Hours for a C182 annual


Pattern Altitude
Dec 14, 2011
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I was quoted 25-30 hours for the basic inspection. With no communication in the meantime, they're invoicing me for 45.

10 hours are listed for removing and reinstalling inspection panels, and 14 for "annual checks" - all the engine work is listed separately, so that 14 seems to be for air frame only.

My home A&P says that the 45 is way too high and they're trying to rip me off, I'm inclined to agree. What is typical for C182 inspections in the experience of the forum?
some one is ripping you off.
when the aircraft is already open, it requires about 30 minutes.
remember, shooting the shi- during that time don't count.
about 20 minutes to inspect, and the rest is the run up.
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I have seen costs typically around 1-2k total for an annual, and I could see 2 hours for inspection panels. I have removed the ones on my 182 and replaced them for annuals, so this is from hands on knowledge.

Seems like a rip-off: if it takes them that long to open up the inspection panels on a 182 they should probably be charging you $10 an hour.
Our club 182S was 29.65 hours ($100/hour) this year with 20 of that being the basic annual and 9.65 of fixing things (plus parts ($500) the whole annual was $3600). Bit more than usual but this plane gets flown a lot by a lot of different people and the club isn't one for not doing maintenance right.
I don't have all the data in front of me, but for us it's been around $1000 for the annual plus maybe another $1000 in misc discrepancies. 15-20 alone wouldn't cause me any agita, but 10 to remove panels and 45 total with no comms would.
I was quoted 25-30 hours for the basic inspection. With no communication in the meantime, they're invoicing me for 45.

10 hours are listed for removing and reinstalling inspection panels, and 14 for "annual checks" - all the engine work is listed separately, so that 14 seems to be for air frame only.

My home A&P says that the 45 is way too high and they're trying to rip me off, I'm inclined to agree. What is typical for C182 inspections in the experience of the forum?
What is their hourly shop rate?
My home A&P says that the 45 is way too high and they're trying to rip me off, I'm inclined to agree. What is typical for C182 inspections in the experience of the forum?
I take it the annual is being done in Australia or New Zealand? And in a shop? You can not compare US rates or mx time to any other foreign ops regardless if the aircraft is N reg. There are too many local variables/CAA requirements that may come into play. Since you have a good online presence with local pilots there, inquire if your bill from this specific shop is high for a single recip annual or its equivalent local CAA inspection. If the locals there say its high then you have something to go on. When it comes to aircraft mx the US system is the envy of all others for a number of reasons, but especially for its low cost. As for shop rates, even in the US you can pay more and take longer if you have a CRS perform the annual vs an independent APIA. So it always depends....

EDIT: if this is connected to your "annual swing compass" thread then where the annual inspection takes place can also figure in to what is locally performed. Short of flying in your mechanic from the States, it falls to you to ensure how the annual inspection is defined with your mx provider--and this is also valid with any "new" mx provider whether in the US or abroad.
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when the aircraft is already open, it requires about 30 minutes.
remember, shooting the shi- during that time don't count.
about 20 minutes to inspect, and the rest is the run up.
20 minute inspection time? Sounds like a classic pencil-whip.
Last year was the first time I did an owner assisted annual and I did all the inspection panel removal, changed the oil, ran to get needed tools, and kept the mechanic hydrated and fed. Not only did I learn new things about the airplane but the annual was $1,500 instead of the $5,000 I paid the year before for the full service.

If you are in the U.S. then 45 hours sounds unreasonable for an annual without major repairs to deal with as a result of the inspection.
20 minute inspection time? Sounds like a classic pencil-whip.

im not about to say tom pencil whips inspections. it takes me more than 30 min, but he is right in that if the aircraft is ready for inspection the inspection does not take that long. it depends on the airframe also. something like a cessna 140 does not take very long, simple airframe, not a lot of SB's and AD's to do.A PA28 a bit longer because of the rudder bar SB, takes me a few minutes just to get under the panel with a flashlight and 10x to inspect it. not to mention the SB on the control cables in the tail.
as to the OP IF it were in the US, i would say 14hrs is bit much for the inspection portions. doing a simple single my shelf takes me about 30hrs total if nothing really needs to be repaired.
im not about to say tom pencil whips inspections. it takes me more than 30 min, but he is right in that if the aircraft is ready for inspection the inspection does not take that long. it depends on the airframe also. something like a cessna 140 does not take very long, simple airframe, not a lot of SB's and AD's to do.A PA28 a bit longer because of the rudder bar SB, takes me a few minutes just to get under the panel with a flashlight and 10x to inspect it. not to mention the SB on the control cables in the tail.
as to the OP IF it were in the US, i would say 14hrs is bit much for the inspection portions. doing a simple single my shelf takes me about 30hrs total if nothing really needs to be repaired.
Can tell you, there’s absolutely no way of doing a thorough annual inspection in 20 minutes - or even close to for that matter.
Can tell you, there’s absolutely no way of doing a thorough annual inspection in 20 minutes - or even close to for that matter.
I'm not an IA, BUT, remember Tom is pretty specific when he says inspection, he means inspection, not servicing things and not repairing things. But I'll let him speak for himself.
How long must you stare at something to know it is good or not?

remember we were talking about a 182.
I get that, but there’s no way any mechanic can run through 43(d) (thoroughly) in 20 minutes.
about 20 minutes to inspect, and the rest is the run up.
Curious. How much of the 20 minutes is allocated to check the condition of the wheel bearings? Or the compression check? Or do you supplemental bill for that part of an annual inspection?
Well it takes 15 minutes to find the blue Bic.....and another few to figure out what to write. lol :D

It takes me two weekends of inspection and paperwork to do an easy annual on your average Piper or Cessna or Beech. Probably 15-20 hrs of work. And that's with the owner doing the opening and closing...... Some have been a day and a half of inspection and another few hours of paperwork.
Well it takes 15 minutes to find the blue Bic.....and another few to figure out what to write. lol :D

It takes me two weekends of inspection and paperwork to do an easy annual on your average Piper or Cessna or Beech. Probably 15-20 hrs of work. And that's with the owner doing the opening and closing...... Some have been a day and a half of inspection and another few hours of paperwork.
Don't forget, 3 cups of coffee.
Another data point for C182P.

Our base annual rate has been about $1700 or 20hrs @ $85/hr. For the first annual only it was about $350 (4hrs) more to review the past 43yrs of old logs, AD compliance, etc.

So if this is the first time this A&P has seen your plane I could believe the 25hrs but 30hrs seems pretty high.
When estimating time don't forget addressing AD's and lubing everything, extra time to deep dive on items requiring additional investigation. Low compression cylinder should trigger a borescope inspection for example.

Shocking how some required checks and lubrication according to factory maintenance manual are never addressed. Some AD inspections are certain intervals mandate eddy current, dye penetrate test, etc not necessarily done every year to account for as well.

You WILL find a IA to perform the level of investigation & inspection you desire. All the way from pencil whipped to detailed by the M-O book as per manufacturer.
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182P here. By memory I want to say it was $1,650 base cost. It was about 3 full days, before my own list of items.
When estimating time don't forget addressing AD's and lubing everything, extra time to deep dive on items requiring additional investigation. Low compression cylinder should trigger a borescope inspection for example.

Shocking how some required checks and lubrication according to factory maintenance manual are never addressed. Some AD inspections are certain intervals mandate eddy current, dye penetrate test, etc not necessarily done every year to account for as well.

You WILL find a IA to perform the level of investigation & inspection you desire. All the way from pencil whipped to detailed by the M-O book as per manufacturer.
99% of what you speak is maintenance not inspection
show where a AD search is a on the items to be preformed in 43-D
99% of what you speak is maintenance not inspection
show where a AD search is a on the items to be preformed in 43-D
Do you sign off an aircraft as airworthy without verifying all ADs have been complied with?
Do you sign off an aircraft as airworthy without verifying all ADs have been complied with?
Not the point.. is it required IAW 43-D,, NO..
Part 39 is separated from the Annual for a reason.
do know why?
Base for our 182H is 1200. But last two years a bunch of things came up. New mains, shimmy issue. Door seal replacement -very time consuming. Both were about 5 grand when done. But I got my fingers crossed for this year. We don’t really have many squaks. It was down for firewall damage for a year prior. Lot of the issues seemed to be post shakedown from that.
Base for our 182H is 1200. But last two years a bunch of things came up. New mains, shimmy issue. Door seal replacement -very time consuming. Both were about 5 grand when done. But I got my fingers crossed for this year. We don’t really have many squaks. It was down for firewall damage for a year prior. Lot of the issues seemed to be post shakedown from that.
not the question, annual has a purpose
Not the point.. is it required IAW 43-D,, NO..
Part 39 is separated from the Annual for a reason.
do know why?

You need to the whole answer.

now tell us why it is not part of an annual.
Curious. How much of the 20 minutes is allocated to check the condition of the wheel bearings? Or the compression check? Or do you supplemental bill for that part of an annual inspection?
when the aircraft is ready to inspect, the bearings should be included.
or can't you separate the maintenance from the inspection either?
You need to “the whole answer” yourself. I sure have no idea what you are saying. You didn’t answer my question.
we figured that out long ago.

It is simple part 39 is not a portion of an annual. otherwise a A&P couldn't do it.
also there is no requirement to make a statement as to the compliance of ADs
I hope some day you understand the FARs.
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I get that, but there’s no way any mechanic can run through 43(d) (thoroughly) in 20 minutes.
My A&Ps have already been thru the aircraft IAW the 43-D list prior to my inspection, I should not find any discrepancies. If I do, they have failed their customers.