Why have we allowed bureaucrats free rein? Why do I ask unanswerable questions?
I know, I know. Keep your head down. Go with the flow. Don't speak up, or look directly at the cameras. Move along, move along......
It is not that we allowed or allow them anything, that was many years ago that we actually had a say in the matter. The more appropriate question is why
they allow
us so much free rein.
We have made the change from Capitalism to Bureaucratism, the bureaucrats are now in charge. They allow us to scream, *****, and complain, I guess to let us think our voice actually counts so we will feel good, but when the dust settles, we must comply with their every directive, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem to be to us.
With all the economic stimulus money sent to the states, what happened to it? It went into state general funds to keep bureaucrats employed, that is what happened to it. A few crumbs made its way to the private sector, but the bulk of it kept a bureaucrat at his/her desk.
It is now the bureaucracies that count, not us evil Capitalists.
When we go into default, and the communists refuse to loan us any more money, it will be the fault of Capitalism, not Bureaucratism. The bureaucrats will be rioting in the streets because us Capitalists let them down. They won't call it looting, it will be just taking what is theirs.