Living out in the country means just the neighbor kids stopping by for their annual sweet treat.
Yup; that's my situation. I'm at the near top of a hill, up in the trees, and there are only a ½ dozen houses on the access Private road. The only kids might be if someone's grandchildren happened to be in the area; not likely. I
"hit the hay" early yesterday, literally.
Just above my house there's a little building which was there for 20 or so years before this house was built. It's in good condition, has a wood stove inside, a refrigerator(long not working), a long-disconnected electric service meter box outside the upper end, and a long-disconnected telephone box beside the meter box. ????????? Someone
had to have lived in it years ago because the past evidence of chickens(similar evidence of small outside chicken wire fence/pen) would indicate that though foul might appreciate heat & lights, same would not have needed telephone service or the refrigerator.
The building has been cleaned -- and
steam cleaned, as well -- with new acrylic sheet panes mounted inside the original, existing, window frames.
It's good storage facility for garden hoses, et cetera.
Oh, the hay? Those unidentified kitties which feed on my upper deck might need some shelter when cold weather arrives. So, their other home has been prepared.
After doing a bunch of leaf mulching I caught a photo of the last indication of summer - a solitary new rose on the otherwise yellowed bushes. Yeah; I should have put the leaf mulcher in the garage.
Later, it was another good baseball game. No trick or treaters.