Hiring uav pilots, Houston, TX

The FAA's original position was they were only issuing LoA's for commercial UAS operators which require a CP ticket. I hadn't heard their position changed.

Wouldn't that be determined by the wording of the COA and exemption?
Try 4+ years in Del Rio and no end in sight, then tell me about Houston being undesirable. We cannot wait to be able to relocate to the Houston area or any other Texas metroplex. We love it there. The last 4 years have been a real hardship for my family. Spare me the " it's what you make of it" disingenuous platitude; I could go on for days about lack of medical facilities, vet care, pharmacies, educational outlets, employment for the spouse, access to airline service, decent restaurant or shopping. One hundred and fifty miles from all of it. I wouldn't wish this place on my worst enemy.

It's one thing to be on active duty and have a controlled tour that you know is gonna end in 4 years, but as a civil servant or reservist, it's simply untenable. We've reached our fatigue point. Houston area would be a great place to call home for us. We love the TX cost of living and what the Houston and I-35 corridor urban centers have to offer working families. Traffic is a manageable opportunity cost and for us at least would be worth the benefits to our family's quality of life.
Try 4+ years in Del Rio and no end in sight, then tell me about Houston being undesirable. We cannot wait to be able to relocate to the Houston area or any other Texas metroplex. We love it there. The last 4 years have been a real hardship for my family. Spare me the " it's what you make of it" disingenuous platitude; I could go on for days about lack of medical facilities, vet care, pharmacies, educational outlets, employment for the spouse, access to airline service, decent restaurant or shopping. One hundred and fifty miles from all of it. I wouldn't wish this place on my worst enemy.

My parents live in a place like you describe (being 150 miles from everywhere) but they see it as a bonus - from the beach, from Vegas, from the mountains. And my dad likes the desert to boot. Drove me just a little :loco: and I've lived on and off of the same property there for probably 15 years (of 23). Oklahoma City is better in that regard at least.

At least the town has a sense of humor..."thrilling and tactical 112 lap test" :rofl:
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Texas property taxes have gone insane, but otherwise it's pretty cheap to live here...
I was born there, but wasn't there for too long... i can't remember any time there though.

My son was born here as well, and just like you, I'll ensure he never remembers any time here either. :yes:
Try 4+ years in Del Rio and no end in sight, then tell me about Houston being undesirable. We cannot wait to be able to relocate to the Houston area or any other Texas metroplex. We love it there. The last 4 years have been a real hardship for my family. Spare me the " it's what you make of it" disingenuous platitude; I could go on for days about lack of medical facilities, vet care, pharmacies, educational outlets, employment for the spouse, access to airline service, decent restaurant or shopping. One hundred and fifty miles from all of it. I wouldn't wish this place on my worst enemy.

It's one thing to be on active duty and have a controlled tour that you know is gonna end in 4 years, but as a civil servant or reservist, it's simply untenable. We've reached our fatigue point. Houston area would be a great place to call home for us. We love the TX cost of living and what the Houston and I-35 corridor urban centers have to offer working families. Traffic is a manageable opportunity cost and for us at least would be worth the benefits to our family's quality of life.

Ugh! Del Rio. Went to visit my uncle down there years ago. He worked at Laughlin. Nothing but heat and tumbleweed around that area.
Other than the brutal summers, unpredictable weather, and insane traffic, I love this town.

It's an unpretentious sleeper that has been ignored - even while it has maintained a global industrial/financial/medical powerhouse presence. That all may change with the massive influx of outsiders but, for now, Houston is where I like to be.
Wouldn't that be determined by the wording of the COA and exemption?
yes, but.....what does that have to do with a good internet argument? :D

No different than any other ops spec.....Do all personnel in a 145 shop need tickets?