I flew in some actual IR conditions up to Wausau. We didn't make it that far however. We were above the layer, and moved to VFR conditions NW of Oshkosh when the VOLTS light when on and we smelled an electric smell. I looked and we had the landing light, taxi light, strobes, beacon, and pitot heat on, (I guess I missed that on the cruise checklist, event though the 172 has no such checklist) and apparently the alternatator wasn't happy. We shut all of those off, and the smell went away, but we turned back to our home drome to be safe. When everything seemed back to normal, I suggested we fly and approach and do a T&G at Oshkosh so I could log an XC. We flew the backcourse on 18 with a circle to land on 27, and then flew the coop back to KUES.
On the way back, my CFII asked "what are we doing flying on Valentine's day? I said I don't know about you, but I had an appointment at the jewelers at 4:00, so I have no guilt whatsoever. :smile: