result in mind. Have a goal. Plus, the older you get, it's actually easier to stay in shape in the first place than it is to get back in shape after slacking.