From the Cockpit by Tex Atkinson


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
A relatively short book, with two sections of B&W pics (some equipment, mostly people) dealing with the life of a Texas native who became a marine aviator in the post WWII lull. Atkinson describes learning to fly various large radial engine marine aircraft, becoming carrier-qualified, flying off wooden decked ships, and then several deployments.... and the details of each. Many of the stories are not chronological, its one of those books that zings to the future then back again. Provides a good insight into the hell that war is, the daily sacrifices our military suffered. Many poignant vignettes of his personal experiences, several great descriptions of the characters in his life. This book helped fill a gap in my history knowledge. 3.5/5