Hot Air Balloon brings down antenna/tower; no injuries


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Wow I wonder how much liability insurance coverage the average balloon has.

Wow I wonder how much liability insurance coverage the average balloon has.

Mr. @tonycondon please pick up the white courtesy phone
Wow I wonder how much liability insurance coverage the average balloon has.

Almost 20 years to the day since the last time the KKOB towers were hit by a balloon.
Outcome better than the helicopter that hit tower guy wires a few days back.
Tough luck for the radio station. This is "grab the money" time for broadcasters as candidates spend everything they have leading up to the election. (One local TV station got $100,000 for a 30-second commercial in a Sunday football game right before the election in 2020. And this is a small market.)