Of course, a little paranoia helps toothat's fair..
and trust me, I'll be just as upset with myself if ever make such an egregious error. It's part of that 'don't be that guy!' reason I check those little green lights a hundred times before landing, lest I show up on PoA .. 'wasn't he the guy that...'
Nothin is a complete guarantee but one of the things I preach is a consistent gear down SOP, so consistent it becomes a habit.
Two opposite tales: The closest I came to a gear up was when I saw someone's else's , liked it and decided to change the one I had been using for several years (yes, I went back to my old one). OTOH, when I had an emergency, I really don't recall putting the gear down, but I did - best guess - exactly where I always put it down VFR.