PPL student pilot here with ~50 hours. Sometime earlier in my training, on a solo flight to a nearby airport to practice landings, I made a boo-boo. Flying a Cessna 152, I drop in onto final with 30 degrees of flaps in, make a nice landing, check everything (almost everything), power up for my touch-and-go, and lift off the runway. You probably know where this is headed. Something feels off, different, weird. The sight picture is wrong and my climb anemic. I check power, full. Mixture, rich. Gas, on. Carb heat, off. Everything looks fine. I look out the window. Whoops. 30 degrees of flap. I immediately went into recover-from-power-off-stall-or-slow-flight mode and start working out the flaps in increments, making sure I have the right pitch attitude to maintain airspeed and not lose too much altitude (if any). I make a successful recovery, but I'm curious now.
How close was I to being a statistic? What would have happened if I had tried to fly the whole pattern with 30 degrees in? Would I have been unable to climb and hit the trees at the airport edge? Would I have stalled when making my normal pattern turns? Is anyone even able to answer these questions based on this information?
I'm pretty proud of myself for TLANR-ing (That Looks About NOT Right), not panicking, running my checks, ID-ing the problem, not panicking again, and working out the flaps as I was supposed to. I just don't know how hard I should be smacking myself on the forehead for this mistake. Was it potentially deadly?
How close was I to being a statistic? What would have happened if I had tried to fly the whole pattern with 30 degrees in? Would I have been unable to climb and hit the trees at the airport edge? Would I have stalled when making my normal pattern turns? Is anyone even able to answer these questions based on this information?
I'm pretty proud of myself for TLANR-ing (That Looks About NOT Right), not panicking, running my checks, ID-ing the problem, not panicking again, and working out the flaps as I was supposed to. I just don't know how hard I should be smacking myself on the forehead for this mistake. Was it potentially deadly?