Glider Pilots - Marfa, when?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Who is coming? When? We need to go soaring, eat Pizza Foundation pizza, hang at the airport, gaze at west Texas skies.
Kiss my azz, I cannot come this time.

Adam, and I will be there Friday night. I don't know when Matt and Lois will get there. I'm really looking forward to next week.
Tony? Matt? et al?
Why not, Spike - how can we make this work? It's quite an event.
Something about my anniversary, marriage preservation, that sort of thing...
Now that Tony is gainfully employed, he won't be able to make it. Spike, the Hotel Paradiso would be a good place for your anniversary, and you could do the art thing :)
Yah, I can just imagine Celia's reaction to that...

...we're going to Marfa, and it's for ME? Oh, JOY!
I will be there with Pete Late Friday night, I may be leaving on Easter but now that I am no longer employed I may stay longer!

I'm driving down with my wife Lois and our dogs. We plan to get there Fri evening. I'm really looking forward to the Pizza Foundation and the company!

I'm sorry Tony isn't coming. I wish he had a plane so he could just fly down for the weekend.
yea im really going to be bummed that im not there. have fun guys :(
Hmmm. D'ya suppose they could use a tow pilot? Pete, how ya gettin' down there?
I am ready to go, I am about to paint some stripes on the side of the Blanik (I find it is much easier to get glider projects done at home when you dont have to go to work:wink2:). I am ready for a chicken, roasted red peppers, garlic, fetta, and white sauce pizza from the PIZZA FOUNDATION, After all, the pizza foundation pizza is Tony tested, and Matt approved!
you're making me hungry. and very very jealous
That'd make a funny T-shirt... who would be the perfect person to wear it? ;-)

Thought there would be a volunteer or two by now?

You guys have fun at Marfa. I hope you find nice wave. If so, be prepared to have a BLAST!

You guys have fun at Marfa. I hope you find nice wave. If so, be prepared to have a BLAST!

and if you do, please dont tell us. otherwise ill start bawling in a fit of jealousy.
Well Adam, and I just got here. We will report in later...
I will be in the vicinity by....2pmish - might see me doing a shakedown flight on a 210 first
Lois and I are waking up in Odessa, just seconds away from Marfa.

Don't give ME that Pizza Foundation shirt. I'll EAT it!
Lois and I are waking up in Odessa, just seconds away from Marfa.

Odessa, seconds away from Marfa?

Oh yeah. Texas seconds. Everything's bigger in Texas. :rofl:

"The sun did rise, the sun did set, and we ain't outta Texas yet!"
Hey Guys at Marfa,

Any flying yet? Or did you take a couple days to do the "tequila lube job" on your nerves in preparation for the week ahead? :goofy: If it has not already----Let the FUN begin!

i had a short, windy phone call from Pete today. He was recovering from helping assembly a BS-1 and was heading over to the flight line to help get people launched. I look forward to the reports.
Hey, Tony-

What is the model of the motor-assisted glider (retractable engine) at MRF?
Hey, Tony-

What is the model of the motor-assisted glider (retractable engine) at MRF?

I think the one you are talking about is the DG-1000 that Burt has. I has a sustainer engine. no self launch capability. sweet flying glider...
Thanks, AntoneLoc
It was a bit of a cool day today, things got underway a bit later today because of last night's weak cold front. I arrived around 3, to see launch after launch, two towplanes going full time - I think I heard someone say about 20 tows plus motorgliders. It was sweet to see the skies full of aircraft, gliders wheeling around, happy pilots and sightseers all around.
Afterwards, Pizza Foundation did us right with 8 Large pizzas, and I had to leave for work while everyone was yet again watching the National Soaring Championships(?) video!