+V is not something dreamed up my avionics vendors. See:
for a discussion of the vertical descent angle (VDA).
There were lots of discussions leading up to the VDA concept. It also led to more emphasis on the visual segment, whether it is 34:1 clear or, if not, whether it is 20:1 clear. If I were teaching this stuff these days I would place as much emphasis on the visual segment as the advisory nature of the VDA (+V). The VDA should clear final step-down fixes (SDF) where they exist, although the SDF is a barometric/regulatory floor.
The real hazard is below MDA, particularly at unfamiliar airports. Some pilots use the path vector (green donut) on Garmin avionics, to approximate a VDA on IAPs without +V. Done skillfully, this can be an aid on an IAP with straight-in minimums. But, an approach that is aligned with the runway, with circle to land only minimums, it can be a dangerous trap below MDA. A case in point is KRIR.