I've got about 1.6 hours rotocraft and can maintain a solid, stabilized hover for about .04 nanoseconds. Geez those things are skittish!
You just need a bigger helicopter!
Congrats! I always wanted to get my helicopter rating.
It's really easy to do. First practice juggling chainsaws while riding a unicycle on a beach ball. Once you have that down it's a snap!!!!
I've got about 1.6 hours rotocraft and can maintain a solid, stabilized hover for about .04 nanoseconds. Geez those things are skittish!
Yup. I got a few minutes of dual in an R44 a few years ago. Raised my respect for rotary-wing guys quite a bit. Held it in a hover for about three minutes, but that was into a 10 or 15-knot wind, making it easier. I was sweating when I was done.
If, on your first attempt at hovering, you're able to keep it in the same county, you're doing pretty good!
This is going to be my gift to my CFI. An hour lesson in a helicopter. He has alway wanted to fly them, but can't justify the $450 an hour it costs.
Figure it will be something he will remember for the rest of his life, so it's worth it.
What was this in? $450 an hour is close R44 rates. Why not start with something smaller?
It's in an enstrom. That's his cheapest option. The options are:
Enstrom 480 turbine
Bell 206 jet ranger
Bell long ranger
Bell 407
The others are far more expensive. We live in the middle of nowhere, so if you want to fly a helicopter, that's your only option. Didn't know it was high for what it is though. I think I will shop around. I am sure he won't mind driving an hour to the lesson