Girls in the AirForce!


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
This is better without the original text.

An amazing USAF crew that any of us could be proud of and aspire to:

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I can personally attest to the fact that some of my early female students at the USAFA are currently Capt's on board C-5a, C-141, C-135, and C-130's. A couple are even flying fast movers now...

A full crew of women? So what! I have met a lot of women who can fly circles around some guys who think they are badass!

Go Girl (s)!
BTW here is what a C5 cockpit would look like (that was my tip off the photo was not what it was claimed to be.
I'm not seeing anything here![edit: I'm seeing it now!]

And, for the record, an entire crew of women wouldn't bother me in the least. I know that Leslie's a better pilot than I am, though maybe not more confident! :yes: Now whether that can be extended to women in general, I don't know.:dunno:
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Ummmm....stay tuned and you'll hear from the first female to fly a helicopter in the Army. When she was "dangerously" close to qualifying they told her she had to get a multi-IR in 60 days. So she did.
Of course the comment was fiction! It was a joke for sure!
Wasn't very funny and is sexist, it a variation on a very old joke to be sure. You also did not present this as a joke. Frankly I also did not why this story warranted being called news in the first place. Are we still that un-clued in about women that we think it cute or unique that they can do stuff like fly a plane? I have flown on commercial airliners where everyone up front is a women. Just does not seem like a big deal to me.

But the all-female crew, other than naming the wrong plane could be true.
I don't see anything in your link refuting it.

I did not refute the all female crew I put the proof in of what the picture really was. Did you read the caption of the article?

It is a KC135 crew doing the first all female crew air refueling over Afghanistan.
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A full crew of women? So what! I have met a lot of women who can fly circles around some guys who think they are badass!

I'm with you, Ric, it's about the capability and qualifications.

Anyone who doesn't believe that women can be awesome pilots needs to go watch Patty Wagstaff at one of her airshows. I've met her and seen her twice (even have an autographed poster of hers), and been impressed both times. The last time I saw her, her routine was absolutely incredible, and she was certainly flying circles around just about all of the others at the airshow (who were all men). Certainly the precision with which she executes maneuvers far exceeds any of the male pilots I've observed.

If I'm lucky (and practice a whole lot), one day I might be half as good. :)
Are we still that un-clued in about women that we think it cute or unique that they can do stuff like fly a plane?
Ha! With some folks, the answer is still "yes". I've gotten the, "Isn't-it-cute/amazing-that-you-are-able-to-fly-an-airplane" comments all my life, from both men and women. Of course the "cute" half of the comments have diminished since I have gotten older, but I digress. Most times people mean it as a compliment, but give me a break. If I was blind or brain-damaged it might be "amazing" but I am neither of those (I don't think). I'm just a pilot, not a "female pilot". I don't get into the whole male/female thing unless someone brings it up or I am joking about it. When I was younger the whole that whole "isn't that cute/amazing" thing would irritate me, but nowadays I just laugh about it. People mean well after all.
I'm with you, Ric, it's about the capability and qualifications.

Anyone who doesn't believe that women can be awesome pilots needs to go watch Patty Wagstaff at one of her airshows. I've met her and seen her twice (even have an autographed poster of hers), and been impressed both times. The last time I saw her, her routine was absolutely incredible, and she was certainly flying circles around just about all of the others at the airshow (who were all men). Certainly the precision with which she executes maneuvers far exceeds any of the male pilots I've observed.

If I'm lucky (and practice a whole lot), one day I might be half as good. :)

When I was younger (6th-7th grade), I read something about how women are naturally better equipped to be pilots. Something about faster reaction times and higher coordination. Neat stuff.

Of course, when I was 12-13, I wasn't about to admit that some girl could do something better than me! :)
I'm not bothered by the all female crew. I'm bothered by the "crew that all looks to be 12 years old" ... but that's happening more and more ... my doc looks younger than my kids, cops look like they ought to still be in high school...

"Hey, who's that old guy looking at me in my mirror?"
Of course, when I was 12-13, I wasn't about to admit that some girl could do something better than me!
12 year old boys have the most fragile egos. I was teaching a scuba class and I had a 12 year old boy in it who was little Mr. ADD man. He was always talking, running about, and disturbing the flow of the class. When we went out to the lake I had finally had it. Being that he was a 12 year old boy it was difficult to fit him with gear. I put him in the only wetsuit that fit him. When he started annoying the whole class and ME I pointed out in front of everyone that he was wearing a girl's wet suit. Shut him right up and he just kept grumbling about it the rest of the day.
I'm not bothered by the all female crew. I'm bothered by the "crew that all looks to be 12 years old" ... but that's happening more and more ... my doc looks younger than my kids, cops look like they ought to still be in high school...

"Hey, who's that old guy looking at me in my mirror?"

I noted to myself Wednesday night at Session (ruling body in a Presbyterian church) that this is the first time I can recall having a pastor who is younger than I am. And David isn't exactly a kid. Ouch. :eek:
I put a request in to management to have this thread removed as I certainly would never want to offend anyone - and being discriminatory in any way is the last thing I would want to be associated with.

Plenty of women pilots way better than me, or maybe any man for that matter - but that's not what this was about - it was intended as humor pure and simple. (Personally, I think we are so PC and hypersensitive these days, that this sort of thing happens too often.)

I thought it funny and not sexist, and I'm sorry I failed to anticipate that someone could possibly view it any other way, for that I apologize.
Moderators please delete thread.
Awe, Dave, I didn't think it was sexist - I thought it was funny, too.
I put a request in to management to have this thread removed as I certainly would never want to offend anyone - and being discriminatory in any way is the last thing I would want to be associated with.

Plenty of women pilots way better than me, or maybe any man for that matter - but that's not what this was about - it was intended as humor pure and simple. (Personally, I think we are so PC and hypersensitive these days, that this sort of thing happens too often.)

I thought it funny and not sexist, and I'm sorry I failed to anticipate that someone could possibly view it any other way, for that I apologize.
Moderators please delete thread.

I took it as entirely humorous, and not sexist in any way.
12 year old boys have the most fragile egos. I was teaching a scuba class and I had a 12 year old boy in it who was little Mr. ADD man. He was always talking, running about, and disturbing the flow of the class. When we went out to the lake I had finally had it. Being that he was a 12 year old boy it was difficult to fit him with gear. I put him in the only wetsuit that fit him. When he started annoying the whole class and ME I pointed out in front of everyone that he was wearing a girl's wet suit. Shut him right up and he just kept grumbling about it the rest of the day.

Hmm - poor little guy!
When I was younger (6th-7th grade), I read something about how women are naturally better equipped to be pilots. Something about faster reaction times and higher coordination. Neat stuff.

Neat indeed, although such studies never seem to be fair as they'll analyze one particular thing and then make a generalization. Still nifty. :)

Of course, when I was 12-13, I wasn't about to admit that some girl could do something better than me! :)

Funny, when I was 12-13 I had no self esteem, was consistently depressed, and had a whole host of other issues, but I never had any of the "Eww! You're a girl!" issues. Then again, from the time I was 3 up until about 10, my best friend was a girl, ad I've always had mostly female friends. Of course, back then I was convinced we were going to get married. How wrong I was! (thankfully!) :)

Wait a second, this still seems to happen to me. Those extra years haven't helped me one bit. :( thing you know, someone's gonna suggest that women can do all sorts of jobs, like (say) veterinarian!
If it's insulting, it would be insulting to old master sergeants, not female pilots.

Maybe it's just my age bracket, but I guess I assumed this was already happening and has been for a while though I guess having the coincidence of an all-female flight crew and and all-female enlisted contingent on a flight is worthy of a photo and a press release or magazine article.

And I don't think it is is necessarily "sexist" to admit that they are all extremely attractive, which just makes the press photo better :yes:

Funny, when I was 12-13 I had no self esteem, was consistently depressed, and had a whole host of other issues, but I never had any of the "Eww! You're a girl!" issues. Then again, from the time I was 3 up until about 10, my best friend was a girl, ad I've always had mostly female friends. Of course, back then I was convinced we were going to get married. How wrong I was! (thankfully!) :)


It wasn't so much "eww, it's a girl" with me as it was, "there is no possibility that there is anyone who can do something better than I can."

How quickly I was disabused of that notion - and, in all seriousness, I have college athletics to thank for that. It brought me as low as I've ever been my freshman year (we're talking serious depression), and also taught me that we are masters of our own fates. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to learn both lessons firsthand.
It wasn't so much "eww, it's a girl" with me as it was, "there is no possibility that there is anyone who can do something better than I can."

Sorry, I understood what you meant but obviously didn't convey that well. :) I was used to the concept of girls being able to do stuff as well as I could... my best friend could whoop me at just about any sports. Come to think of it, most of my female friends today still could whoop me at a good number - I'm not the most athletic person in the world.

How quickly I was disabused of that notion - and, in all seriousness, I have college athletics to thank for that. It brought me as low as I've ever been my freshman year (we're talking serious depression), and also taught me that we are masters of our own fates. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to learn both lessons firsthand.

Two valuable lessons! I learned the first one pretty early (although I'm still workin on internalizing it), the second one I also learned in college. Also learned how to work more than I ever thought I could or would - not school work, but doing full time school while also doing what amounted to close to a full time job, and having a girlfriend 750 miles away.
To remove this thread would just be another step towards embracing PC over humor. The "Box Office" joke is old, yes, but its still humorous.

Besides, if you think about it, its more of an "Haha, old people are funny" joke than a "Haha, crazy women think they're as good as men" joke.
Funny, when I was 12-13 I had no self esteem, was consistently depressed, and had a whole host of other issues, but I never had any of the "Eww! You're a girl!" issues.
When I was 12-13 I was always trying on one-up the boys in a playful sort of way. Hmmm, maybe I haven't changed so much. :)

As for the original post, I wasn't offended, I thought it was clever, but I have a warped sense of humor.
When I was 12-13 I was always trying on one-up the boys in a playful sort of way. Hmmm, maybe I haven't changed so much. :)

No, it doesn't seem you have. ;)

If nothing else, it'll be pretty hard for me to ever catch up to you in terms of number of hours flown. But I think we determined I have more time in an Aztec than you... and more twin time than Tristan until she spends another 6 minutes in the Dutchess. :)

I'd say you've got me permanently one-uped on the flying thing! :yes:
To remove this thread would just be another step towards embracing PC over humor. The "Box Office" joke is old, yes, but its still humorous.

Besides, if you think about it, its more of an "Haha, old people are funny" joke than a "Haha, crazy women think they're as good as men" joke.
I think the joke say more about the poster than it does about the 'girls' or old master sergeants. Keep in mind OLD MSgts are now about 40 years old and they have been working with women in the military for a long time. It was not even that big a deal back when I was on active duty. I was not offended by it either, but I also would not repeat it.

It just seemed more like the type of joke one would hear at a bar when a guy would blurt it out over his PBR and mouthful of beer nuts.
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No one is asking for the thread to be removed. You are the first one to bring it up.
Actually Dave did.
I think the joke say more about the poster than it does about the 'girls' or old master sergeants. Keep in mind OLD MSgts are now about 40 years old and they have been working with women in the military for a long time. It was not even that big a deal back when I was on active duty. I was not offended by it either, but I also would not repeat it.

It just seemed more like the type of joke one would hear at a bar when a guy would blurt it out over his PBR and mouthful of beer nuts.

As are 99% of the jokes in the "Friday joke day" thread. ;)
I put a request in to management to have this thread removed as I certainly would never want to offend anyone - and being discriminatory in any way is the last thing I would want to be associated with.

Plenty of women pilots way better than me, or maybe any man for that matter - but that's not what this was about - it was intended as humor pure and simple. (Personally, I think we are so PC and hypersensitive these days, that this sort of thing happens too often.)

I thought it funny and not sexist, and I'm sorry I failed to anticipate that someone could possibly view it any other way, for that I apologize.
Moderators please delete thread.

No one is asking for the thread to be removed. You are the first one to bring it up. I think the joke say more about the poster than it does about the 'girls' or old master sergeants. Keep in mind OLD MSgts are now about 40 years old and they have been working with women in the military for a long time. It was not even that big a deal back when I was on active duty. I was not offended by it either, but I also would not repeat it.

It just seemed more like the type of joke one would hear at a bar when a guy would blurt it out over his PBR and mouthful of beer nuts.

see above ...

btw, anyone drinking PBR ought not be trusted, regardless of age ... :)
see above ...

btw, anyone drinking PBR ought not be trusted, regardless of age ... :)
Yeah I missed Dave's post. You know what it is like, sorta like pointing out that someone made a mistake without looking to see that that post right above your already did that. ;);):D:D:D

But a serious question. Given the choice of $1.50 pitchers of PBR or Falstaff what do you choose?
Yeah I missed Dave's post. You know what it is like, sorta like pointing out that someone made a mistake without looking to see that that post right above your already did that. ;);):D:D:D

But a serious question. Given the choice of $1.50 pitchers of PBR or Falstaff what do you choose?

We have a bar that offers $0.75 PBRs on Thursdays. I've done it a few times. Girls look prettier after about $5 worth :D
Awe, Dave, I didn't think it was sexist - I thought it was funny, too.

FYI: Sexism; Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.
adj. & n.

It was sexist, what is not clear is if it was offensive. I don't think it was but then I have not been denied anything based on my gender. Well except being a Playboy bunny or a Hooters girl ;):D;)
Yeah I missed Dave's post. You know what it is like, sorta like pointing out that someone made a mistake without looking to see that that post right above your already did that. ;);):D:D:D

But a serious question. Given the choice of $1.50 pitchers of PBR or Falstaff what do you choose?
Yeah, but that post wasn't there when I started mine! "...challenges the call on the field!"

PBR or Falstaff? wow, tough choice. :dunno: No Hamms? :D I guess I would go for the PBR ... or just water ... ;)
see above ...

btw, anyone drinking PBR ought not be trusted, regardless of age ... :)

PBR is tasty.

PBR Light is delicious.

I only go to bars that serve one, the other, or both on tap. Cans/bottles are acceptable, but not preferred.

On top of all that, it is red, white, and blue. U-S-A! U-S-A!
Yeah I missed Dave's post. You know what it is like, sorta like pointing out that someone made a mistake without looking to see that that post right above your already did that. ;);):D:D:D

But a serious question. Given the choice of $1.50 pitchers of PBR or Falstaff what do you choose?

Shiner Bock, every time.


And trust us on this one, Scott: Dr. Dave is the antithesis of offensiveness, kind, caring and oh-so-sensitive (yet, without that irritating crying all the time thing). He is only mildly boorish if someone tries to offend Minnesota-crafted wooden-winged-wonders, and even then, he's informative.