Harrison Ford & I Now Have A Bit Too Much In Common...Pilot Deviation :(

Are some folks confusing ASRS (NASA form) and ASAP? They are two completely separate and distinct programs.

Yup that's why I was curious if a pilot could file an ASAP. We had the program at the airline and it was a very formal process with line pilots, training pilots, the company, and FAA all involved. Probably the union too (ALPA).
You want to know the worst thing about flubs like mine. It is possible that in the end it leads to one of the parallels being closed. Add to it, that ours has the one of the highest (if not the highest) occurrence of runway incursions in the Great Lakes area. So what is bad about the parallel being closed? Obviously they would close the short one with so many King Air's, Falcons, Citations, Global Expresses, etc coming in. And where is the short runway - right in front of the majority of the GA hangars. With the extra land they could open up more GA hangars :) ....Or allow more of the larger FBO's :(. I have another hunch (no quotes this time) who will get the land.
I fly for a company based at RHV and am honestly scared of the controllers there.

Thankfully we do most of our flying elsewhere, but most every pilot in the company has a horror story about the local controllers.

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On I think my first solo cross country, I was sent to Shreveport LA which is a fairly busy airport. I was 17 years old and first time out of the pattern by myself away from my home airport in NE TX. Anyway, I was cleared to land and lined up with the wrong runway - and it was a runway not even close to being the assigned runway. But I saw an airplane on final and I just assumed it was the one I was cleared to. Anyway, the airplane was a Delta airliner and I just followed it in. Well, about 20' above the threshold I got a call from the tower eating my @#$ out.

Of course being 17 years old I got over it pretty quick. Remember, at that age you get your @#$ eaten out by alot of adults.
@#$ eaten out?

That must be one of those local terms, such as bubbler, grinder and pop.

I've had several aircraft line up to the wrong runway. Davis Monthan's runway is parallel to Tucson's but separated by a little over 4 miles. Aero Mexico was the biggest culprit so at night when we didn't have any flying going on, I would just turn off the runway lights. That solved the problem. Personally and to the OP, the only "deviation" I've ever done as a pilot was on a training flight with my instructor. I had taken off on runway 21 at Tucson and the gave me "turn downwind on course" and I was unsure as to whether I would fly a left or right downwind. Right would take me over 11L and 11R but left would take me over the approach ends of both runways. Not knowing what to do and not clarifying with the tower, I chose the left downwind. I got an immediate answer right away when the controller said, "or you could do it that way." To which I replied, "whoops, sorry about that." That's all that was said. At that time, they didn't know I was flying or that was my airplane. Thank God.

To those wondering why my CFI didn't speak up, he did. As I started the left turn he did that mouth half open, arms raised, something's wrong look at me, then decided not to say anything. Then just gave me a told ya so look when they said, "or you could do it that way."
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You want to know the worst thing about flubs like mine. It is possible that in the end it leads to one of the parallels being closed. Add to it, that ours has the one of the highest (if not the highest) occurrence of runway incursions in the Great Lakes area. So what is bad about the parallel being closed? Obviously they would close the short one with so many King Air's, Falcons, Citations, Global Expresses, etc coming in. And where is the short runway - right in front of the majority of the GA hangars. With the extra land they could open up more GA hangars :) ....Or allow more of the larger FBO's :(. I have another hunch (no quotes this time) who will get the land.

Unlikely. If the airport has enough traffic that the parallels are needed, incursions won’t get it closed.