Future of PoA

Far too much nonsense on Facebook in general (I don't care what people had for dinner, or how much effort they put into making their life look really super awesome on the internet). I spend WAY more time on POA, I might get on facebook once every couple months for about 1.5 minutes, am reminded of why I never get on FB, and go about my life. There is a lot of useful content on here, and smart experience pilots (as well as a few jackasses). I won't be going to FB over POA any time soon.

Full disclaimer, I still call for weather briefings and to file IFR flight plans, and prefer steam gages to glass...
Jeez. I’m on fb but don’t follow any aviation related sites. What’s even out there??
Heck, in 10 years the internet may have been replaced by the outernet. Who know what Al Gore will come up with next.
I'm on several FB enthusiast groups, including some airplane ones. FB is a great place to keep up with your distant relatives, friends you rarely talk to, and to share memes/cat pictures. It is a terrible platform to discuss anything technical in any kind of useful detail. Ever try to write out something that was longer than a couple sentences in FB or read a post from someone else who did? The only thing FB has going for it in these areas is that nearly everyone seems to be on it and people who would never bother to register at a forum or actually be social behind a monitor and keyboard will do so on their phone from the toilet.

I would rather get quality rather than quantity and that's what you get on web forums vs social media platforms.
I can’t stand reading Facebook. It’s a random bunch of crap people spew out of boredom. Same is true here, but it’s slightly less random.
This is the best place on the internet.
For some reason I suspect that those who liked your post missed the fact that it was dripping with sarcasm! :cool::rolleyes:

This place was a lot more fun before so many of the "lot more fun people" were run off. Including Bryan, whose post count here is a mere fraction of what it used to be and who is actually afraid to post some really funny sh*t here. So instead he posts over on Purple because panties aren't nearly as tightly wound over there.

If you haven't seen his "METARs for sarcastic pilots" and you're a member of Purple, then you really need to check it out. Funny, funny sh*t. Sadly, it likely would've earned him a vacation had he posted it here:


I mean really, a man can't even make a joke here about Trump and Tiger both boinking porn stars without earning a vacation. WTF?

And what's more ironic about that one even is that, within a week of me coming up with the joke, and getting a vacation for it, one of the mods sent me this:


"I came up with it first, dammit!!!!"

"Stick up the ass" moderation will likely kill this forum long before Facebook does.

I'm confident that the membership enjoys a little humor a lot more than they enjoy a particular member repeatedly starting threads just so he can get into arguments with folks. But maybe I'm wrong.

I'm sure I'll get a vacation for this post too.
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When Facebook is shut down and they are all arrested and sent to prison, POA will still be here because we have done nothing illegal. Immoral, maybe, but there is no crime called "being a D1ck43ad."

Hey, I can always hope. :D:p
Jeez. I’m on fb but don’t follow any aviation related sites. What’s even out there??
Quite a few. In addition to those which duplicate topical forums here like, aviator lounges or instrument flight discussions, there are type groups and groups made up of specific users, like air traffic controllers. Usual mixes of knowledge and crap. Not really that much different than what we saw when forums like POA first came into existence, other than the newer medium and new faces.

The best ones I see are local area groups which seem to cultivate the social aspects - get-togethers, ride sharing, etc.
No facebook here or any other social media app, but rarely read POA, either. I go to specific interest groups for specific interests. Use search for other interests.
I am in several FB groups ,but when I’m looking for info from other pilots and users ,you can’t beat POA.
I think it already has. If you see the FATPNW group (Flights Above the Pacific NorthWest) it's an incredibly supportive tight-nit (and yes, well moderated) group

FATPNW is a great group. However, I get tired of a lot of the other "stuff" people post on FB and have already "unfollowed" several people because of it. Too bad, they had some good stuff, but if I wanted some of their other posts there are other places to go to raise my blood pressure. It is good for keeping up on the grandkids, however.

I'm not leaving POA anytime soon. Too much like family.
POA, APC et al afford me a slightly higher degree of separation from my work acquaintances which are all on FB. I suppose it would be different if there was a way to contribute under an alias, but the stated purpose of FB for me is to merely stay in light contact with acquaintances and distant family which makes an alias a non starter.

Debating aviation content and industry criticism with a sarcastic jest for entertainment purposes does not lend itself well to the online format of Facebook. The latter is simply treated as official communication by my employer, and has caused me actual counseling in the past. So FB is lurk-only for me. The message boards allow the ability of making inputs with the plausible deniability needed not to catch grief at work, since the snitches and judases that are likely to cause me a hassle simply dont frequent the boards. It is what it is.
Funny, I belong to a few FB aviation groups, but never go there. I frequent here and Beechtalk. But mostly here. Just seems like a closer group here than the groups on FB.
Well, Facebook is all of a sudden promoting all the various Groups they have as their next big thing. They want to turn Facebook into the place people go for that kind of stuff... And they have a lot of money.
...Utilizing draconian measures to keep the minions in line will eventually backfire and reduce the membership to a far smaller set of like-minded (and narrow-minded) people....
To see what that's like, AOPA members can visit the forum there. Its a pale shadow of what it once was.

For any business or organization to be successful, the management has to truly believe that they exist to serve the customer...not the other way around.

Utilizing draconian measures to keep the minions in line will eventually backfire and reduce the membership to a far smaller set of like-minded (and narrow-minded) people. It is already headed there. And how boring would that be?

Maybe that's the goal. If it is, then great. Ban away...starting with me, please.

As I've said numerous times before though, "their site, their rules."
I'd imagine in 5-10 years PoA will be a shadow of itself almost entirely eclipsed by facebook groups with only nostalgics and those that refuse facebook staying here. It's not a bad thing, just my personal observation of where internet aviation discussions are going.

There won't be a book of faces and Zuckerberg will be in a slovenian prison for violating some european union data privacy decree.

What do y'all think the future of PoA looks like?

Bright like polished Alclad.
What’s Facebook? More and more folks are wiseing up to how creepy that site is.
Interesting question.

I’d have been more concerned had you posted the question a year or two ago.

Facebook has already jumped the shark, and tbh, really doesn’t meet the same needs as a board like PoA. You can’t choose what you want to see, and retrieving any older content is tedious (at best).

In addition, there’s the legitimate and growing concern about FB’s egregious privacy policies.

Bottom line: for folks more than trivially interested, there will be a place for forums like PoA for a good, long time.

Facebook is very tedious just for following a current conversation, never mind older material. The lack of even rudimentary threaded capability dooms Facebook as a serious medium for exchange of information. It is designed by the young and narcissistic as a platform for look-at-me-aren't-I-cool postings. It seems that Instagram has even peeled off some of that demographic.

For any business or organization to be successful, the management has to truly believe that they exist to serve the customer...not the other way around.

Utilizing draconian measures to keep the minions in line will eventually backfire and reduce the membership to a far smaller set of like-minded (and narrow-minded) people. It is already headed there. And how boring would that be?

Maybe that's the goal. If it is, then great. Ban away...starting with me, please.

As I've said numerous times before though, "their site, their rules."


For as loudly as you keep protesting about this... Why are you still here? :dunno:

Could it be that PoA is actually pretty cool, even if the MC doesn't do things the way each of us wants? You can't possibly please everyone, but they're doing a pretty good job with this particular horde of crazy pilots.
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Just like many others, I'm not here nearly as much as I used to be.

but to answer your question, I still come here mostly to stay abreast of the fly-ins. And to be a general annoyance, of course! :rolleyes:
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It's not a nice feeling, caring about a website that doesn't care about you back.

Like most breakups, you end up moving on.
With limited funds in my early retirement, I don't subscribe to the Facebook.

Since the rise and fall of Compuserve AVSIG (my first rodeo), voids have been filled. There will always be something, I will always find it, and you will all be there.
With limited funds in my early retirement, I don't subscribe to the Facebook....
I'm not a huge fan of Facebook, but to set the record straight, no funds are solicited from the users. They make money from ads and I don't know what else, but not from selling access to the site.
Just like many others, I'm not here nearly as much as I used to be.

but to answer your question, I still come here mostly to stay abreast of the fly-ins. And to be a general annoyance, of course! :rolleyes:
Are fly-ins not allowed to be discussed over there?
Facebook is very tedious just for following a current conversation, never mind older material. The lack of even rudimentary threaded capability dooms Facebook as a serious medium for exchange of information. It is designed by the young and narcissistic as a platform for look-at-me-aren't-I-cool postings. It seems that Instagram has even peeled off some of that demographic.

I don't see it as fb vs PoA. Here, you're talking with other pilots, mostly about aviation stuff and you can pick and choose with threads seem interesting that you might want to peek into or even join the conversation.

I use fb as a way to keep up with the day-to-day goings on of friends and acquaintances, some of whom I haven't seen since high school.
* I like seeing Jim in the pool with his wife and grandkids. Who'd have thought he'd have a pool? He was a good friend who dropped out of school in the 10th grade to drive a dump truck, but now owns a large development company in St. Louis.
* Samantha and I worked together a few years ago and suffered from anxiety disorder. She's moved on, and I feel good every time I see her post something. She's finishing her MBA now, has a great job, and is still smoking hot. Without fb we'd have never talked again when she left. Oddly enough, I'd have also never known she was friends with my wife through another connection.
* There are people who can't post anything if it's not political and I'm quick to block them. An occasional opinion, sure, but there's so much more to life.
guess you're not part of the plethora of FB aviation groups that post the same stuff as here?
I like facebook unless something newsworthy has happened.
Just like every armature NTSB reporter, it seems everyone presumes to have all of the facts and know the answer to everything because they connected the dots between facebook memes.

I think the whole sharing feature of social media has removed a lot of original / critical thought.