Pattern Altitude
Memphis-land at Dewitt Spain and uber to the Hampton Inn just off Beall street. Music and bar-b-cue and don't forget Gus' Fried Chicken.
That's a long drive from Colorado Springs...Memphis-land at Dewitt Spain and uber to the Hampton Inn just off Beall street. Music and bar-b-cue and don't forget Gus' Fried Chicken.
Sunday may have opened up. The Mrs would really like to see the giraffes at Cheyenne Mtn Zoo and that's a possibility that day as a surprise, but we can do it another time if y'all want to meet somewhere on Sunday... and I confirmed my CFI isn't available this weekend so that fell off the conflict matrix. Haha. I was kinda hemming and hawing in case he said he's around this weekend.
Saturday is still fully booked though. Birthday lunch at the house with family and a movie she wants to see (I don't even know what it is!) that she (in her usual take charge way) bought tickets for already Saturday night. LOL. She does that. "I want to do X for my birthday so I got us tickets..." Haha.
Weather looks nice too. Could always just meet up for a 182 flight to somewhere also... airplane is good to go and I'm both day and night current...
Only downside to this time of year is we have a dog who's progressively getting more and more terrified of thunder so if PM thunderstorms start we either have to be home or we have to have the dogs along and with one 85 pounder and one 45 pounder... well, we usually end up at home.
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, would be mighty close to us, right?
Very, but I doubt anyone else would want to come down there for that. Ha. My wife is giraffe crazy.
Nah. I checked with her and we will do giraffes some other time. She says a PoA meetup or flight or whatever is cool.
Make reservations NOW! Place fills up, reservations required.I really, really don't want to infringe on your zoo trip. Please go do that if your wife wants to.
If you are indeed not going to the zoo, then hows about we all meet at The Perfect Landing at Centennial? Sunday evening? All in favor, say aye.
Make reservations NOW! Place fills up, reservations required.
I really, really don't want to infringe on your zoo trip. Please go do that if your wife wants to.
Count me in!
Count me in!
I'm teaching an extended CCW class this weekend that will go late into Sunday evening, so not able to join you all. Have fun!
Dang. I shall be 5 nm west of Perfect Landing at the appointed hour. Family. I would post pictures of the grand daughters but that would just be bragging and I don't want to do that. I will raise a glass at 1730 to the east and wish I was able to be there. Have fun all and know that I look forward to meeting you one of these time. And, Mr. and Mrs. OkieFlyer, I hope Colorado Springs and the region exceed all of the expectations created in this thread. We are honored that you chose us.
Well if you want to warn all the CO bunch, here's the list, leaving off the out-of-state'rs. If most are interested, we could take over the entire restaurant....(*evil laugh*)
I think we both have too much time on our hands right now.@Agflyboy
@Apelsin Elise (Alex)
@bushy mustache
@G K
At signs added. Pinging Colorado PoA. If you want to join on Sunday, post here. I'll add to the reservation.
I think we both have too much time on our hands right now.
With the Frankenkota in annual, and the Twin Cessna no longer available, my little cherokee is got a full tank, comfy seats and headsets.
BTW - is Bill doing the annual?
Yup.. He said the 'kota is in for annual.I assume that's for Clark? Not sure what you're asking.
Traffic is horrendous between the Springs and Denver. We may be a tad late.