Good Job


Final Approach
Feb 22, 2005
Display Name

Display name:

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Chuck for his speedy resolution of a problem I had with the POA webboard earlier today. I think he deserves our thanks for setting up and maintaining this board in such a professional fashion.

I'm also posting now to let you know that I won't be visiting this board for some time, possibly ever again. I am also disabling PMs. The reason for this decision is that after some problems I had last week (not with this board) with privacy, I need to recuse myself from scenarios which allow anonymous commenting. Currently, one can leave a comment in the reputation points section without leaving one's name. I am a college teacher, so I am used to debate--even heated debate, and personal attacks. I don't mind these; the one thing unacceptable to me is anonymous attacks.

Please understand that I am in no way condemning this board or the managers who, I think, do an excellent job--possibly the best on the net. Chuck has worked very quickly to determine who the person was who left the remark, and has reprimanded that person. I just don't feel comfortable using this webboard now that I realize one can leave an anonymous attack.

The webboard is generally fun, educational, and often seriously informative and professional. I hope you will continue to enjoy it.

Thank you,
Benjamin Myers
Ben don't go!
Pleeeeeeeze! You helped me get through the IR, you're one of those people whose conversations help countless additional lurkers who may never post anything and whose names you may never know.
Don't let a Grinch or two ruin everything.

kath said:
Ben don't go!
Pleeeeeeeze! You helped me get through the IR, you're one of those people whose conversations help countless additional lurkers who may never post anything and whose names you may never know.
Don't let a Grinch or two ruin everything.


Ditto Ben, stay
That's ashame Ben, I've enjoyed your talking, etc.
I kinnda wondered about that unique, annonymous rep feature thinking, if comments have gotten out of hand on boards with posters' names available, that it could get into many more troubles with that rep system.
I'm also curious, can negative posts on the net be that big a deal? Obviously they are, I guess.
Annonymous writing isn't worth the cyberink it's printed with.
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The system is not as anonymous as folks think since Administrators can review comments. In this case, we weren't aware of the comment immediately until another thread called it to our attention. That's when Chuck dealt with it (mighty quick, I might add).

However, it's the policy of Pilots of America to keep disciplinary matters between the Management Council/Moderators and the user in question. That won't change. The user is aware of the situation (or will be when he/she next visits) and we will be monitoring him.

It got personal. We don't like that. I'm sorry Ben had to make this announcement and I sincerely hope he changes his mind. Whether he realizes it or not, I learned a lot from his pre-PPL posts on AOPA. His contributions far outweigh the immature ramblings of a user who hides behind Internet anonymity.
Ben, I hope you reconsider. I do understand your feeling, however. I have one anonymous rep comment that bugs me every time I see it. I've reconciled myself to ignoring it, especially in light of I'm the only one that does see it (I think).
I've thoroughly enjoyed your posts and discussions - thanks so much for your participation.
Ben does that mean no more internet period, because I don't think you'll find a place out there that this does not happen. It is a risk we all take when we use a computer. I deal with it by just never looking!
Ben, you really need to get a thicker skin. Why would you let someone who won't even sign their name chase you away from a place you enjoy. Heck, you should see some of the little love notes left on my rep by some of the fine anon folks here.

Reckon it's up to you, but you sure do seem to like talking away about planes, and you won't find a place on the net where you won't have the same issues you do here and on another board we both use, or used to use.

You have to do what you feel is best for you, Ben, but I'll miss you.

Wow, sorry to see ya go. Someone must really have it out for you. Had an ex stalk me once. Other than that, I guess I"m not that interesting! ;)

Best o luck!
Obviously there are some people in this world who shouldn't have graduated from Kindergarten. Ben, don't let these types of people chase you away. Your participation on these boards has always been enjoyable to read and I'll miss your contributions.

You've got to live your life. There are always idiots out there, but we only get one try at this life. Why let someone deny you something you enjoy?
kath said:
Ben don't go!
Ditto, Kath! I have learned so many things from the threads you've started and how they wound up being pages upon pages of knowledge and experience.

I truely hope you reconsider, but I understand the hard decision you have to make. Please don't go! :(

kath said:
Ben don't go!
Pleeeeeeeze! You helped me get through the IR, you're one of those people whose conversations help countless additional lurkers who may never post anything and whose names you may never know.
Don't let a Grinch or two ruin everything.


What she said. :yes:

Play fair. Be nice.
Joe Williams said:
Ben, you really need to get a thicker skin. Why would you let someone who won't even sign their name chase you away from a place you enjoy. Heck, you should see some of the little love notes left on my rep by some of the fine anon folks here.

Reckon it's up to you, but you sure do seem to like talking away about planes, and you won't find a place on the net where you won't have the same issues you do here and on another board we both use, or used to use.
Notable moment: Greebo and Joe agree on another issue. (It's not the first, but it's not common :) )

Joe's on the money here.

And Joe, if you've been getting hate Reps, do please let me know via PM.

The RoC covers ALL aspects of this forum's operation.
I get negative rep's all the time.

I'm pretty sure it's the same person, and I love the fact that I bother them to such an extent that they go through the effort of leaving an anonymous negative rep point.

I *love* the fact how they cannot say something directly to me, they hide and try to "hurt" me. All in all, they are simply wasting their time.. Because I laugh my ass off everytime they do it :)
speaking of rep points...I had one the other day that simply said.."Ich Liebe Dich." dunno what that means or who gave it to me. But it was green. So thank you whoever. :)
Ben, I too hope you reconsider!
Michael said:
speaking of rep points...I had one the other day that simply said.."Ich Liebe Dich." dunno what that means or who gave it to me. But it was green. So thank you whoever. :)

It means "I love you." Look out:eek:
Michael said:
speaking of rep points...I had one the other day that simply said.."Ich Liebe Dich." dunno what that means or who gave it to me. But it was green. So thank you whoever. :)
Ich liebe dich nicht! Ich liebe nur meiner Frau!
I don't know if this was that same idiot that was posting negatively about you - anonymously - on the red board, but the tacky, childishness of it was made clear to him/her (can't imagine a woman doing something stupid like this, though). Sorry to hear that some schmoe is at that, but heck, it happens - don't let the jerk run you away! Why would you want to give power to a jerk? Isn't he enough of a jerk already????

Stick around - your posts are appreciated, man.
Ben, I'm sorry you made the decision to say away. I like your posts--a lot. What I don't get though is you say the privacy issues are not POA related but you have decided to stay away from POA. However, you must do what is right by you. I'm sorry to see you go.

Oh yeah, I thought all rep points had to include the sender's name, that they were no longer allowed to be anonymous after that last row about 4 or 5 months ago.

Greebo or Brian, any chance of changing the anon policy?
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Reputation can't be given without a reason. That reason can't just be a personal attack, but it can be negative.

No, we will not change the invisibility of the rep givers. Honest criticism, when done constructively, not destructively, has its place, and anonymity helps foster that.

If the rep system should ever suffer too many abuses (and so far its been rare afaik), we'll simply remove it.
(Along with the people abusing it, so don't get any ideas. :) )
Thanks to all of you for your kind words. I understand all of your points, but I think there is something most of you are missing--this is NOT an isolated incident. "Thin skin" has nothing to do with it, and negativity doesn't bother me. Again, I deal with debate all the time, but that is with persons whom I either can see or whom I know. Anonymous attacks (plural) are unacceptable, and the only way to put a stop to them is to put my foot down.

The only other method as I see it is to adjust the program such that when a person leaves any kind of reputation, you see their screenname. (I believe PMs and posts are already covered here, and stars I don't care about because they aren't attacks, but merely ratings.) Anonymous attacks simply won't stop for anyone until the program is adjusted to prevent them.

I feel bad leaving this webboard, which I have always liked the best of them all. Sigh. . . .
Actually, I disagree, Ben.

Anonymous attacks via the reputation system will stop, because the users who insist on abusing the intent of the reputation system will be removed.

The MC has always looked at reputation as an experiment, myself included. If reputation fails (either because people use it as a sniping tool, or treat it like a game *cough cough*) we'll eliminate it.

But if we leave it in place, it will continue to allow honest feedback without forced identity revelation. Honest feedback, constructive criticism, those both have a place.

It happens that, with this latest event, the MC is discussing reputation again, because of how it was abused. Whether we keep it or not will not be based upon your decision to stay or leave.

That said, if you allow one person's negative opinion of you to drive you off - well - don't they win?
Michael said:
speaking of rep points...I had one the other day that simply said.."Ich Liebe Dich." dunno what that means or who gave it to me. But it was green. So thank you whoever. :)

it means I love you.
Ben, drop an email through my link, since I can no longer send one to you.
Greebo said:
Actually, I disagree, Ben.

Anonymous attacks via the reputation system will stop, because the users who insist on abusing the intent of the reputation system will be removed.

The MC has always looked at reputation as an experiment, myself included. If reputation fails (either because people use it as a sniping tool, or treat it like a game *cough cough*) we'll eliminate it.

But if we leave it in place, it will continue to allow honest feedback without forced identity revelation. Honest feedback, constructive criticism, those both have a place.

It happens that, with this latest event, the MC is discussing reputation again, because of how it was abused. Whether we keep it or not will not be based upon your decision to stay or leave.

That said, if you allow one person's negative opinion of you to drive you off - well - don't they win?

Chuck, is there any way you could make particpation in the rep system optional on a member by member basis? Those who opt out could have a unique rep symbol with a mouseover balloon that says "member choses not to particpate in the rep system" or something like that and attempts at giving/taking points would return a similar message. Not only would this be likely to satisfy anyone who dislikes the concept, but it would give you implicit feedback WRT the popularity of the feature.
wangmyers said:
Thanks to all of you for your kind words. I understand all of your points, but I think there is something most of you are missing--this is NOT an isolated incident. "Thin skin" has nothing to do with it, and negativity doesn't bother me. Again, I deal with debate all the time, but that is with persons whom I either can see or whom I know. Anonymous attacks (plural) are unacceptable, and the only way to put a stop to them is to put my foot down.

The only other method as I see it is to adjust the program such that when a person leaves any kind of reputation, you see their screenname. (I believe PMs and posts are already covered here, and stars I don't care about because they aren't attacks, but merely ratings.) Anonymous attacks simply won't stop for anyone until the program is adjusted to prevent them.

I feel bad leaving this webboard, which I have always liked the best of them all. Sigh. . . .

Like many others, I hate to see you depart and wish you'd reconsider. I can understand how such attacks would be sufficiently uncomfortable to make you want to avoid their source, but if I were you, I'd look for other ways to remove the unpleasantness. Perhaps you could simply refuse to examine any rep "reasons" good or bad, maybe Chuck could figure a way to keep them from ever reaching you. In any case under the circumstances as I perceive them (with some speculation) I believe that I would personally refuse to let the malicious rantings of someone else push me away.

Happy flying either way, Ben.
Sorry to see you leave Ben. I always looked forward to your probing aviation questions and your exploits during IFR training. It's a damned sorry state of affairs when the SOBs win. You leaving gives them another point.
I'm not trying to hijack the thread and pardon my ignorance but I'm relatively new to posting here....can someone please explain the rep thing to me and how one can find comments posted to/about them?
Thank you.
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kevin47881 said:
I'm not trying to hijack the thread and pardon my ignorance but I'm relatively new to posting here....can someone please explain the rep thing to me and how one can find comments posted to/about them?
Thank you.
You can see reputation related information in the User Control Panel (User CP link)