The main thing I hope that the student came away from this with is to understands he needs to be more observant and to completely process the information. The first piece he should have caught was "10 miles out". I would have told him "no factor at 10 miles". Hopefully this little harmless if harsh exchange clues him in to pay attention. I have to admit, if someone is clueless while aviating, I can be rude to them. It's then up to them to figure out why they were up there clueless and if that leads to them chewing their instructors ass, so be it. I know there are better ways to go about, but I'm not being paid to be nice and nice takes longer and more of my time and effort. Some lessons you pay in cash, some you pay in ego and humiliation, still a fair price when you consider some lessons in aviation will cost you your life. Perspective must always be learned. Perhaps destiny sent him this cold hearted prick from 10 miles out to give him the wakeup call he needed to save him from that mid air in marginal vis two years from now. Trust me I don't believe that humiliation is the best way to teach something, but it can be quite expediant.