Just a WAG but I'm thinking he was referring to the mid-Atlantic states.I've crossed the Atlantic many times, but have yet to see a holding pattern, depicted or otherwise.
Just a WAG but I'm thinking he was referring to the mid-Atlantic states.I've crossed the Atlantic many times, but have yet to see a holding pattern, depicted or otherwise.
Happy to have been of service. :wink2: Here's the PM I sent you in hopes it serves others too:Extra thanks to POAr dtuuri for the instructional links.
Probably. People from California assume that the world ends at the state borders, and people on the East Coast tend to assume that the world around that part of the world.
There is a big difference, however, between somewhere on the Atlantic Coast (of the USA) vs. the mid-Atlantic.
You start doing it that way (drawing the pattern), and you do it over and over. Eventually, you'll realize you know the right answer before you start drawing, and then you can stop doing the drawings.
Fly glass, look at it as you're going to do it, you can draw it with your finger in front of you, it's obvious at a glance. If it's a published hold, MLOD..