Good, cheap red


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 15, 2007
Upstate New York
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Geek on the Hill
No matter how bad things get, as long as you can get a decent red wine for less than $7.00 a bottle, life remains livable.

No matter how bad things get, as long as you can get a decent red wine for less than $7.00 a bottle, life remains livable.

Only, however, when you friends NAME the wine!:rolleyes:
Il Bastardo is my current favorite. Very nice Sangiovese. $6.49 / 750 ml.

2 buck chuck. Charles something...I dunno. I don't like wine, but it has alcohol and I understand that its pretty good.
2 buck chuck. Charles something...I dunno. I don't like wine, but it has alcohol and I understand that its pretty good.

Charles Shaw. Very good, actually, especially for the money. A bit hard to get in New York, though.

I just prefer Tuscans, especially Sangioveses. I can almost taste Toscany.

Il Bastardo is my current favorite. Very nice Sangiovese. $6.49 / 750 ml.


Rich I really really like Il Bastardo. I found it by accident at Canals in NJ and for the price ( less than your paying in NY) its is fantastic. One of my favorite inexpensive wines.
Table wine of choice around here is Menage a Trois Red. Website prices it at $12, but at the local liquor depot it goes for $6 - 8. Pretty commonly available...I've seen it at World Market, etc.
Charles Shaw. Very good, actually, especially for the money. A bit hard to get in New York, though.

Two Buck Chuck is NOT a good wine. It may be a good value for the money, but I would not classify it as a good is okay for a glass, maybe two, but you most definitely don't want to overdo it on that stuff. Very harsh hangover.
Concha y Toro ain't bad for around $7. If you can find Smoking Loon at that price, grab it.
I'm no connoissuer of wine, I just know that Ballatore Gran Spumante is goooooooood stuff.
Here in Chicago's Jewel Osco: Golden Gate (cabernet), for $4. It is by no means a "good wine," but a very passable table wine. It's a nice wine to drink on the roof... for $4.

p.s. Nick, I'm not sure that MD 20/20 passes as wine any more than 4Loko passes as beer. "Fortified wine beverage' versus "flavored malt beverage," college/bum hootch by any other name. If you must go the quick and dirty route for under ten bucks, please, just get a split of vodka and some orange juice. Unless you're homeless. In that case, MD 20/20 works, as does Thunderbird.
I've become a fan of Casarillo del Diablo. Usually about $10/bottle. Yummy.
No matter how bad things get, as long as you can get a decent red wine for less than $7.00 a bottle, life remains livable.


I used to get Marcus James Cab-Sauv for $6 a 2liter, my first intro to Argentinian wine, it really surprised me....
Charles Shaw. Very good, actually, especially for the money. A bit hard to get in New York, though.

Available at Trader Joe's. The problem is, there's no Trader Joe's in Denver. Whenever anyone heads toward one (KSAF for example), we always ask 'em if they'll pick up a case for us.

Charles Shaw typically buys the leftovers from some very good wineries and then creates annual "blends" from those leftovers and sells them dirt cheap. And it's usually very tasty.

Not as cheap, but very good... are the wines from the Chandelle winery. They have airplanes on the labels, and the winery is owned/operated by Hap Arnold's grandkids.

They'll also create custom labels if you like, so we order their bottles with the red/white 182 on the label and have a note "From the pilots of 79M" put on them, to give out as gifts to our first-time passengers.

You gotta love an aviation themed wine...
I make my own wine and brew my own beer. I'll buy wine and beer too, but not the really cheap stuff. My wife and I drink a bottle almost every Sunday evening while we watch a movie.
Gato Negro, Yellow Tail Shiraz, Red Bicyclette