The problem with general aviation as I see it is mostly based on cost. I'm a VERY new pilot but it took me 8 years of on/off training to get here with cost being one of the issues it took so long. I absolutely love fact, I fly in helicopters as my day job ( I don't fly them...just in them). I make a pretty good living out of it too but I still can't afford to fly regularly and certainly not as much as I'd like. I know there are cheaper options than renting, such as clubs, but it's still a lot of money. If I could wave a magic wand, I'd make new airplanes the cost of new cars...with similar upkeep costs. Imagine how that would change GA. Will it ever be possible for people like me to own a new aircraft, with the lastest and greatest safety features instead of hunting through 50 year old aircraft, that look like crap, for something semi-affordable to fly?