Garmin G5 STC-ed for HSI

That shows a lot of forethought on their part. As much as I hate their prices on navigation products, they obviously really want to kill off some of their competition in the display products. Probably annoyed the heck out of them that lots of retrofits were Garmin Nav with Aspen displays front and center in six-pack panels.

That setup makes for a really nice replacement for gyros on a VFR only airplane. Add the DG version and you've eliminated everything but the TC gyro and all of the vacuum gyros. On a big panel like a 182, you could keep the vacuum gyros over on the right side as backups if you like. No more fussy backup vacuum system STC stuff either, but now redundancy is high.

The STC also requires existing CDIs cannot be connected navigation radios that the G5 is connected to. So those CDIs can be removed and sold to help recover costs.
So can a G5 replace my secondary cdi, which is now connected to a king radio, act as a backup ai and also switch to hsi mode when needed?

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So can a G5 replace my secondary cdi, which is now connected to a king radio, act as a backup ai and also switch to hsi mode when needed?

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Outside the scope of the STC. I thought about submitting field approval to use it as a replacement CDI but my autopilot runs off the analog CDI lateral signals so it gets a little gray to me.

G5 uses a CANBUS, which uses a separate data bus converter to turn the ARINC 429 signals from a GTN/GNS into CANBUS data or RS232 from GNC/SL30. I have not seen any way to hook analog stuff such as King to a G5.

I believe that Dynon D10A can do that but the data converter doesn't appear to be part of the STC approval.
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great news -- hopefully they add the ability for connectivity into an autopilot

from what i hear (from a couple of avionics shop), dont think thats happening .

but here is what i am thinking.... I have AI and DG connected to AP.. so i can get rid of TC, move the AI there. now if i want the 2nd G5.. how about get rid of one CDI (i have 2) and replace that with the G5? that way the only time i will play with the DG is when driving the AP and have the G5's for redundancy
from what i hear (from a couple of avionics shop), dont think thats happening .

but here is what i am thinking.... I have AI and DG connected to AP.. so i can get rid of TC, move the AI there. now if i want the 2nd G5.. how about get rid of one CDI (i have 2) and replace that with the G5? that way the only time i will play with the DG is when driving the AP and have the G5's for redundancy

The STC doesn't not allow replacing CDIs with it.

That being said, seems like a reasonable field approval.
The STC doesn't not allow replacing CDIs with it.

That being said, seems like a reasonable field approval.

well, not really replacing... i could be wrong, but do i have to have 2 CDIs? if yes.. well then i dont have much options. there is literally no other place on my panel
Even in the EXP realm the heads don't control each others servos. I'd be surprised if that ever came to pass.

I made the conscious decision to replace my servos with Dynon knowing I'm going to either upgrade to Skyview some day OR have to replace them with Garmin sevos if I go with G3.

But heck, neither of those things will happen for at least 5 years.
But heck, neither of those things will happen for at least 5 years.

That whole moving to another country thing is really messing with the important stuff like flying. Ha. They'd better pay you well enough so you can save up while there and blow a bunch of money on aviation when you get home.
Then what's the point of the HSI G5?

I think there is a bit of misunderstanding here,

The G5 installed as an HSI placed into the DG location -- Any radio that will display on the G5 absoluely must have its mechanical CDI REMOVED per the STC

That post was refering to installing a G5 in place of an existing "standby" CDI, as he already has a King HSI (that cannot be replaced with the G5) and a CDI that he wants to replace with the G5. STC only approves a certain and specific configuration and everyone is extrapolating what other instruments could physically be replaced by a G5, albiet not approved or necessarily approvable.

Over on BT there were owners interested in installating a G5 as a standby to an all glass equipped much newer aircraft and Garmin's respons was simply "NO!" this instrument was never certified to the HIRF requirements to be installed in that manner.
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