Gulfstream Girl

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Touchdown! Greaser!
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Jul 3, 2012
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We've covered this subject a bit on another thread but I believe it deserves a thread of its own. We all know about GG. She has her own FB page and everything. I don't want this thread to really be about her but instead be about our beliefs about hiring and minimum qualifications.

1. Do you believe 250 hrs TT is enough to fly right seat in a jet?

2. If in the position, would you consider attractiveness an important qualification in hiring someone?

3. Do you believe ratings are all that's necessary, and that minimum hiring hours are overrated?
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1. Do you believe 200 hrs TT is enough to fly right seat in a jet?

Which jet ? There are single pilot jets, you can put grandma or a 6 year old there.

2. If in the position, would you consider attractiveness an important qualification in hiring someone?

What job ? Hostess in a restaurant: certainly. Drill rig supervisor: No.

3. Do you believe ratings are all that's necessary, and that minimum hiring hours are overrated?

The military and many overseas airlines seem to think so. They are mildly amused about the idea that instructing 1500hrs in a 172 in Arizona is somehow a prerequisite or qualification for flying jets.
1. Do you believe 200 hrs TT is enough to fly right seat in a jet?

Only if the owner has a lot of insurance.

2. If in the position, would you consider attractiveness an important qualification in hiring someone?

It seems to be an important qualification in a LOT of hirings.

3. Do you believe ratings are all that's necessary, and that minimum hiring hours are overrated?

Nothing wrong with learning on the job if you can get it. Of course, you and I would never be hired, so maybe we're just jealous.:D
We've covered this subject a bit on another thread but I believe it deserves a thread of its own. We all know about GG. She has her own FB page and everything. This thread isn't necessarily about her but our beliefs about hiring and minimum qualifications.

1. Do you believe 200 hrs TT is enough to fly right seat in a jet?

200 hr doesn't even meet commercial requirements...No! You haven't seen enough.

2. If in the position, would you consider attractiveness an important qualification in hiring someone?


3. Do you believe ratings are all that's necessary, and that minimum hiring hours are overrated?

Minimums are overrated, because we all know its all quality and not quantity. But you have to draw the line somewhere I guess.
This thread is only adding to her stature as a media whore. I don't get the big deal about her. A girl flying an airplane...big whoop. And if you want to cry about someone getting preferential treatment based on what they look like or who they know, rather than their resume, then let me introduce you to the way the entire world often works. ;)
1. Do you believe 200 hrs TT is enough to fly right seat in a jet?
2. If in the position, would you consider attractiveness an important qualification in hiring someone?
It is. And no amount of social engineering will ever change the reality. Get it while you can girls, your beauty clock is ticking.
3. Do you believe ratings are all that's necessary, and that minimum hiring hours are overrated?
Nothing wrong with putting a fresh trained pilot in with a seasoned pro, foreign airlines do it all the time. The minimum hiring hours always reflect the market, if in some fantastical mystical fantasy land there was a pilot shortage hiring minimums would go out the window.
there you have it
Edit: I corrected it to 250 hrs TT.
We've covered this subject a bit on another thread but I believe it deserves a thread of its own. We all know about GG. She has her own FB page and everything. I don't want this thread to be about her but instead be about our beliefs about hiring and minimum qualifications.

1. Do you believe 200 hrs TT is enough to fly right seat in a jet?

2. If in the position, would you consider attractiveness an important qualification in hiring someone?

3. Do you believe ratings are all that's necessary, and that minimum hiring hours are overrated?

1. The military does. So with the right dedication and training, Yes.

2. I've never hired a private jet pilot, but if I were hiring one I would look at more than qualifications. This is someone you are going to have to not only trust, but interact with, have around you and your family, so by that definition male or female attractiveness in attitude is important. Physical attractiveness.. No, but it beats looking at a fat old curmudgeon complaining about what that vending machine bean burrito did to them.

3. Ratings are fine, hours are over rated. Some flight school hero turning circles in an Apache at 90 knots in perfect Arizona VFR weather until they call themselves an ATP doesn't mean crap.
I'd never heard of GG until this thread. Had to google her but still haven't read her blog so I'm not sure what her actual job is.

I have no problem with someone paying her dues for her. But like most kids today, I don't think she'll fully appreciate just what she's been given. Mediawhore? eh, who cares? It's not like they hand out tickets and ratings to every idiot so I'm sure she's competent and will learn on the job.
I was probably little over 200 hours when I started flying a B200 single pilot. And I'm certainly no Bob Hoover, I just paid attention to my instructor and then followed the company op's manual to a T.
Her FB page refers to her as a "Public Figure". Jeeze, have we really lowered the bar this much for celebrity status? And personally, I don't think she's even attractive - way too skinny.
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Who here can't relate to this (from the Plane and Pilot article linked in my previous post):

Tired of hating her airline trips, she got the prophetic idea for a flying lesson so she could learn more about the mechanics of flying. She reasoned that a flying lesson might ease her nervousness.

Marcinko called a friend who she knew was a pilot, and asked him if he could recommend a place to take her introductory flight. He took her to a small FBO at Lantana Airport in Florida (officially called the Palm Beach County Airport). Her introductory flight there was a freeing experience. "That was it!" says Marcinko, "I fell in love with flying right there, and dove right into lessons."

Anyone who can say that can't be all bad, IMO.
So.... are you trying to say that a business man shouldn't be allowed to hire whoever he wants for whatever reason he wants to? It is quite possible that she was hired because she was trusted by the owner and he knew her to be competent. I have made many hires in the past of people with vast qualifications and later found them to be lacking in other areas (work ethics, honesty, ability to get along with others, etc.). Those traights also have great value and maybe he wanted to "grow" her, based on that.
Guys, there's an awful lot of jealousy here. Just because she's a model doesn't mean she's not a competent pilot, or that she's "working" for someone doing something else. No wonder we have no women in aviation, when anyone who works hard and catches a break is immediately labeled a whore. :nono:

For what it's worth, I stumbled across her facebook page when one of my friends made a comment there and it showed up on my feed, and there's some really interesting discussions there that I learned from. In fact, there was an interesting regulations question she asked there that most commenters were incorrect about... Bunch of self-assured guys trying to teach the little girl something, and she schooled 'em.

Take a deep breath. You didn't get the break, the cute girl did. Our own Lance Flynn caught a similar break, and nobody called him a whore or said that he only got it because of his looks...
Not that it is any of my business, since I have not read about her in the NTSB reports I guess she is doing something right. Usually I am quite skeptical about stuff like she has done, but evidently in her case it has worked out. True if she was a 210 pound overweight guy she would probably be cleaning the plane's toilets and not flying it but whoever said life was fair.
True if she was a 210 pound overweight guy she would probably be cleaning the plane's toilets and not flying it but whoever said life was fair.

210 lb overweight guy cleaning toilets!

Damn that's my goal weight, you guys must all be fitness trainers. I'm also no whore, just extra friendly to any woman with beer, pizza, and a G-V.
hot? hardly.
Please, tell us about the supermodel on your arm.

I had never heard of this pilot before this thread. The attitudes in here are beyond awful. Get your misogyny treated.

Is she legally qualified to do the job? Yes? Then the matter is closed. An employer can hire or not hire whomever he/she wishes for whatever reason. The ugly hippy chicks who protest in front of Hooters are laughable NOT because they are ugly but because they think they can (or should) be able to influence a private party's hiring practices.

Reminds me of the last administration and the famous photo of some women protesting the war with a sign that read, "Dykes against Bush.":rofl:

There's a whole bunch of dang busy-bodies around here. Y'all are as bad as a sewing circle sometimes. It ain't NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS who I hire to do what, so long as the LAW IS UNBROKEN. Keep your nose in your own business before someone comes along and demands to know why you hired your son to mow your lawn.


Hours by themselves are meaningless. The type and quality of hours matter more. How many times have the twin-gurus on here said, "Time in multi-engine birds matters more than anything else," if you're gonna fly twins? Should she buzz around in a 172 for a 1000 hours to satisfy some internet knuckle-draggers? Or, to make Geico happy, in an RV? Should she follow the time-honored (awful) tradition of flying checks in clapped out deathtraps for years before moving up to the turbines?

She's qualified. Sure, there's probably someone more qualified out there. Guess what, there's probably someone more qualified than YOU for YOUR JOB, too.

She's building time in the bird her employer wants her to fly. Why waste time doing anything else?

Just because the journey was tougher for some old geezers who started flying when poodle-skirts were stylish doesn't mean that the aviation community needs to try and crush this girl's dream. Like, duh.
No wonder we have no women in aviation, when anyone who works hard and catches a break is immediately labeled a whore. :nono:

If you are referring to my "media whore" comment, that's a gender-neutral term, and has nothing to do with certain "labels" being applied to women. Girls and guys can be "media whores".
She passed a type rating at 250hrs. I know she didn't put in her time like most others who have jobs like that, but her employer made her a deal and said if she could get the type rating she could fly it. She did it. Good for her. She has a lot to learn, but that doesn't make her unqualified. She had connections, and we all know that those are the key to succeeding in this career.
She only got the job because she's hot. Something tells me it wasn't her fascinating personality and it certainly wasn't because she was the most qualified for the job.


I have been the Captain in the position of having 250TT First Officers by my side and they are freaking horrible. She got the job because she is a marginally attractive female. What I mean by that is she could be less hot than she is to have been given the job, so technically she is over-qualified.
Seems like some envy going on here.

Based on my experience of learning to fly relatively late in life, my impression is that younger people often learn more quickly. Of course there is individual variation as well.

I found a YouTube video showing excerpts of one of her flights.

I just started reading this article, but it looks like it might provide some perspective:

The people whose opinions I would be most interested in would be instructors and checkpilots who have flown with her.

She's met the FAA's standards to do what she's doing. More power to her. I certainly wouldn't kick her out of my cockpit for eating crackers. I like the pony tail.
To anyone with the "but maybe she blah blah blah..." whatever... cut the BS she got there because she's friggin hot. To those who care... cut the BS. Who cares?

Her looks certainly didn't hurt, but again, there are LOTS of examples of "less qualified" people who got good jobs:

1) I point out, again, that Lance Flynn jumped into flying jets as a low-time commercial pilot due to being in the right place at the right time - Lance, how many hours did you have?

2) I got to fly a Hawker 800 when my Comm ticket was less than a year old, and I sure didn't get that 'cuz of my looks! Sadly, the need was only temporary or I might still be doing it...

3) My current job isn't in aviation, but while it's a good fit for my skill set I had ZERO experience in the industry and ZERO experience with the tools that are essential to what I do. I got my job because of who I knew, not what I knew. There was a learning curve, but my employer was interested in good people who could do the job and was willing to invest the time and money to get me where I needed to be.

If you are referring to my "media whore" comment, that's a gender-neutral term, and has nothing to do with certain "labels" being applied to women. Girls and guys can be "media whores".

No, I wasn't referring to that. I was referring to post 7.
She passed a type rating at 250hrs. I know she didn't put in her time like most others who have jobs like that, but her employer made her a deal and said if she could get the type rating she could fly it. She did it. Good for her. She has a lot to learn, but that doesn't make her unqualified. She had connections, and we all know that those are the key to succeeding in this career.

An SIC initial is NOTHING. A monkey could pass it. It is a couple of approaches, one AP coupled, one single engine, a single engine takeoff.
at 250hrs and you're sitting in GIII sim logging time? It takes a little bit more than being in the right place at the right time. I watched a 1000+ hr comm/IR rated pilot get laughed out of FS when he asked about a G* type rating... They thought he was joking.

Probably because very few people actually get these random opportunities. But it took nothing more than being in the right place at the right time and having the right ratings (Comm-AMEL and IA) for me to end up in the right seat of a jet, and I'm pretty sure that was Lance's experience too.
In the U.S. you don't even have to be typed to fly right seat. You just need a 61.56. Plenty of places will stick a body to warm the right seat and maybe work the radios. How many of new 250TT right seat warmers were flying pax legs? I bet the answer is zero.
BTW, she's got the wristwatch for the job. I'm sure that didn't hurt her hiring prospects.
I cannot imagine that someone would give her a type rating if she was a klutz or ham fisted - a type rating for looks - and she's what? An 8? - I'm not seeing it.

That said, absent a commercial rating she cannot fly for anyone who is paying her. So - she fly for free to build time - but - if she is doing it for someone else- regardless of payment - since she is room and board when away from home - she needs the commercial.

Hope she got to before she starting posting videos. . .
They eventually told him to get some twin and turbine time and come back in a few hundred hours and they could tailor a program for him. This isn't a little bit of an exception, it's unheard of... to the point that I think she may even be lying.

Easy enough to check:

Date of Issue: 9/20/2012
Certificate: COMMERCIAL PILOT Print

Type Ratings:C/G-1159C/G-IV

And they are not SIC ratings either.
Easy enough to check:

Date of Issue: 9/20/2012
Certificate: COMMERCIAL PILOT Print

Type Ratings:C/G-1159C/G-IV

And they are not SIC ratings either.
As others have said, she may be lying

From the article "As a CFI, Nadia also loves taking people on introductory flights in Cessna 172s, just as she did not so long ago"

I see no mention of CFI on her ratings. Or did you not mention it.

Say after my private pilot I obtain my IR, comm, and AMEL. say I get the hookup (job) to fly as SIC for some rich individual who own lears and GV's. How do you become PIC in this scenario. Is it based on hours in type? Thanks.
There isn't an insurance company in the World that would ensure a PIC at 250. She may have the type, but there is no way she is flying PIC with pax. I refuse to believe it.

She couldn't be flying 135 with that TT, so she couldn't apply for an ATP either.
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