Help Me Choose a Destination / Edit: Destintaion Chosen

Soooooo, I was just checking out accommodations in Colorado Springs. Someone had mentioned the Broadmoor, and as expected, it looks like a fine establishment. I was able to procure reservations in the assistant head janitor's broom closet. I think I could bump up to head janitors closet if I go up a few days early and scrub some toilets or something, with my AAA discount of course. Dayummm!
Aren't you an opportunist. So 6PC and I are having a little squabble, and you think you can just jump in and be all "hey, Andrew is a jerk, but I'll be your buddy and do whatever you want to do." I see what you're doing here. Well I got news for ya. Me and Sixer are homies, and you ain't gonna drive a wedge between us, no way!

Same here, ironically. PoA fly-in to the Hangar Hotel?
I'm in
In truth, I was kinda hoping the wife would pick Fredericksburg. Then again, if you've never been to Pikes Peak, the Gorge, GoG, any of the cool places around Colorado Springs, I definitely see why she leaned that way for this trip. That said, I'd be up for a Hangar Hotel POA get together. Let's do it!
I'm in, but only if you don't file the butthurt report against me. You know, that would just be awkward then.

Soooooo, I was just checking out accommodations in Colorado Springs. Someone had mentioned the Broadmoor, and as expected, it looks like a fine establishment. I was able to procure reservations in the assistant head janitor's broom closet. I think I could bump up to head janitors closet if I go up a few days early and scrub some toilets or something, with my AAA discount of course. Dayummm!

Nice digs, but most of us who live here haven't even bothered to stay there... haha... plus, you want to see that place decked out for Christmas, not in the summer. The Christmas setup is "HOLY CRAP, WHO DOES THIS?!"... like full-human-sized gingerbread houses, crazy crap like that.
Soooooo, I was just checking out accommodations in Colorado Springs. Someone had mentioned the Broadmoor, and as expected, it looks like a fine establishment. I was able to procure reservations in the assistant head janitor's broom closet. I think I could bump up to head janitors closet if I go up a few days early and scrub some toilets or something, with my AAA discount of course. Dayummm!
Yes the Broadmoor is a fine establishment. One of the few real 5-star resorts left in the country. Save your money and find a nice B&B somewhere. You'll have way more fun. ;)
Nice digs, but most of us who live here haven't even bothered to stay there... haha...
Why would anyone who lives here stay there? Yeah I guess sometimes couples stay in a fancy place near where they live but I haven't been in that situation...

I've walked through the lobby though.
Why would anyone who lives here stay there? Yeah I guess sometimes couples stay in a fancy place near where they live but I haven't been in that situation...

I've walked through the lobby though.
They do some "locals" deals for stuff like Christmas and New Years and throw some pretty amazing parties for them, with a LOT of entertainment for your buck... those usually sell out pretty quick, too.

But I wouldn't pay to stay there for just a "butts in beds" price, no... too high.

Surprisingly during certain off-seasons, they do some not-completely-awful deals for corporate events, too... if you're in charge of setting up such things for a company. Exec retreats, stuff like that. Not cheap, but not completely over the top such that the shareholders are going to come after folks with a pitchfork, either.

I don't golf, but I hear the course is nice. Of course, once in a while the bears come down and hang out on it... LOL...
Yes the Broadmoor is a fine establishment. One of the few real 5-star resorts left in the country. Save your money and find a nice B&B somewhere. You'll have way more fun. ;)

Yeah, we're not 5-star kind of peeps anyway. Besides, with all the stuff there is to do and see around there, we just need a place to crash at the end of the day. I don't mind splurging a bit, but we're good with just about anything that is clean, comfy, and moderately priced. We're more concerned with the sights and activities than the digs. Know what I mean, Vern?
Surprisingly during certain off-seasons, they do some not-completely-awful deals for corporate events, too... if you're in charge of setting up such things for a company. Exec retreats, stuff like that. Not cheap, but not completely over the top such that the shareholders are going to come after folks with a pitchfork, either.
I've taken people to the location of many executive retreats but have never attended one myself. Well, we did get invited to someone's awesome home in Pebble Beach once for a party after their executive retreat.
I'm definitely not much help on where to stay in the Springs... we usually drive down, and/or take the fifth wheel down there somewhere and park it... since it's only two hours drive from the house or so.

We're about exactly 90 miles of two lane road north of it, via the nicer non-I-25 "back way" into the Springs.

I'd have to check with Karen, of course, but if you really want cheap... we have a guest bedroom. There is absolutely nothing fancy whatsoever about our place, and people get lost finding it, but it's 1/2 hour or a little more east of KAPA driving-wise, and then 2 hours down to the Springs.

There's two big dogs who are overly-friendly and don't see people at the house enough, so they're a bit obnoxious, but after I bit I can get them to leave you alone. LOL... one weighs 85 lbs, the other 45, but she knows how to launch herself into your lap when you're not looking.

Place isn't anything to write home about, but it's always open for pilots... it's just a long way from anything. :)

I've always joked that if someone hates the house or the dogs, we can always pull the fifth wheel out of the grass out back and put it in a level spot somewhere near the driveway, it's nice inside... heh... but we're talking about selling it. Not quite sure on that one yet, but we aren't using it enough and with my weekends likely to be headed for CFI/teaching stuff more and more, it's just going to sit there and taunt us.
I'm definitely not much help on where to stay in the Springs... we usually drive down, and/or take the fifth wheel down there somewhere and park it... since it's only two hours drive from the house or so.

We're about exactly 90 miles of two lane road north of it, via the nicer non-I-25 "back way" into the Springs.

I'd have to check with Karen, of course, but if you really want cheap... we have a guest bedroom. There is absolutely nothing fancy whatsoever about our place, and people get lost finding it, but it's 1/2 hour or a little more east of KAPA driving-wise, and then 2 hours down to the Springs.

There's two big dogs who are overly-friendly and don't see people at the house enough, so they're a bit obnoxious, but after I bit I can get them to leave you alone. LOL... one weighs 85 lbs, the other 45, but she knows how to launch herself into your lap when you're not looking.

Place isn't anything to write home about, but it's always open for pilots... it's just a long way from anything. :)

I've always joked that if someone hates the house or the dogs, we can always pull the fifth wheel out of the grass out back and put it in a level spot somewhere near the driveway, it's nice inside... heh... but we're talking about selling it. Not quite sure on that one yet, but we aren't using it enough and with my weekends likely to be headed for CFI/teaching stuff more and more, it's just going to sit there and taunt us.

That's a mighty fine offer, sir. When you do meet us, you will understand just how well that offer would suit us. I'm a small town country boy, though my khaki shorts and flip flops don't fit the image, and although my wife is from smack in the middle of Tulsa, I've managed to turn her into a small town girl. We have simple tastes, and something like Embassy Suites would be considered luxury accommodations for us, and fifth wheel with a slide out is a fancy rig.

That being said, on this trip, we will probably bunk in the Springs where we will be close to the action. I'm profoundly grateful for the offer, however.
That's a mighty fine offer, sir. When you do meet us, you will understand just how well that offer would suit us. I'm a small town country boy, though my khaki shorts and flip flops don't fit the image, and although my wife is from smack in the middle of Tulsa, I've managed to turn her into a small town girl. We have simple tastes, and something like Embassy Suites would be considered luxury accommodations for us, and fifth wheel with a slide out is a fancy rig.

That being said, on this trip, we will probably bunk in the Springs where we will be close to the action. I'm profoundly grateful for the offer, however.
Good move. I've heard Nate has a lime pit out back but I'm not sure.
fifth wheel with a slide out is a fancy rig.

No kidding. At the Flying D Ranch the overflow guest accommodations were a cabover Kenworth with a sleeper cab. I'd say the 5th wheel with a slide out is real luxury!
There are too many options in the Springs to spend that much money if all you want/need is clean place to sleep and clean up. Check out airbnb, kayak,, etc.
Here's a little visual aid with a 600nm radius from my home drome. If you know of something worth visiting within this circle, or even just a little outside, speak up.


Well, New Orleans is in your circle if you're into that sort of thing.
We're more concerned with the sights and activities than the digs. Know what I mean, Vern?
If you're into BBQ, a definite must eat place is Front Range BBQ. It's in old town and is on your way to GOG and Pikes Peak. One of our biker friends recommended the place to us a few years back. I'm one picky mofo when it comes to BBQ and this place didn't disappoint.
Probably not long enough for a Robby 182... heh. Maybe get stopped but I wouldn't be able to leave. :)

I wouldn't bring a 182 in, even an RSTOL variant. Maybe when we get the runway expanded a bit so it's closer to 500 feet that could be doable.

Our plan is to cut out a few trees to give us a one way in, one way out runway that's ~500 ft. Plenty for a Zenith 750, which is the eventual plan.
Well, New Orleans is in your circle if you're into that sort of thing.

I'd love to fly into that downtown airport for a couple days. Sometime after a visit to Jay en route to Florida I hope.
You could go to Wurstfest in New Bruanfels, really fun if you like beer and sausage. I've been going since 2013, this year will be the first year I'm legal to drink though (not that stopped me before;))

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Well, since my cowl flap broke, looks like we're going to have to drive on our little vacation. A nine hour road trip isn't as fun as a 4 hour plane trip, but it's still quality time with ma lady.

So, @denverpilot , @Clark1961 , and any other folks in the area, we'll be in Colorado Springs this Friday night June 2nd through Monday morning June 5th if anyone wants to hook up.
Okay here's what you're going to do. You're going to get in your car you're going to drive to San Antonio you're going to spend the first evening in your hotel reading about places to go the next day. You're going to get up and spend the day on the Riverwalk. You're going to go on a boat ride up and down the river walk and eat food at the Hard Rock Cafe. You'll spend the rest of the time complaining about how lousy the food was because Hard Rock Cafe is not very good. You'll go back to your hotel room and have a drink in the bar and then go to bed. Next morning you wake up and go to Fiesta Texas where you will ride a lot of rides eventually you'll get sick and throw up. You're going to want to go home at this point but your wife is really going to want to go to SeaWorld. So you're going to go there and then you're going to be disappointed because the Shamu show is over. Let you eat food ride rides and play in the water park and then you will drive back home to Oklahoma.
Okay here's what you're going to do. You're going to get in your car you're going to drive to San Antonio you're going to spend the first evening in your hotel reading about places to go the next day. You're going to get up and spend the day on the Riverwalk. You're going to go on a boat ride up and down the river walk and eat food at the Hard Rock Cafe. You'll spend the rest of the time complaining about how lousy the food was because Hard Rock Cafe is not very good. You'll go back to your hotel room and have a drink in the bar and then go to bed. Next morning you wake up and go to Fiesta Texas where you will ride a lot of rides eventually you'll get sick and throw up. You're going to want to go home at this point but your wife is really going to want to go to SeaWorld. So you're going to go there and then you're going to be disappointed because the Shamu show is over. Let you eat food ride rides and play in the water park and then you will drive back home to Oklahoma.

Okay, here's what were going to do. Drive to Denton, knock on 6PC's door with luggage in hand. Yell surprise!!! and just walk in like we own the place. Mrs. 6PC, kind as she is, will welcome us inside and while she greets us with a hug, she'll be fake smiling and giving 6PC a "WTF? did you invite them here" look. 6PC, will continue to maintain a nervous cordiality, then eventually begin to shake and chew his nails as we conduct small talk and begin unpacking. Naturally, the men will retire to the study where I will tell 6PC how thankful we are that Mrs. 6PC invited us down. Likewise, the ladies will chat over a glass of wine in the breakfast nook, and Mrs. Okie flyer will tell Mrs. 6PC how thankful we are that 6PC invited us down for the whole. They will grow furious at one another, but will restrain themselves from showing their anger to their guests. We retire to bed. As Mr. and Mrs. 6PC begin yelling at each other in their bedroom about who invited us without telling the other, but before they realize what's actually going on, we will slip out the door and head to Colorado.
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Andrew, I have not seen Rapid City mentioned. Deadwood is a lot of fun if you like history and Las Vegas style casinos. Old west saloons. Homestake gold mine, located in the Black Hills and the National Monument Mt Rushmore, a must if you have not been there before. Interesting caves. Beautiful scenery, wildlife in the park, more than enough for several days! I personally prefer to go the first weekend in October as the motels are much cheaper and a real bargain for the amenities.
Well, since my cowl flap broke, looks like we're going to have to drive on our little vacation. A nine hour road trip isn't as fun as a 4 hour plane trip, but it's still quality time with ma lady.

So, @denverpilot , @Clark1961 , and any other folks in the area, we'll be in Colorado Springs this Friday night June 2nd through Monday morning June 5th if anyone wants to hook up.
Pick a day, pick a time, pick a location. The BBQ sounds perfect.
Well, since my cowl flap broke, looks like we're going to have to drive on our little vacation. A nine hour road trip isn't as fun as a 4 hour plane trip, but it's still quality time with ma lady.

So, @denverpilot , @Clark1961 , and any other folks in the area, we'll be in Colorado Springs this Friday night June 2nd through Monday morning June 5th if anyone wants to hook up.

Still finalizing b-day plans for the Mrs this weekend but might be able to meet up.
Well, since my cowl flap broke, looks like we're going to have to drive on our little vacation. A nine hour road trip isn't as fun as a 4 hour plane trip, but it's still quality time with ma lady.

So, @denverpilot , @Clark1961 , and any other folks in the area, we'll be in Colorado Springs this Friday night June 2nd through Monday morning June 5th if anyone wants to hook up.
The Kota is down for annual so I can't arrange a flight into the hills. Might be able to meet for a POA lunch/dinner.
Pick a day, pick a time, pick a location. The BBQ sounds perfect.

Still finalizing b-day plans for the Mrs this weekend but might be able to meet up.

The Kota is down for annual so I can't arrange a flight into the hills. Might be able to meet for a POA lunch/dinner.

What about dinner Saturday or Sunday night? Whatever is convenient for you guys should be fine as we'll have a very loose itinerary. I'd rather somebody that knows the lay of the land pick that place. I have no idea what's good. We're pretty easy to please.

There's no pressure to meet up either. I enjoy meeting new folks, and putting faces with names, but if it's not convenient, I don't want anyone to feel obligated.

You guys want to exchange digits? PM me.
I could also meet sometime this weekend. Somebody pick a place and a time.
Soooooo, I was just checking out accommodations in Colorado Springs. Someone had mentioned the Broadmoor, and as expected, it looks like a fine establishment. I was able to procure reservations in the assistant head janitor's broom closet. I think I could bump up to head janitors closet if I go up a few days early and scrub some toilets or something, with my AAA discount of course. Dayummm!
Yea, I stayed there about 10-15 years ago and it wasn't on my dime (obviously). I'd much rather go somewhere like Hawaii for that kind of money.
Looks like we are busy all day and evening Saturday and might be part of the day on Sunday. Family coming over to see the Mrs. and some movie she wants to see. So we are around Friday night and Sunday night and that's about it. Don't plan around us, since either night will be a bear to deal with getting doggies home or going home to let them out and then back to town if we try to do a meet up.
Looks like we are busy all day and evening Saturday and might be part of the day on Sunday. Family coming over to see the Mrs. and some movie she wants to see. So we are around Friday night and Sunday night and that's about it. Don't plan around us, since either night will be a bear to deal with getting doggies home or going home to let them out and then back to town if we try to do a meet up.

Okay :(