Ive been flying with an older gentleman with thousands of hours, that hadn’t flown in a number of years. At first he impressed me with his talent, but as he’s gotten more hours he seems to be quickly getting lazy. First thing I noticed was an intersection takeoff at a short field with two people in a 150.
Then he started doing something else that seems really wreckless to me, but maybe it’s just me.
On climb out, right at the end of the runway at about 65 mph he cranks in an abrupt 20 degree turn towards his departure direction. I feel like an abrupt turn that slow is a really bad idea, but I’m not sure it’s as bad as it seems to me at the time. It’s certainly an unnecessary risk, but is it really that risky?
Then he started doing something else that seems really wreckless to me, but maybe it’s just me.
On climb out, right at the end of the runway at about 65 mph he cranks in an abrupt 20 degree turn towards his departure direction. I feel like an abrupt turn that slow is a really bad idea, but I’m not sure it’s as bad as it seems to me at the time. It’s certainly an unnecessary risk, but is it really that risky?