I decided when it passed at 01:30 AM on a cold windy night that I wasn't going to poke at the poo pile with a stick to find out.
A stool sample a couple days into the problem was full of hair. They didn't test the hair but the head Vet figured he ate a small rodent. The object on X-Ray looked about the size of a small skull. Other possibilities were the pelt of whatever he ate, balled up just right to make a round oval shape that didn't fit the small intestine very well.
(Greg joked tonight at dinner that if anything turned up missing in the house, I should go get that stick and see if it's out there. Ha!)
I know where the poo pile is on the property and still could go find out, but it kinda doesn't matter much.
Some dogs just eat things too big for their butts as the Vet joked. She has a number of patients who eat rocks.
A friend has a dog that does the strange behavior that's actually much more common than most folks know, eating underwear (or socks). The theory is they're trying to hide the scent of the person/den from predators, but it's a serious problem with some dogs.
Sammy has so far eaten his girlfriend's underwear about five times and underwear is no longer ever out where he can get at it in my friend's house. Kinda funny, the hampers all have bungee cords, and the underwear is kept in a high dresser drawer he can't open.
Our Vet's tech shared that they have one patient who has had so many surgeries to remove underwear from his stomach, that there's so many adhesions the dog can't have any more surgeries. The owner still hasn't gotten control of the household underwear and the dog has eaten three more pair and thrown them all up when administered ipecac. If he ever gets one caught again, he will have to be euthanized.
The nifty thing this week is we now know Dino's breed. A Vet tech knew of the breed and had previous patients of the type.
He's at least a significant amount of Large Münsterländer. Hunting dog.